Minx copies that are cheaper?


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Lisa tell me where do you work and what price do they charge? Tell me another mobile hairdresser that is offering another service with nail art for £20?!

I am quite the private person Craig, hence lack of profile pic, so I do not wish to tell u where. But I will say I own a salon where the rates and rents are the highest than the rest of Cardiff and yet my prices are cheaper than yours and the surrounding salons ( and I'm talking about ALL ur prices not just the lynx) Not meaning to change the subject here but I have read the whole thread to this and I feel u express so much about the cheaper option, whilst the geek is taking their time to work out the costing for u and u have no respect for others who have been in this industry a lot longer than u.
I am quite the private person Craig, hence lack of profile pic, so I do not wish to tell u where. But I will say I own a salon where the rates and rents are the highest than the rest of Cardiff and yet my prices are cheaper than yours and the surrounding salons ( and I'm talking about ALL ur prices not just the lynx) Not meaning to change the subject here but I have read the whole thread to this and I feel u express so much about the cheaper option, whilst the geek is taking their time to work out the costing for u and u have no respect for others who have been in this industry a lot longer than u.

Lisa i don't care if your prices are cheaper!!! You can always find somewhere cheaper.. Sometimes you do get what you say for.. Every yr i invest hundreds into training and updating my skills. I think you have no right getting personal and discussing other geeks prices.. Are you going to compare your prices to vidal sassoon because i know there properly higher than you.. But Im sure you can offer a better service for a cheaper price :)
Been reading this thread with interest so thought I might add my views. First of all there is no doubt that Minx lead the field in Nail Wraps and such the trend was set, however what they didn't do is get exclusivity on the raw materials they use i.e. the unprinted adhesive foil, the vinyl, the laminate etc etc such that other companies have been able to buy exactly the same material to make a product that is of the same quality, not called Minx but hey! we live in a society of a free marketplace so why shouldn't other companies do that and give the buyers of those products more choice? As for selling them to everyone and not just professionals, I've said it on here before and I will repeat myself when I say that anyone can go and buy a file and bottle of nail varnish but it doesn't stop people from going into a salon for a file and polish because some people like the salon experience and the better quality finish that a therapist or nail technician can give! As for ordering quantities, some people on here have already said that they don't have the budget or facility to buy in bulk or even more than 1 set at a time. . Why are they been berated for this?? Choices are available to us all and no one should try to bully another into thinking like they do, buy like they do, work like they do. As for other wraps being worn by famous people well all I can say is now that there are other wraps on the market how are you all so sure that they are really Minx??? Could it be that those wraps the UK stars are wearing are from another company. I think so!!

Great post :) i agree
Are you for real?
Minx received its Patent as I previously posted on this thread. So how can it be the same????
Just Like Coka Cola got theirs decades ago, but you don't see Pepsi marketing their soft drink as : "just like Coca Cola only cheaper".

As for A listers wearing Minx or not the best one to ask is Marian Newman, she does a lot of A listers as does Liza Smith, as does Sophy Robson.

I still go by what I said before, getting an advertising and promo ride for a copy product on the merits of the real thing, is liking it to knock off!!!!!
Minx received its Patent as I previously posted on this thread. So how can it be the same????
Just Like Coka Cola got theirs decades ago, but you don't see Pepsi marketing their soft drink as : "just like Coca Cola only cheaper".

As for A listers wearing Minx or not the best one to ask is Marian Newman, she does a lot of A listers as does Liza Smith, as does Sophy Robson.

I still go by what I said before, getting an advertising and promo ride for a copy product on the merits of the real thing, is liking it to knock off!!!!!
Yep Minx just got their patent which is exactly why other companies could use exactly the same raw materials for exactly the same job as Minx because it took them so long to get their patent.
Just a question. . if one salon opens up on a high street and everyone in the neighbourhood enjoys going there, people talk about itt and word gets round how lovely a salon experience is then another opens up and some people choose that one, does that make the second salon a 'knock off'? Same rule apply with products on the market!
Only if that salon markets themselves as : The same as xyz salon, but only cheaper.... how ethical would that be????? What would that say about the newly opened salon?
But what if it was the same as XYZ but cheaper?? Wouldn't that be good for people to know that just walking 2 mins down the road the would get an equally good service but at less cost. . Isn't that why salons often have price list in their windows to display that they are cheaper or competitive in price??
You have now had 2 people work out the costings for you to demonstrate that undercutting on a cheaper service is not cost effective, but it seems to go right past you.

You make claims, but don't back them up. I asked where you purchased Minx from, you don't answer (as far as I can see you haven't ever purchased Minx).

There hasn't been any bullying, just people putting forward facts with clear numbers and saying "use what you want, but don't short change yourself" and you carry on like they weren't speaking to you.

TBH, it just seems like you're on here to get your kicks by trying to wind people up by creating a storm in a tea cup.

Use what you want, charge what you want (swear I've said that 15 times this thread). Just don't try to con others into thinking there is some mystical savings when its been pointed out numerous times that the savings is minimal and actually non existent based on your charging structure. You in fact are losing money based on the information you provided.

This is a professional forum for professionals. Lets treat it that way.
Minx received its Patent as I previously posted on this thread. So how can it be the same????
Just Like Coka Cola got theirs decades ago, but you don't see Pepsi marketing their soft drink as : "just like Coca Cola only cheaper".

As for A listers wearing Minx or not the best one to ask is Marian Newman, she does a lot of A listers as does Liza Smith, as does Sophy Robson.

I still go by what I said before, getting an advertising and promo ride for a copy product on the merits of the real thing, is liking it to knock off!!!!!

so if minx has it's patent how do the other "copycat" companys stand? Will this affect their materials? Design etc??
Yep Minx just got their patent which is exactly why other companies could use exactly the same raw materials for exactly the same job as Minx because it took them so long to get their patent.
Just a question. . if one salon opens up on a high street and everyone in the neighbourhood enjoys going there, people talk about itt and word gets round how lovely a salon experience is then another opens up and some people choose that one, does that make the second salon a 'knock off'? Same rule apply with products on the market!
What? They have a patent so not sure what you are talking about. To my knowledge, there are no other products duplicating Minx manufacturing process.
Ok, Mrs Geek is now home and I am about to call it a night. But before I do, I think I'll bring out the padlock on this discussion as its more than run its course.

The bottom line is that there are savings to be had with imitation brands. The real question professionals must ask themselves is "how much is the savings and how does it affect my business?".

There isn't a right or wrong answer, just some that are better informed. Get informed, and make the decision for yourself.

You can read more here: False Profits | samuelsweet

Good hunting ;)
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