New website - please critique


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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
Reaction score
Hi Geeks,

I've recently launched my own business (a week ago to be exact) and I've just created my website. I have NO idea what I'm doing, but please take a look and let me know what you think.

Home - Skin Deep Beauty and Lash Bar

It's only a freebie moonfruit one, but until I am sure the business will continue (fingers crossed!!) I'm not going to splash out and spend any money on it.

Any feedback would be much appreciated :)
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looks very elegant hun, well done and good luck x
Lovely. Very nicely done.

The only thing I did think, and it's not really a criticism, is that the main body of the text you've used for the info and for the price lists is a little faint . . . or that might just be how it looks on my computer lol

Great though, well done. :hug:
i really like the site, very simple and easy to follow. only thing i saw was on facials (the one at $55) you have "eye reatment", think your missing a T there hun :p
It's very plain. Maybe add a few pictures and get rid off the free moonfruit part. It makes it look less professional x
It's very plain. Maybe add a few pictures and get rid off the free moonfruit part. It makes it look less professional x

like the main image, but lose the reference to moonfruit, and your contact and facebook details, and if possible a proper contact form.
Lovely. Very nicely done.

The only thing I did think, and it's not really a criticism, is that the main body of the text you've used for the info and for the price lists is a little faint . . . or that might just be how it looks on my computer lol

Great though, well done. :hug:

Thanks for the feedback :biggrin:
I thought the same thing before I went to bed last night, but had another look at this, and it doesn't appear to be faint on my computer now? Hmm...

i really like the site, very simple and easy to follow. only thing i saw was on facials (the one at $55) you have "eye reatment", think your missing a T there hun :p

Oh my god, I was too! LOL!! Thank you! I am mortified - I am sooooo anal about spelling and grammar! I guess staring at the screen for about 5 hours, you can miss the little things :wink2:

Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'm not sure if I can do a contact form on the freebie site - and I can't get rid of the moonfruit reference unless I do a paid one. Maybe I should just pay the cheapest one and see how it goes. I will have another play.
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It looks fab. Well done.

Remember that you can continue to update and develop your website over time.
one big thing hun - when you click "offers, learn more" - your main eye catcher, it takes you to a page that you haven't even done, with test text, and imo really needs looking at.

nothing worse than standard template text all over your lovely website
You've done a really good job but two major points, I couldn't find a contact number or where you're based. You should have contact details on every page so that it is easy for your potential clients to find you, if they have to search the whole site they'll get bored and go elsewhere xxx
Thanks for the feedback everyone.

The special offers page is only half done because I only attempted to start that about an hour ago - was having a play around trying to get it to link to the right page (as it automatically linked to treatments initially) but going to bed now so it's nowhere near finished.

I will have another go at it tomorrow and try and finish off the special offer page :)
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