Hi guys omg had 3 tans to do last night and god what a disaster. To start the lady I was spray tanning was very nervous so I was trying to calm her nerves. My new spray gun and machine will be here today thank god!!!!! Anyway I was using the HVLP VIP machine which I wouldn't advise people to buy. Anyway to start the trigger clips pulled out so I fixed that then the spray from the front of the gun started spurting out as there appears to be an extra hole which has formed. I turned the volume of the gun down then it stopped spraying , the cup wouldn't screw back on and the plastic bit broke argggggghhh. I managed to get the 3 tans done over a period of 2 n half hours!!! I have been spraying for over a year so it's not like I don't know what i'm doing good job I do as don't know what I would have done if I had just started out!!! Thanks god the ladiess weren't aware of all the problems I was having they were only aware the cup bit had broken. So I managed to do a tan it was a bit speckly looking when it came out but when they wash that will sort itself, god I have never been so stressed. Just had to share this with everyone. x