I have taken off my daughter's Minx last night as she kept on picking and just peeling them off without heat. Needless to say that would also take the top layer of nail. I warmed the nail up with a hair dryer as I don't have my lamp at home and still nails looked really dry and flakey underneath. I applied cuticle oil and the discoloration went. I now have taken my Minx off today with the lamp and had the same problem. Nails look really dry in the area the Minx was on and somewhat flakey. Mostly on the big toe nails. I had them on for 4 weeks. Any idea on what has gone wrong? I have a client tomorrow for removal and am getting slightly worried now. Should I advise to apply daily cuticle oil when wearing Minx? In all honesty I didn't apply any. Am quite good with my hands but tend to forget on my toes.