My big decision


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Jun 16, 2012
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In a bit of a quandry guys- help me look at this rationally please!

Ok so I work part time admin and do mobile nails evenings and weekends. I don't like doing the admin but it's secure money and fits around my main love- nails!
I have been offered a job working 45 hours per week (9 per day with 1hr lunch I assume) in a spa and salon paying 14k per year in London. They don't use the products I like etc but manager used to work for very reputable nail brand and has assured me they can help with my training and development. Long hours though 10-7 mon- fri with one night till 8


My original plan- Waiting another 6 mths or so, refining my skills, doing more training with CND and nsi (booked) and ensuring my nails are worthy of charging higher prices, getting some savings behind me and take the plunge and renting a space in a decent salon self employed and continuing my mobile stuff as well???

What do you all think....
Personally I don't think there is a better grounding for a career in nails than working in a busy salon. You will be pushed more than you would push yourself, and full days of back to back appointments soon sort out the wheat from the chaff
Salon experience will give you a great grounding and a wealth of experience that will stand you in good stead should you want to eventually run your own business.

I wouldn't bargain on getting an hour for lunch though ;)
I'm afraid I'm on the other side of the fence. I prefer your second option. 14K seems very low for London.

I've been mobile since qualified (11 years ago) and only work part time due to my husband working away, having no family to help out and kids at school.

It depends on what you want and can do, personally. If you're happy with the long hours and low pay but need job security, perhaps option 1 is better. Building up a client base can take a very long time.

Option 2 is great if you can financially afford to take a risk. It could work out that you earn mega bucks but it is a risk after all.

Not much help am I? Sorry!
I'm afraid I'm on the other side of the fence. I prefer your second option. 14K seems very low for London.

I've been mobile since qualified (11 years ago) and only work part time due to my husband working away, having no family to help out and kids at school.

It depends on what you want and can do, personally. If you're happy with the long hours and low pay but need job security, perhaps option 1 is better. Building up a client base can take a very long time.

Option 2 is great if you can financially afford to take a risk. It could work out that you earn mega bucks but it is a risk after all.

Not much help am I? Sorry!

Well like you I have kids... One of which is only 14 months :-( and i don't have many people to help me out with child are either which is why my mobile work is good for me.

I did think the salary was a little bit low for such long hours- even for the beauty industry 14k isn't much!! but on the other hand I'm so desperate to get into the salon environment I really feel I would thrive and grow as izzidoll says and they've promised me access to training etc where as I am currently investing my own money in my own training! When you first started out newly qualified and newly mobile how did you progress skill and confidence wise? As it can be isolating and self limiting if you allow it to be, And did you do a lot of training to stay ahead ?
I wouldn't bargain on getting an hour for lunch though ;)[/QUOTE]

Good points made for consideration and I do agree with you about being pushed more than I would push myself but... 14k for 45 hours?!!!!
Hmmm....thats a tough one

I suppose you could start by comparing your current salary and income from both your job and working mobile against what the spa is offering you. Does it work out better or worse? If it worka out roughly the same I would personally be inclined to stick with your original plan. Other than the fact admin is not the job you want to do, what else is there that you dont like about it? Managers that dont have a clue whats going on? Boring or bitchy collegues? Unrealistic expectations? No matter what job you have, similar problems are found elsewhere after a matter of time. I could be proved wrong and it could be one the few that is a great place to work and have a great experience!

However, there is the risk that you will be making a loss at the start of renting your own room, further training etc whilst you wait for a decent client base to make it worthwhile.

Working in a spa/salon would mean your doing the job you love and they pay for your training. A 45hr week is a huge amount of time for little money. Minimum wage i think it works out as or even less. About £900-950 a month after tax. You would end up losing your client base as your most of your time will be spent at the salon! Also, dont be surprised if they expect you to have a sales target for products which can be quite disheartening, especially if you dont like their products of choice.

If working at the salon works out better financially then go for it, gain more knowledge and up to date training, save up and go self-employed.

These are just my personal thoughts but go with what you feel is best x

Good luck x

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If you have to pay for childcare, full time work on that wage wouldnt be worth it, even with child or working tax credit if your entitled to it.

I also work an admin job part time and do mobile. If i worked full time i would be worse off financially because of nursery fees and wouldnt see as much of my baby as i would like to.

Sorry to be negative. X

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They both sound like career friendly options so I would go for whichever would best support your circumstances.
Hmmm....thats a tough one

I suppose you could start by comparing your current salary and income from both your job and working mobile against what the spa is offering you. Does it work out better or worse? If it worka out roughly the same I would personally be inclined to stick with your original plan. Other than the fact admin is not the job you want to do, what else is there that you dont like about it? Managers that dont have a clue whats going on? Boring or bitchy collegues? Unrealistic expectations? No matter what job you have, similar problems are found elsewhere after a matter of time. I could be proved wrong and it could be one the few that is a great place to work and have a great experience!

However, there is the risk that you will be making a loss at the start of renting your own room, further training etc whilst you wait for a decent client base to make it worthwhile.

Working in a spa/salon would mean your doing the job you love and they pay for your training. A 45hr week is a huge amount of time for little money. Minimum wage i think it works out as or even less. About £900-950 a month after tax. You would end up losing your client base as your most of your time will be spent at the salon! Also, dont be surprised if they expect you to have a sales target for products which can be quite disheartening, especially if you dont like their products of choice.

If working at the salon works out better financially then go for it, gain more knowledge and up to date training, save up and go self-employed.

These are just my personal thoughts but go with what you feel is best x

Good luck x

Sent from my GT-I9505 using SalonGeek mobile app

Thing is... There's nothing wrong with the admin job at all it's just not what I want to be doing! I like the people - it's a bit mind numbing as it's admin but apart from that we have a laugh and it's good!
I'm just eager to get into doing nails properly right now it takes a back seat as I can only do a few ladies a week. I would love to get into a salon but I'm having trouble finding the right type of place!

Financially I would be worse off taking the salon job I think with childcare etc or at least it would be the same but with less time! My boyfriend has strongly discouraged me from doing the he thinks ,as you do that it's no where near enough money for the hours and I would never see the children. He thinks I should go to work in a different type of salon to gain experience though rather than staying where I am and doing courses and education! He says a certificate can't beat experience- even if it is with CND lol!
I would stick with what u r doing, if u didn't have kids then I would go for it but child care bill is gonna be huge and all them hours you are never gonna see your baby either. There will be better things to come there always is ,you wouldn't be happy working like a dog for that amount and dinner hours are often a no no like the others have said! Good luck whatever you decide x
Your boyfriend sounds like he knows what he's talking about! You could just do with a day a week in a salon or something, something brill will turn up for you and it will fit right in. Ive got three kids to work round so I think I'll be having a home salon eventually
I probably won't be much help, but I'll share my opinion anyway :)

For a 14 month nursery fees will be around £700-800. You will earn approx £910 after tax. Then there's travel and lunch too.

Financially is that worth it - missing your child for 45 hours out of the week for £90-£190 per month?

And the 'promise' may be just that. Unless they are prepared to write it into your contract?

Good luck xx

Sent from my GT-I9505 using SalonGeek mobile app
Thing is... There's nothing wrong with the admin job at all it's just not what I want to be doing! I like the people - it's a bit mind numbing as it's admin but apart from that we have a laugh and it's good!
I'm just eager to get into doing nails properly right now it takes a back seat as I can only do a few ladies a week. I would love to get into a salon but I'm having trouble finding the right type of place!

Financially I would be worse off taking the salon job I think with childcare etc or at least it would be the same but with less time! My boyfriend has strongly discouraged me from doing the he thinks ,as you do that it's no where near enough money for the hours and I would never see the children. He thinks I should go to work in a different type of salon to gain experience though rather than staying where I am and doing courses and education! He says a certificate can't beat experience- even if it is with CND lol!
Having read all of the posts and more details from yourself......
If it would be a big drop financially, and considerably reduce your time spent with your family, then would it be worth it?
Maybe there is a salon out there more suited to what you want.

On reading your posts I think you have the drive to push yourself whether salon based or not, and the whole point of this site is to make sure that mobile techs like yourself don't feel isolated!
Your boyfriend sounds like he knows what he's talking about! You could just do with a day a week in a salon or something, something brill will turn up for you and it will fit right in. Ive got three kids to work round so I think I'll be having a home salon eventually

What do you do now? To gain experience etc? I would love a home salon but my space is limited - I don't have the spare room noa
Is the salon/spa you are looking at more a spa than a traditional salon? If so, then I would hazard a guess that you wouldn't be doing much in the way of nails. Spas tend to have many more bookings for massage/facials - just a thought as if it is nails you want to focus more on then I doubt you would get practice.
Having read all of the posts and more details from yourself......
If it would be a big drop financially, and considerably reduce your time spent with your family, then would it be worth it?
Maybe there is a salon out there more suited to what you want.

On reading your posts I think you have the drive to push yourself whether salon based or not, and the whole point of this site is to make sure that mobile techs like yourself don't feel isolated!

Thanks! Yeah that's why I love this site so much, as it's great to meet other people out there on the same page as you going through similar experiences and challenges as you!

I'm determined to push myself either way and I know where I want to end up but not quite sure how to get there with the barriers of children and needing a relatively ok wage! Also I'm mindful that I need salon experience to one day have my own salon which is what I hope to achieve over the next few years! I wonder if it is possible to get really really good working only mobile or from home? I'm willing to invest in more training and products but right now I'm only doing a few women a week and feel it's not enough to really get experience!
Is the salon/spa you are looking at more a spa than a traditional salon? If so, then I would hazard a guess that you wouldn't be doing much in the way of nails. Spas tend to have many more bookings for massage/facials - just a thought as if it is nails you want to focus more on then I doubt you would get practice.

It's more of a spa and a sort of well known ish brand in London - there are a few of them. but they want me as the only nail technician offering mani pedi gels (artistic) and maybe some acrylic and uv gel but I'm guessing by what the lady was saying it will be less of that more of the gel mani type stuff.
Hmmm....thats a tough one

I suppose you could start by comparing your current salary and income from both your job and working mobile against what the spa is offering you. Does it work out better or worse? If it worka out roughly the same I would personally be inclined to stick with your original plan. Other than the fact admin is not the job you want to do, what else is there that you dont like about it? Managers that dont have a clue whats going on? Boring or bitchy collegues? Unrealistic expectations? No matter what job you have, similar problems are found elsewhere after a matter of time. I could be proved wrong and it could be one the few that is a great place to work and have a great experience!

However, there is the risk that you will be making a loss at the start of renting your own room, further training etc whilst you wait for a decent client base to make it worthwhile.

Working in a spa/salon would mean your doing the job you love and they pay for your training. A 45hr week is a huge amount of time for little money. Minimum wage i think it works out as or even less. About £900-950 a month after tax. You would end up losing your client base as your most of your time will be spent at the salon! Also, dont be surprised if they expect you to have a sales target for products which can be quite disheartening, especially if you dont like their products of choice.

If working at the salon works out better financially then go for it, gain more knowledge and up to date training, save up and go self-employed.

These are just my personal thoughts but go with what you feel is best x

Good luck x

Sent from my GT-I9505 using SalonGeek mobile app

Oh and yes there is a commission structure and daily targets to be met! The commission was something like 20% on everything after you have net your weekly target! Cor blimey I don't fancy that!
Personally, I would push your mobile work as much as possible. When you get busy enough, you could start to cut down your office job? Being mobile is so much more flexible, especially since you've got the little one!

You could use the next couple of years (before baby goes to school/nursery) to build your clientele, and then look at renting a space etc?

To me, the salary of the London spa looks way too low, especially for London! And such unsociable hours when you have kids.

Hope I've been of some help, I know it's a difficult decision to make! :) x
Personally, I would push your mobile work as much as possible. When you get busy enough, you could start to cut down your office job? Being mobile is so much more flexible, especially since you've got the little one!

You could use the next couple of years (before baby goes to school/nursery) to build your clientele, and then look at renting a space etc?

To me, the salary of the London spa looks way too low, especially for London! And such unsociable hours when you have kids.

Hope I've been of some help, I know it's a difficult decision to make! :) x

Thanks for your advice, I think I pretty much agree with you. It is so hard as I feel I'm letting what could be a good opportunity go but at the same time the salary is awful and I would hardly see the children.

Yes I'm going to push the mobile work hard in the run up to Xmas! And then in the new year I will review the situation again as mobile is alot easier with children!

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