nonsense spouted about parabens, formaldehydes & their ilk.
So what is nonsense? please explain what you classify as ilk?
No matter what you think ...... most people would prefer to wash, cleanse their skin with a botanical from a plant nourished by the earth, water and sun, rather than a derivative of fossilised dead animals and plant matter buried beneath the ground for centuries, before being brought to the surface as some black earth sputum we call petroleum, petrol, diesel, turpentine, crude oil, black coal, (or as in the Beverly Hillbillies would say) ...."Texas Tea", refined, then sold as a cosmetic to very cheaply replace, shall we say a slightly more expensive, but more beneficial and far more luxurious sounding botanical product.
Perhaps it's up to the educated individual to make a choice.
But no one seems to want to tell the client what Mineral Oil really is, or what it's made from.
Just one of the rules I go by, if you wouldn't eat it, then don't put it on your face........ But that's just me.
Don't Decleor pride themselves on no mineral oil and no preservatives, as do many other premium brands? Why even mention this, if these things are not important.....? and in fact a vital selling point that sets these products apart from other brands.