mmr injection for my baby


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Sassy Hassy said:
I know you are concerned hun, but with something as important as this I really think you should be chatting this over with your doctor. We're not medical experts and can't make a decision for you. Both mine had it well before all the scares started, but for me the risk of getting measles far outweighs the risks of any side effects and so I would still have made the same choice, but that's just me. Seek professional advice so you can make the right decision for your child.

totally agree with you there sass
Shell after reading this thread, I'm not going to get involved too deeply. I just want to say - I understand you're concerns, but we are not the ones to ask.In fact a few replies on here have actually given wrong information.
My advice would be to speak to your'e GP/health visitor, but bear in mind that they are going to be following government instructions and guidelines. You can research and dig very deeply into this but unfortunatley it may not make things any clearer as there are so many unanswered questions.
I have been closely involved in the MMR debate for a number of years - and yes I have an Autistic son - this does NOT mean I am against the MMR. I went on to have my next child vaccinated with no problems
It is a very difficult decision to make.
thank you all for your replies ive been given a pack by the docter that explains some things about the vacine i have been advised by the nurse to give him the first injection then decide about the booster when the time comes. i will discuss this with my husband and see what it is about its all scary stuff with the outbreaks of things all the time like the bird flu i just want to do whats best.
The measles virus causes lots of awful things to happen to your child ranging from blindness to brain damage and statistic prove that measles is far worse than the vaccine
Its always really hard working out what's best, especially where your children are concerned. I agree with you all and see where you are coming from. When my daughter was 11 months (she's now 19 months) I took her for her mmr as I had it when I was younger and felty the pros far outweighed the cons. I have also been reading in the paper that their has been an outbreak in measles up north and I personally know a young man (he's 23) who has been diagnosed with the mumps. After hearing this I'm glad I chose to take my daughter for the injection.
i chose to give my son the single vaccines 3 years ago and he will be having the first of his boosters tomorrow (for measles) i had a fantastic doctor who did not try to influence me one way or the other but after a lot of consideration i decide single vaccines were best for me and my son as it put my mind at rest over the MMR fear and protected my child from these terrible illnesses. everyone has their own opinion its really what you think is best for your child but they need protected.
shell 22 said:
im really worried about my sons next injection that is coming up he is 11 months and its the mmr (measles mumps and rubella)im worried as it has been linked to trigger off autism shall i have it done or leave as im worried i would be gratefull for your advise please:confused:

Both mine had it, both are fine and both are protected. This was on the news again the other night and DR's are stressing BIG TIME the importance of having it done. It is a personal decision.. both my boys had the MMR and I am glad they did.
i know exactly what you are going through my ds was due for his last week and i havn't made the appointment yet.

I remeber feeling like this when my dd was having hers and i found the health visitor really good, if your worried about anything i would speak to them. It is your decision at the end of it all but i think the odds are definately better for having it done.

good luck in whatever you decide to do.

shell 22 said:
im really worried about my sons next injection that is coming up he is 11 months and its the mmr (measles mumps and rubella)im worried as it has been linked to trigger off autism shall i have it done or leave as im worried i would be gratefull for your advise please:confused:
This is a difficult one my children are all older now and there wasn't so much attention when they were babies as there is now with regards to problems from the mmr jabs.All three of my kids had them but I know that when my daughter was about a year old(17 and a half yrs ago)I was staying in a b and b and there was a special needs girl of about 14 living there.When I spoke to her mother she told me that she had been born with no problems at all, then after having her jabs she was sitting in the garden and she had a fit, it then transpired that ever since the incident she was left with learning difficulties.As I have mentioned this was a long time ago but I had no reason to doubt this women.I still went on to have 2 boys and they both had the mmr jabs because I personally felt that it was the best way to go and none of my children have been affected,thank God. I would still immunise my children though Im not sure if I would have the seperate jabs.I would read all info I could get my hands on and speak to a qualified person on his/her opinion.
My son Chris couldnt have the measles vaccine due to being severely allergic to eggs, he developed measles at the age of 5yrs old and was moderately ill, but not as bad as I had expected and had no after effects at all. I have a neighbour who's son had the measles vaccination but still caught measles, he was 8 years old. The vaccine does not necessarily mean your child will definitely not catch the disease but if they do it will usually be in a milder form.
I had to have Chris vaccinated by the paediatrician giving him a 5% dose first for all his baby vaccinations individually, as he had so many allergies, they did this by doubling it every 5 days until we got all the vaccines into him at aged 6yrs took forever but at least he is covered. The one that caused the most trouble for him was the diptheria one. He then had a booster at 9 yrs old (the pre school one he should have had at 4yrs old) and all h**l broke loose as he had an anaphylactic shock reaction to it. They have since done a blood test for tetanus due to a gardening accident and he has full immunity despite only having a few of the vaccinations normally given for tentanus.
It is your choice, no one can tell you what to do or how to do it, but I for one would try in whatever way is available to try to get your child covered. I wouldnt have been able to live with myself if Chris had caught any of the really dangerous diseases and was left with ongoing problems as a result.
shell 22 said:
im really worried about my sons next injection that is coming up he is 11 months and its the mmr (measles mumps and rubella)im worried as it has been linked to trigger off autism shall i have it done or leave as im worried i would be gratefull for your advise please:confused:
My dad is a semie retiered doctor and my sister-in-law-to-be's mum came round to ask my dad about this as she (my sister-in-law-to-be)has a little girl,so if you would like me to find out anything for you just let me now and i'll try and help.
i asked the nurse at my doctors this morning she said she strongly advises me to have the injection and she said that autism can be triggered off if it is in the family both mine and my husbands familys are fine she also said it can have serious affects if he gets measles or mumps so im thinking of having it done.its really hard to know what is best thank you all for the replies:hug: