Monomer question need answer for clients tonight


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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2009
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Hi there, just a quick question, I was having a play with my nails yesterday, and had put out way to much monomer into my dappen dish, I put the lidon as I have 2 new clients coming tonight for full sets of P&W, the lid of the dappen dish isn't know that with some liquids when they are evaporating can leave a stronger concentrate of what it originaly was IYKWIM, is this the same with monomer, should I dispose of it, wouldn't want to use it if it wasn't going to do the job properly.........bit of a long winded ? for a quick question appreciated:hug:
If you have been using the monomer on your own nails it will be contaminated and will not work to its full capacity so will need to be disposed of.
I never use used monomer on myself or a client Hth's:hug:
Ah ok, I have been into salons in the past that had large dappen dishes with kind of corklike plugs, that the had quite full and used on different clients, after training I wondered because you cant really help getting a tiny bit of the mixed product into it, thought it maybe had something to do with it being airtight. Thanks for the help, will go and dispose of it just now xx

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