Microdermabrasion striping


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Apr 2, 2016
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I have been performing microdermabrasion for quite a few months now and have had lots of very satisfied customers all seeing good improvements. However recently I treated a friend who I had previously treated without issues and this time she had a bad reaction to it. The following day her skin was still red and it has striping where I had moved the hand piece over her face. This is really upsetting me as I can't understand why it has happened when I haven't done anything differently. It was her time of the month and she had been under the weather s few days before but I wouldn't have expected that to make such a difference? Also the redness and dryness has subsided but the striping is still faintly visible 5 days later. What can I advise her?
I have been performing microdermabrasion for quite a few months now and have had lots of very satisfied customers all seeing good improvements. However recently I treated a friend who I had previously treated without issues and this time she had a bad reaction to it. The following day her skin was still red and it has striping where I had moved the hand piece over her face. This is really upsetting me as I can't understand why it has happened when I haven't done anything differently. It was her time of the month and she had been under the weather s few days before but I wouldn't have expected that to make such a difference? Also the redness and dryness has subsided but the striping is still faintly visible 5 days later. What can I advise her?

Sounds like you might have had the pressure too high? Usually if the skin is marked its because the suction is too strong and it damages/bruises. Maybe her skin was more delicate I know my skin is super sensitive around time of the month and even manual exfoliation irritates me and it does go a lot dryer for some reason even though people usually suffer with oiliness. But again if the machine was on a too high setting this could cause some dryness I think, that and not treating the skin afterwards. Similar to how we don't advise waxing around that time because the skin is more sensitive and you're more sensitive to pain I would lessen the pressure on the machine. I don't really know what to advise other than drink lots of water, be kind to the skin (make sure she doesn't try and exfoliate to get rid of dryness) and moisturise lots with calming products :)

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