Mobile techs- PayPal chip and pin!


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Jun 16, 2012
Reaction score
Yes it is really good. I would have it but I don't have a spare £99 for it. I currently use the izettle on my phone.
Read the reviews on that page ladies x
How long does the Money take to go into your account through the PayPal machine? Xx
Wouldn't trust paypal as far as I could throw them.

They can freeze your account whilst "investigating" for months so you have no access to any funds.

Just read the comments on that link, half the comments are due to paypal holdings.

Laura x
How long does the Money take to go into your account through the PayPal machine? Xx

I'm not sure but judging from those comments they withhold the first payment for 30 days!? That would infuriate me beyond belief!
Glad I'm with izettle then. Actually yes I used to use paypal ages ago and remember having to wait over a week to get my money from them into my own account. Won't be going back to that.
I don't trust PayPal with ANYTHING. I know of a business that conducted all there business through paypal (they was a high turnover company) and PayPal decided to freeze there £30,000 account for 90days. After the 90 days guess what? Still couldn't get it. They had to battle through courts and it basically ended the business.
Well thats just poor management! Ive been shut down by paypal before, jumped through some stupid hoops, lots of angst & swear words, nearly broke but 3 years later still use it daily as better the devil you know.

Do they call it stockholm syndrome? Lol

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Just an update, izettle have speeded up getting money into our bank accounts. I took a payment this Wednesday and it will be in my bank on Monday. As it has a weekend in the middle, 3 WORKING days isn't bad. I've taken a few card payments this week now without any problems and I can keep a check on them on the site and check stats etc.
Just an update, izettle have speeded up getting money into our bank accounts. I took a payment this Wednesday and it will be in my bank on Monday. As it has a weekend in the middle, 3 WORKING days isn't bad. I've taken a few card payments this week now without any problems and I can keep a check on them on the site and check stats etc.

I'm looking a getting something like this but am a complete technophobe, could you explain to me how it actually works please?
Have a look on the izettle web site. It's really easy to use and you don't have a monthly contract to pay for. You just pay 2.75% of the value that the client pays. You get the remainder in your bank account in about 3 working days after taking the payment.

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