Need help advice about contracts


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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2009
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hey not been on this for so long been so busy. got a majour problem a brilliant job has just came up that would be perfect for me and my family as hours suit us and the kids and the money loads better and its a spa which i want to now work in, the problem is i done training in june my boss sent me on decleor training been with her for 3 years and that was me just getting it but in my contract it says if i leave within 6 months of doing the training i have to pay all costs and expenses, which i cannot afford but this job is a great opportunity i dont know what to do, some people have said that my boss cannot make me pay for the training as it was her that wanted me to go on it, i dont want to have bad feeling towards her as we get on really well and i would be left skint if she took it out my last wage sorry for going on it just really getting to me xxx:cry:
anyone lol xx
i think you should go for it. i worked somewhere then i went on holiday, when i got bk they said that i was getting paid off and the end off the week would be my last day. i worked to the end of the week and when i got my wage wich i desperatly needed they had docced the holiday off it and i was left with a cheeky £10.
I say if you get ur pay then leave or will you bang in to her on a daily basis? x
no i wont bang into her at all to be honest but will be using her as a reference and i would hate a bad reference because of the training costs as dont want to blow my own trumpet lol but i a a really good therapist i take pride in my job as a therapist and have so many clients that will only come to me and she knows this as well so has no reason to give me a bad reference lol. but i have been looking up the internet and it states that she cant deduct wages unless we had agreed to it in the first place, to be honest she has made the money back off me already this is what annoys me. xx
Why dont you apply for the job and see if you get it first, then if you get and leave, offer to pay her some money maybe over a few months so that there is no bad feeling, and she can then still give you a good reference. With you being a willing party, she may let you off some of the costs, talk it over with her, best to be honest I think.
I used to be a nurse and was in similar situation. Done a course and my employer had tied me in to staying for so long afterwards. I rang up my nurses union and they told me that what she had done was actually illegal and she can't force you to pay back any money or stay for so long afterwards. I did leave and she didn't take the money off me. Did you sign anything? Coz she really can't make you pay back any money anyway. Hope this helps.
i signed a contract 3 years ago i just read over it the other day as really want another job we are so quiet i sit for hours doing nothing at the moment and i am not getting enough hours and really need the money. yeah i think will take it a step at a time i just couldnt have her taking it out my last wage i have 2 kids and rely on my wages xx thanks for advice girls x
Why dont you apply for the job and see if you get it first, then if you get and leave, offer to pay her some money maybe over a few months so that there is no bad feeling, and she can then still give you a good reference. With you being a willing party, she may let you off some of the costs, talk it over with her, best to be honest I think.

Totally agree!

See if you get the new job first, (which i'm sure you will!) if so then try and sit down with her and talk to her about it. You did the training nearly 2 mths ago, by the time you work your notice, i'm guessing a month, that will be 3 mths, Hopefully if you get on with your boss, she will be reasonable.

Good luck:hug:

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