Orangewood stick question


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Well-Known Member
Premium Geek
Jul 19, 2007
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
This could well be the dumbest question of the day. LOL!

Now, that I'm using orangewood sticks to clean up my Shellac, should they be (can they even be?) sanitized between clients OR should I just toss and use a new one for each Shellac'ing? If they can be sanitized, how would you do it?

Thanks for your help and not laughing at me. :hugs:
Hi Hun,
I would just throw it away and use a new one next time. You won't need one on every Shellac you do, you will get better with practice and find you rarely need to clean up your Shellac.
Best wishes.
Loysa luv x x x :hug: x x x
Hi, i keep a wallet for each customer and they have their own record cards, orange sticks and files....
I would use on next client too, unless it comes in contact with blood etc. (which I really hope it doesn't:eek::lol:)

I'm all for hygiene, but you don't need to be that careful, as long as you sanitize hands and be sure to use scrubfresh (or equal) I sincerely doubt you could pass on anything. We do not perform surgery, and even though the individual packs could be a good idea then there could be a few thigs to consider: first of all the space and second of all you should really be sure to only pack clean dry implements as otherwise the individual packs could be an even greater risk of being infected with bacteria than using one orangewood stick on several clients...
This could well be the dumbest question of the day. LOL!

Now, that I'm using orangewood sticks to clean up my Shellac, should they be (can they even be?) sanitized between clients OR should I just toss and use a new one for each Shellac'ing? If they can be sanitized, how would you do it?

Thanks for your help and not laughing at me. :hugs:

Personally I use a sanitising spray on things like this, that way I feel this is better and everything is clean. I use this for my files as well and do this infront of the client so they can see I take hygiene serious.:lol:
Thanks for your responses, everyone! :hug:
I have a metal woodstick that I use in general. If you get stuck and run out of woodsticks, you can always file away the surface to expose clean woodstick. Hope that makes sense x:)

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