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...what's a lorry????[/QUOTE]

I think you call them "trucks" in USA?
GlitzyGirl said:
...what's a lorry????

I think you call them "trucks" in USA?

you know Yolanda - like the film Convoy 'rubber duck - big 10/4' we call them lorries - not actually sure why!! :rolleyes: Ohhh I loved that film.... Sam hates it with a passion - not eniugh blood and guts in it... sorry slap hand - off topic!
Ms.Matrix said:
...what's a lorry????

Hi Yolanda,

It's a truck!!!!

Well where do I start...I'm scared of everything!!!! I HATE spiders, bugs, worms, snakes, slugs, snails, etc. There are too many to mention.

I am also terrified of crabs.....but, being a good mummy, I do try to participate when we go crabbing with the girls. Last summer, off we went to Looe.....crab lines and buckets at the ready!!!!! Now Grace was only 2 and Amy 5 so they needed help. Lionel stays with one and I stay with the other. Neither of the girls can pull the line I have learned to help and if there is a crab attached, with much arm stretching I can get it in the bucket. Well.....this particular day the crab DROPPED OFF before I got it over the bucket :eek: Picture the running up the harbour screaming, crab chasing me and everyone around me, including husband, children and every bl***y holiday maker in Looe, helpless with laughter.....not funny :irked:
OOOkay...Yeah, I hate even riding past those big rigs, let alone driving past:Scared: :Scared:
My biggest phobia is boring - spiders!! I can't stand them, they scare the meeping crap out of me!!! If I look at one, I can feel it on me eeeeeew. When I was about 10 yrs old, I was in bed, drifting off to sleep, I rolled over (my bed was pushed again the wall then) and this MASSIVE, HAIRY BLACK spider was about 5 cm's away from my face...I've never got out of bed so fast!! Just thinking about it is making feel ill!!

I'm also scared of enclosed spaces, if I can't find a way out of a crowd or an area, I'll have a panic attack. Clubbing etc is a nightmare, that's why getting very drunk is a plan because I don't notice it!! I also hate deep deep water, I'm ok with swimming but I don't go far into the sea/deep end of the pool.
I also freak out at seaweed, the way it grabs your legs when you swim ARRRGH!!

That's about it...though one of my best friends has an insane phobia of cotton wool...and she's a beautician too LOL
I have a crazy phobia of peas!! Garden, mushy, marrowfat, ewww:irked: :Scared: :eek: Just thinking about them gives me goosebumps, even the colour makes me feel sick!! Yeah yeah i know im strange.
Picture the running up the harbour screaming, crab chasing me and everyone around me, including husband, children and every bl***y holiday maker in Looe, helpless with laughter.....not funny :irked:[/QUOTE]

Hi Nikki,

I pictured the scene, and I promise you, I am trying very hard not to laugh. That takes a lot of hard work on my part, all you have to do is say "booh" and I laugh, well giggle like the young 18yr old I am (I wish). But really, it's not really funny, especially when you have a phobia about the damn thing. I had a similar experience with a cockroach, flying onto me. Each time I got away from it, it would find me again. One night, in Cyprus, we went visiting and were sitting in the garden. I had my 1yr old in my lap, and out of nowhere this cockroach lands on my lap. I just chuck my baby up in the air, fall back in my chair, get up and start screaming and running. Luckily, my friend's hubby caught my daughter in the air.Dread to think what would have happened to her. But yes, every1 was still in fits of laughter, as well as me, once I calmed down. They always seem to pick on me, wherever I am. My mum says, they must sense that I don't like them. How come they don't sense it when I go to spray them with poison. I'll get my own back on them.
Cath.p. said:
I have a crazy phobia of peas!! Garden, mushy, marrowfat, ewww:irked: :Scared: :eek: Just thinking about them gives me goosebumps, even the colour makes me feel sick!! Yeah yeah i know im strange.

ahh there is hope... thank God I am not the only one with a food phobia!! BTW Cath... I love marrowfat peas... my mum never bought them so it must have been school... sorry... didn't mean to make you feel sick! :smack:
I'd be interested in knowing the root cause of our different phobias...especially mine, it's bothersome as I am terrified to go to certain places that I'm not familiar with for fear that there's a statue there. I even tried to confront the fear but it's still bad, I have to cover the side of my face when walking past one so I won't even see it, but then I'm still jittery all day long from the experience...IS THERE A PSYCO-THERAPIST IN THE HOUSE OF THE GEEKS??:eek:
What a great thread!!!!
I'm scared stiff of needles and anasthetic!!!!!! I've had some horiffic treatments done at the dentist without any pain relief because I won't let my dentist come near me with the needle full of anasthetic!!!!
When I have injections done at the doctors they need to get extra people in to hold my hand!!!!!!!!!!!

What a wuss I am!!!! :o Pathetic!!!

Tilly Ann xx
My phobias are:

Big spiders (I can handle the little ones)

Wasps (but I'm cool with bees)

Showering in the house on my own - not sure where this one stems from, it just really freaks me out to be in the shower when I'm home alone - I'm convinced I'm going to be attacked or burgled. Baths are fine, just showers that bother me.

Going up the stairs with somebody behind me - side by side is fine, but if somebody is behind me on stairs I get the overwhelming urge to leg it..much to my boyfriends amusement. I get really panicky, my heart races and I have even been known to cry. Very odd girl!

I'm also not a big fan of the dark (if my boyfriend is home I can sleep in the dark, but if he goes out for the night I have all the lights on and sleep with a knife next to the bed.
Tilly Ann said:
What a great thread!!!!
I'm scared stiff of needles and anasthetic!!!!!!
Tilly Ann xx

I used to be like you Tilly, absolutely terrified of needles. I would even faint. But, when I was pregnant with my 2nd, I had to inject myself 2 needles a day, otherwise I would have had a brain damaged baby. Now I am totally O.K. with them. So I think it's probably better when you have to face your fears.
I have three phobias:

The first and worst being gaps in curtains. I have to mess with them every night until there is not one bit of a gap. I hate the thought of someone outside watching me while I sleep.

The second is funeral cars. I cannot look at them if they drive past.

The third is dentists. I cry like a baby when I go to the dentist.
The first and worst being gaps in curtains. I have to mess with them every night until there is not one bit of a gap. I hate the thought of someone outside watching me while I sleep

Me too! I must have been a terrified child cos i have so many phobias!
I did Psychology at A level but didnt go too much into phobias- but im guessin it stems from something when you were really young- having said that i developed a phobia of cockroaches from 2 years ago so that cant be right!
or it could be like aversion therapy i guess....ok i have no idea! Ill have a look for a psychology book, i might still have one. x
I hate maggots or worms! Especially when there are loads of them together! I used to get nightmares about them when I was younger!

Oh, can't swim at age 37 too - and was brought up near a river!

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