playboy cake


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Peter Pan

Too sexy to be old geek
Premium Geek
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Hartlepool UK
ive finally got it finished


  • antonia resized.jpg
    antonia resized.jpg
    69.4 KB · Views: 1,705
Thats fab glynis , have you any more talents that we dont know about?
Love it !!:lol::lol::lol:
Awww your just too damn good G :hug:
i have a wedding cake to do for my step daughter in february, i know who to pm for the advise when i feel like throwing it around the kitchen and out of the window lol
Again really good Glynis, like Ive said before if you are not charging for these then you should be, they are bespoke, and not the sort of thing you could get at Sweetmans or the like.
Ive recently bought a birthday cake for my little girl, she was 3 and she had a Peppa Pig design on it, from a bakers and it fed 25 peeps, very basic, but that cost me £25, you could make a killing, Id defo buy a cake from you, even if you are hundreds of miles away!!
:hug: xxx
Again really good Glynis, like Ive said before if you are not charging for these then you should be, they are bespoke, and not the sort of thing you could get at Sweetmans or the like.
Ive recently bought a birthday cake for my little girl, she was 3 and she had a Peppa Pig design on it, from a bakers and it fed 25 peeps, very basic, but that cost me £25, you could make a killing, Id defo buy a cake from you, even if you are hundreds of miles away!!
:hug: xxx

Too true. It's fantastic!:hug: Can't wait to see a pic of the Mustang cake. Which model is it?:green:
Ive recently bought a birthday cake for my little girl, she was 3 and she had a Peppa Pig design on it, from a bakers and it fed 25 peeps, very basic, but that cost me £25, you could make a killing, Id defo buy a cake from you, even if you are hundreds of miles away!!
:hug: xxx

how sweet of you to say so :hug:

ive been told to charge £30 for the cakes ive already put up for you all to see. i saw a playboy cake on another site, very basic too, for £40. i really dont know what to do tho, as in my neck of the woods i dont know if £30 would be overpriced.

im gonna be doing a cake in the shape of a ford mustang soon for my daughter soon and also a wedding cake (just a dummy cake for display purposes) so when ive done them, ill show you the outcome
Too true. It's fantastic!:hug: Can't wait to see a pic of the Mustang cake. Which model is it?:green:

1989 (i think). ive made the templates so watch this space:hug:
1989 (i think). ive made the templates so watch this space:hug:

Cool! :hug: Sexy car, that. And one covered in icing you can eat! :green:
Another fab cake Glynis ... Do you do mail order?! :lol::lol:
I dont think £40 would be overpriced! I live in the back of beyond (Wales), and down here peeps pay that and a load more for boring run of the mil cakes that taste like cardboard!
Cant wait to see the car!! xx
What a fab cake!!

I would do a search on the internet to get an idea of prices, yours do seem very reasonable.

Can I just ask....whats a dummy cake?? whats it made of?!

Wow great cake mate, be carefull tho as doing alot of cakes will aggravate ya back especially when your piping the icing.Take care xxxx
Can I just ask....whats a dummy cake?? whats it made of?!


hi flower - a dummy cake is just a cake shape made of polystyrene - you then use that to decorate, instead of making a sponge/fruit cake (you can get them in all shapes and sizes-its what you see in cake shop windows for display purposes)
hi flower - a dummy cake is just a cake shape made of polystyrene - you then use that to decorate, instead of making a sponge/fruit cake (you can get them in all shapes and sizes-its what you see in cake shop windows for display purposes)

doh..i allways thought they were real ha ha
you have such a great artistic flair mate
G, all of your cakes are fantastic and you are very creative .- I wish I had ordered one for FIL's 80th this weekend.

You have had such a tough time recently, but you always manage to keep plodding along, amazing us with all your creations :hug:

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