MINX nails for children????


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May 25, 2005
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morning ladies

Im thinking of adding minx nails to my list of childrens pamper party packages i offer for the summer holiday..

but im not sure how much to charge for children,could you please help ??

finger £????

Toes £????

fingers and toes £????

Thank you

C :hug: xxx
I have done kids feet - (the mums have had minx first and then inevitably the little princesss wants too ) I only use the leftovers on kids as they have smaller hands/feet and I charge half the price of what I would for mum
Sorry to be a B*** but why charge half price, you spend the same time, often more (to match those darn little nails) so at least full price by me. The few quids I save from using leftovers doesn't cover/justify doing half the money on double the time. I use leftovers on clients, some like a different big toe, or ring toe etc. And toes are not standard size so I use every bit.

If you wanna do childrens parties thats up to you, but I myself would always make sure I at least earned the same money for an hour as doing adults, Im not a charity case, and if children wants me doing something, the parents have to pay. So I would say either full price or just treatments you can do in short time, thats my opinion...
morning ladies

Im thinking of adding minx nails to my list of childrens pamper party packages i offer for the summer holiday..

but im not sure how much to charge for children,could you please help ??

finger £????

Toes £????

fingers and toes £????

Thank you

C :hug: xxx
i would also charge half price for kids as there toes are no where near same size as an adults unless of course the kids were infact teenagers or older then i would charge full price i do my daughters toes and they do take ages because of the size but they never last any longer than a week or so i think thats because her toes are so small x and on her fingers shes always got her fingers in her mouth so there is no point in doing them lol
I don't charge less for children. It takes me the same length of time so I charge the same price.
Sorry to be a B*** but why charge half price, you spend the same time, often more (to match those darn little nails) so at least full price by me. The few quids I save from using leftovers doesn't cover/justify doing half the money on double the time. I use leftovers on clients, some like a different big toe, or ring toe etc. And toes are not standard size so I use every bit.

If you wanna do childrens parties thats up to you, but I myself would always make sure I at least earned the same money for an hour as doing adults, Im not a charity case, and if children wants me doing something, the parents have to pay. So I would say either full price or just treatments you can do in short time, thats my opinion...

Hi there

Fair point if it takes you as long for kids but it generally doesn't for me - also I generally only do the kids as a follow on service after mom (I dont advertise for this but the moms sometimes ask, therefore its kind of like a ''special offer''). Kids are a rarity and are the exception rather than the rule hmmm ..I suppose I think like this... kids seats on planes are cheaper as are their entrance fees into certain fun parks, entertainment areas, cinemas etc..yet they take up the same space, breath the same air etc. dont they? By going the extra mile and not being so money orientated ALL the time I find that not only is little princess happy but Mom is MORE than happy to spread the word and boast to all her friends ever so enthusiastically - so perhaps I like to think of it as free positive advertising (that little hit Ive taken against my profit seems worth it to me)
hope that explains my thinking ? :)
Cait x

On a side note you quote says 'Im not english, so please forgive if I come across harsh' well you do a little .. no problem in general to be honest but please keep in mind that it doesn't help when you start a paragraph with your reply 'Sorry to be a B*** '' , just something to think about perhaps? lol!
Hi. Can i just ask if when you all doing minx on kids you doing the full works e.g cuticle away etc or just literally putting minx design itself on.
On a side note you quote says 'Im not english, so please forgive if I come across harsh' well you do a little ..

See your point, reread it and realized I would have put in a :green: to soften it thanks for pointing that out :hug:

I can see what you mean and if this gives you good reputation, then I'm glad it works for you, and if it gives you other clients then it's probably better than an add in the local newspaper. You yourself mention you don't do many children so what I was referring to was doing childrens fairs as a business, as said if they want to be doing chilrens fairs then please, but I have asked on a few threads if anyone gets any clients from this? Otherwise sorry to say, but then I am money orientated because I have a business:) So doing a whole treatment cheaper on a child would at the end of a day filled with children mean a lot less profit, and if this was a success and they suddenly was asked for these fairs a lot, then loads of profit lost, unless it brought them new clients right?? So doing treatments lot less expensive and quick would make the children just as happy and earn me/whoever a little more, than do a fairly expensive treatment that takes just as much time. I don't think the children cares, a polish and some stamping makes them just as happy (now comparing to what my children wants LOL)

I will try to explain my point of view a little better:

first: I don't allow children in my salon, and have heard so many bad stories about children in a salon ad I'm not covered insurance wise, that I won't risk people coming to me with their children for me to do treatments on them (as said will do if pressured, but no reduced price).

Second: the cinema, airplane, fun parks etc. doesn't earn money just one person at the time they have a certain quantity and I bet that they don't need to be filled up before they start making profit, so even having children in paying less they still earn money. I on the other hand only have two hands and use an hour or so on treatments, and I cannot just use half the time to do the treatment, so in order to make my profit I would have to work extra hours.

I hope you didn't find this post harsh or offensive, I tried my best to explain myself in a proper way, thanks.
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hey guys,

what iv been doin 4 kids little tiny toes is putting a minx foil on the big toe nail then painting the smaller toes with a colour to match the design and charging them less, if they want a full set then i just charge them the usual xxx
hey guys,

what iv been doin 4 kids little tiny toes is putting a minx foil on the big toe nail then painting the smaller toes with a colour to match the design and charging them less, if they want a full set then i just charge them the usual xxx

Now Niki, THATS clever- I like it ! will keep that in mind good tip!
Hi Karen
Yep no worries at all you didnt come across as harsh this time lol! -totally get your point too and a fair one you make :)
Horses for courses it would seem ..
Nikis suggestion above is a good I think too!
Cait :hug:
hey guys,

what iv been doin 4 kids little tiny toes is putting a minx foil on the big toe nail then painting the smaller toes with a colour to match the design and charging them less, if they want a full set then i just charge them the usual xxx

Absolutey brilliant idea.
Hi Karen
Yep no worries at all you didnt come across as harsh this time lol! -totally get your point too and a fair one you make :)
Horses for courses it would seem ..
Nikis suggestion above is a good I think too!
Cait :hug:

Glad I worded myself correct this time, and agree the MINX big-toes + polish is a great suggestion, and almost more fun for the children (mine always wants different on all nails.:hug:

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