Minx copies that are cheaper?


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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
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West Midlands
hi does anyone know of a similar but cheaper version of minx please
There are lots of different nail wraps.

The ones that I have tried that I find similar in thickness to Minx are Lynx and Kooky.

There is also Trendy nail wraps but I found these are thicker and not quite as easy to mould to the nail although they still last well and have lots of nice designs.

I believe there are also some called Blinx, Spank, Serenity, Dazzle & SphinX but I've not used any those makes so can't comment on the thickness of any of them.
I have heard the Kooky nail wraps are similar to Minx but it is Minx that people ask for. I do both Minx and Trendy Wraps at the moment and have to be careful that customers know which one they have (depending on choice of design) as you can't pass one off as the other!! xx
My Minx are one price and all other wraps I offer are bit cheaper so that there is no chance of clients getting mixed up.

I use a photogaph album depending on which way it's opened you have Minx at one end then all other wraps at the other end of the book. Minx is on it's labeld sheet and all other wraps are just the design on the sheet.
blinx, lynx, sphinx :rolleyes:
Minx is the one people ask for, Its the original and i honestly think my clients would laugh at me pulling out a cheap alternative- as they are quite blatent copies- if they werent trying to ride on the back of the minx success they would have their own unique names- why have one that really does sound like a cheap knock off? They would not appeal to my clients- none of my clients would walk around with a pucci handbag :lol:

Why not go with the original that people ask for by name and charge A decent price for them? There's plenty of room for profit if you charge as you should do.

(I'm not on commission, I just genuinely love minx! :lol:)
blinx, lynx, sphinx :rolleyes:
Minx is the one people ask for,
People here dont ask for Minx - it's still unknown and the first encounter they have with any wraps is usually seeing my toes.

Its the original and i honestly think my clients would laugh at me pulling out a cheap alternative - as they are quite blatent copies-
The names of these other wraps are not important - the quality is. I dont tell my clients the names of my other wraps they just know they are a cheaper option.

if they werent trying to ride on the back of the minx success they would have their own unique names- why have one that really does sound like a cheap knock off?
Would you say the same about supermarket or shop own brands of things? It's a world where competition can be used to our benefit and I dont see any reason why there shouldn't be a choice of where to buy things. I have tested the wraps that I use and I find them to be of equal quality - they last as long are as easy to apply and look the same as Minx when on, so I offer this as an extra choice to my clients and see no problem at all with doing so.

They would not appeal to my clients- none of my clients would walk around with a pucci handbag :lol:
If a pucci handbag looked the same and was of the same quality but cheaper then I'm sure your clients would walk around with one. There is plenty of copies out there that look the part and are hard to tell from the origianal.

Why not go with the original that people ask for by name and charge A decent price for them? There's plenty of room for profit if you charge as you should do.
My clients know I have Minx and other wraps as long as the client knows what they are getting - Minx or another namless wrap - and they are happy with the service they get then why shouldn't I use a cheaper wrap and pass that saving on to them.

(I'm not on commission, I just genuinely love minx! :lol:)

I always tell my clients about Minx and the huge range of designs they have available and that they last for weeks and weeks on toes etc etc.. then I say my price and that usaually leaves them in shock so I tell them I also offer other similar wraps and they are cheaper and I say the price for those. Usually people still think this price is high.

I do still get clients that want Minx because they choose a design that isn't yet available from the other wraps but if they see the same design or very similar in the cheaper wrap they will usually go with the cheaper one - as would I.
blinx, lynx, sphinx :rolleyes:
Minx is the one people ask for, Its the original and i honestly think my clients would laugh at me pulling out a cheap alternative- as they are quite blatent copies- if they werent trying to ride on the back of the minx success they would have their own unique names- why have one that really does sound like a cheap knock off? They would not appeal to my clients- none of my clients would walk around with a pucci handbag :lol:

Why not go with the original that people ask for by name and charge A decent price for them? There's plenty of room for profit if you charge as you should do.

(I'm not on commission, I just genuinely love minx! :lol:)
Heres the strange thing!! Pucci is just as expensive and just as good quality as gucci. . both italian and both just as good. . the same can be said for brands of nail foils. Yes people jumped on the trend but surely just because someone set the trend doesn't mean they own the right to the total marketplace!! Competition and choice is surely good for therapists and clients alike!!
Heres the strange thing!! Pucci is just as expensive and just as good quality as gucci. . both italian and both just as good. . the same can be said for brands of nail foils. Yes people jumped on the trend but surely just because someone set the trend doesn't mean they own the right to the total marketplace!! Competition and choice is surely good for therapists and clients alike!!

Lynx nails all the way!!! Amazing product
Pucci and Gucci is not a good analogy. They are both very individual and Pucci is definitely NOT a copy of Gucci!

I can understand the argument about trend setters to a point but why settle for a copy when the original and best is so accessible?? So a designer dress is £1000 and a high street copy is £100. The original is inaccessible to many and the quality difference immense, but understandable.

Minx is the original, higher quality and hardly any different in price. Why are people so quick to accept the imitators when the innovators are accessible and affordable?
there is a lady I have seen online who sells "Minx" nail sheets for £*****"trade" price. they are actually TNR out of the packaging etc and people are still buying to do at home. Minx carries it's name and brand well - those who have heard of it instantly think quality and a good, reliable and relatively high end product because of the celebs they see wearing it.

I do agree though that provided the wrap is of good quality, offers ease of application and holds it's own for the service the client requests then it shouldn't matter what it is as long as your price reflects etc ( and I own a Pucci handbag I wish it was a cheap copy of another brand haha ) ;)
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Pucci and Gucci is not a good analogy. They are both very individual and Pucci is definitely NOT a copy of Gucci!

I can understand the argument about trend setters to a point but why settle for a copy when the original and best is so accessible?? So a designer dress is £1000 and a high street copy is £100. The original is inaccessible to many and the quality difference immense, but understandable.

Minx is the original, higher quality and hardly any different in price. Why are people so quick to accept the imitators when the innovators are accessible and affordable?
Also Minx is sold exclusively to professionals ... I personally appreciate that and wouldn't touch anything that wasn't and can't really see the point ... But then I suppose the word professionals says it all really.
Geeg ( missed you :) ) - do you feel that as professionals offering a service we are better to offer a choice to clients. You can offer various ranges of polish, a choice of gel manicure brands etc but at present, Minx is the only pro brand available ( been gone a while so could be wrong ? ) Would the other companies put themselves in better stead if they offered to professionals only do you feel? I think they may from a business point of view as they probably lose more from qualified techs than they gain from DIY people making a mess of them via direct purchase?
Also Minx is sold exclusively to professionals ... I personally appreciate that and wouldn't touch anything that wasn't and can't really see the point ... But then I suppose the word professionals says it all really.

Nah it use to be sold to just professionals anyone can get hold of it now. I seen a website earlier.where public could buy them at the same price as sweet squared
To put it very simply and not to get into anything here on this forum I would make this comment.

I've been in the Nail business a long time and i can tell you categorically that, The innovators of new products are the people with the true passion for what they have Created .. Business is important of course, but they have the love for what they do, and they put everything they've got into it.

The ones who jump on the band wagon, copy designs, take advantage of all the hard work that has been put in by the originators, do it solely from a motive of profit off other people's ideas. That is why they sell to anyone. I know who I'd like to get my hard earned money.

I see techs go nuts because 'pros' sell on eBay etc and then, they seem to not care if they are buying from those who will sell just as happily to their customers as to themselves!! Crazy!

Personally, I think Minx is just too classy for Words. The designs are superb, especially the new ones where real artists have had a hand in designing them .. Very high end and perhaps not as appealing to others who like ... What they like lol. I know what I like. Minx thankfully goes across the board with something for everyone. I appreciate the whole professional concept of Minx, from the lamp to the files, badges, marketing materials, everything not to mention the
E Amount of celebrity endorsement and love for the brand. Original is usually best is a true saying.

S2 have been selling Minx for 3 years now and were innovators with this product in the UK. They immediately spotted the potential of the Minx brand and what it could do for their customers' business and my goodness it certainly has been the making for so many.
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We use Minx and Minx alone. The price is low enough to make a fair profit.
What I find unbelievable is that Minx is the innovator, it was the first out there to give us nail armor.... every thing else is adversing itself as "oh look at us, we are just like Minx". Just look at the names most of them, seem to have the same sound and ending in X lol....... why is that? Is it because Minx is the best and they want to be like it, or is it lazy advertising????

If a competitors product is so fab, why then use Minx as the tag line? Why say this is just like Minx. Why not advertise it as what it is??? Why use the phrasing oh its the same as Minx but its cheaper???? Is it really the same????

I agree with Marian, we are not talking designer prices, we are talking a few pounds difference and a huge difference in quality. Everything else on the market is a copy of the Minx innovation.

If I park my skateboard in a porsche show room, does that make my skateboard a porsche???? Well its got wheels and thats about as close as it would get.

Now these are just my views and may not represent other people views.
oh dear I'm sorry, pucci was not a good analogy- I didnt realise pucci was ACTUALLY a make! I just picked a random letter to put in front of it :o

My main point was that here at least, people do know the name minx, or often if they've looked up the nail wraps many celebs are wearing its minx they find and minx they want.
I know name isnt necessarily important but if I was to bring out my own range of nail wraps I would pick my own individual name- not one that sounded like the brand leader.
To me, the ones with similar names come across as sounding like cheaper copies- whether they are or not. I know this is the case with many of my clients too as only the other day someone sent me a link to a different nail wrap brand in jest, because it was (in her words) a cheap copy of minx.

As for supermarket own brand, well yes, in most cases I would say they are the cheap versions of more expensive original products- e.g wheatabix/ value wheat biscuits- no comparison in quality (I know for a fact as I tried cheap once, and once only!).
Minx is the innovator, it was the first out there to give us nail armor.... every thing else is adversing itself as "oh look at us, we are just like Minx". Just look at the names most of them, seem to have the same sound and ending in X lol....... why is that? Is it because Minx is the best and they want to be like it, or is it lazy advertising????

If a competitors product is so fab, why then use Minx as the tag line? Why say this is just like Minx. Why not advertise it as what it is??? Why use the phrasing oh its the same as Minx but its cheaper???? Is it really the same????

That is exactly what I was (albeit clearly very poorly!) trying to get at regarding names Ruth, thankyou, you get me!
Cheaper doesn't always mean smarter. In fact, it also doesn't always mean less expensive. Cheaper can be a false economy.

In fact, just the other day I saw someone charging less for a knock off (I guess because it costs less per sheet). Minx: £20, Knockoff £15.

However a quick calculator will shed some woeage on that one:

Sheet divided by number of "items" on each sheet multiplied by 10 will give you an average (conservative) cost per application.

When you compare Minx v. average knock off, the most I have ever seen is ~£1.20 savings per application (and I have actually seen knock offs coming out more expensive).

Was this tech passing on the £1.20 savings? No. She was actually charging £5 less for the service that cost the same amount of her time, effectively netting her a loss of £3.80 by doing the imitation service.

Sort of silly I thought.

"M'Oreal. 'Cause you're not worth the L". ;)
oh dear I'm sorry, pucci was not a good analogy- I didnt realise pucci was ACTUALLY a make! I just picked a random letter to put in front of it :o

My main point was that here at least, people do know the name minx, or often if they've looked up the nail wraps many celebs are wearing its minx they find and minx they want.
I know name isnt necessarily important but if I was to bring out my own range of nail wraps I would pick my own individual name- not one that sounded like the brand leader.
To me, the ones with similar names come across as sounding like cheaper copies- whether they are or not. I know this is the case with many of my clients too as only the other day someone sent me a link to a different nail wrap brand in jest, because it was (in her words) a cheap copy of minx.

As for supermarket own brand, well yes, in most cases I would say they are the cheap versions of more expensive original products- e.g wheatabix/ value wheat biscuits- no comparison in quality (I know for a fact as I tried cheap once, and once only!).

lol i made the same mistake once - not good!!

I agree that there are always going to be certain things that you should not get "cheap" versions of if you want quality - toilet roll, coffee, washing up liquid and Minx to name a few ;)
Nah it use to be sold to just professionals anyone can get hold of it now. I seen a website earlier.where public could buy them at the same price as sweet squared

If you like to buy knocked off goods or illegally obtained items from unscrupulous people then I'm sure you will find anything if you are willing to waste time looking.

The fact is that Minx are sold exclusively by the licensed distributors to professionalS and to no one else. Anywhere else you may have found what may or may not be Minx are not selling with the permission of Minx but on the black Market. I really don't think real salon customers spend their time in searching out black Market sites. But they can come here to Salongeek and get the details of any other knock offs and go direct to the suppliers and buy at the same price as non nail professionals like yourself do.
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