Minx and swimming pools


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Jul 7, 2010
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One of my customers wants her toenails minxing and as i've only just really started out with Minx i'm not sure whether they will stay on - she goes swimming in a hotel indoor pool three times a week, does anyone know if this will affect the minx?

thanks in advance for any replies xx:)
Minx doesnt get affected by water or chlorine. It is heat that activates the adhesion and allows it to be pulled off. So it needs both heat and a helping hand to come off easily.

Thats why its so popular pre holidays
It wont budge!!! I find the ONLY thing that will chip minx is if someone stands on the clients toe when out clubbing or something like that, it takes alot to move it, when I apply it I feel like it went on so easily, it would come off so easily if you see what I mean? But clients come back weeks later with it grown out on their toes and cant believe how it lasts, best nail service ever I reacon XXX
I am fairly new to Minx but one of my clients had some minx earlier this year on her toes by another salon - she went to the Canaries and the temps were in the 30-40's and they peeled straight off - I am a bit weary of doing them for holidays because of this and do tell my clients if having them for holidays to take some polish with them as they might end up with bare toes, or I do prefer to do gels or shellac for holidays and do Minx for special occassions or just the summer here - but reading this I wonder if they would stay on? did a lady with trendy wraps on Tuesday and she has gone to Dubai for a week so I will see when she gets back how long they lasted!:zzz:
I am fairly new to Minx but one of my clients had some minx earlier this year on her toes by another salon - she went to the Canaries and the temps were in the 30-40's and they peeled straight off - I am a bit weary of doing them for holidays because of this and do tell my clients if having them for holidays to take some polish with them as they might end up with bare toes, or I do prefer to do gels or shellac for holidays and do Minx for special occassions or just the summer here - but reading this I wonder if they would stay on? did a lady with trendy wraps on Tuesday and she has gone to Dubai for a week so I will see when she gets back how long they lasted!:zzz:

If the client pulled them off they will remove easily when heated! Best thing is tell them never to touch them Never!!!
My clients know I will know when they have picked so they don't lie anymore lol
I have done quite a few minx toes for peoples holidays and all the feed back been good. people in and out of pools etc. No peeling nails. I advise my clients that if they bit sweaty and start to see minx coming up at edge just to smooth down and then leave. this seems to be working. Hope this helps. xxx
cool thanks for all the repiles, I will go ahead and minx wih confidence :)
I live in the sun and I am in the pool every day and my Minx stay on for weeks and weeks. They don't curl, they don't peel off nothing. BUT if I wanted to peel them off I could do it. Just tell them not to touch at all and they will be fine.

Why don't clients do as they are frickin well told??? And then they come and say they just peeled off !! You know what I say?? "No they didn't .. you peeled them off" and then they go all sheepish and admit that that is exactly what they did .. of course once they have peeled one off, they peel off the lot! Human nature. Seems it is human nature to fiddle too. Don't put up with the BS ladies. Face your clients head on ... its 40º here in spain too and my Minx don't just curl up and die!!! :lol: Not on my fingernails either!! I get a good two weeks and then I'm sick to death of looking at the same thing so I take them off.

It's Shellac on my fingernails now .. I never get tired of looking at that!!
Just make sure you apply them on dry toes, that you check each toe , re-heat them, let the client to approve your work - basicaly cover your back. Then give them plenty of advice as not to pick, peel or play with toes, especialy after being in hot baths and when the foil can get softer. Normaly you shoulnt have a problem. My toes lasted 5-6 weeks, even after I trimmed them! And that was while on holiday on the beach.
I too live in Spain and my clients have never had any problems with pools or sea water. I also have my own toes minx'd all the time and I've put it thru some rigorous testing I can tell you! I'm not in the least bit 'careful' with mine and nothing seems to shift it...:)
Yes it does i had 2 customers whos Minx came off after a day in the pool.
Yes it does i had 2 customers whos Minx came off after a day in the pool.

You had 2 clients whose Minx THEY say came off n the Pool?? :lol:
We do hundreds of Minx and no one has ever said they came off in the pool. So I wonder what could be the difference in your clients and the ones in Moraira and the thousands of others that go away on holiday and come home with perfect Minx.... maybe the application??? Perhaps you should take a look at that.

Minx are not affected at all by swimming pools, the sea or the bathtub or shower ... Look at your clients or your application if YOUR clients are having issues.
I went to Dubai in May with Minx on, it was in the 40's & I was in and out the pool just to stay cool, my Minx was unaffected. I have just returned from the Algarve where it has been in the 30's & even though my Minx was 5 weeks old at the start of my holiday and I was on the beach and in the sea every day it never budged. After 7 weeks of wear it was a night out on Saturday with stupid shoes that crucified my feet & the Minx on my 2 little toes on each foot crumpled. For me Minx require no special care and once they are on they stay till i remove them and even then they don't come away without a some effort.

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