Please help! Complete novice! Setting up a nail bar.


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Active Member
Sep 10, 2010
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Hi !! Am about to hopefully set up new nailbar and have NO IDEA where to buy anything !! ie furniture, salonwear etc !! Dah !!
Anybody any suggestions??:lol: thanks !
this is a good place for salon wear.....Salon Wear Uniforms Beauty Wear Uniforms

My nail bar was actualy adverlitsed as a computer table but had a similar set up to nail stations I had seen before, not made witht he glass tops as others were and so will not be as long lasting, this is my nail station....COMPUTER DESK Corner Table Office Furniture NEW PC 3g on eBay (end time 26-Sep-10 17:24:53 BST) I sit inside the L shape and the shelving units to the left of me store all my polishes and lotions etc, my efile is on the smaller lower area with all my acrylic things and polishes on the upper one, I have drawers behind my on my right with all the other things I need too.

I am not sure about a reception table, as the salon had one already, once you have an idea of what look/colour scheme you are going for you will find it easier to find the things you want, it doesnt all need to come from suppliers specificaly for salons, and you will already ahve the brand of products you are going to use, and can use promotional material from them also hth and good luck with yout new venture!!! xx
:)Thankyou so much !! Am doing a cnd L&P course oct , should I also do gel ? have been advised just to offer gel at first?easier to learn ? also want to offer shellac and minx ! think its too ambitious for somebody with no experience ?????
I dont quite understand.Are you saying you have no training,knowledge understanding or experience of the nail industry or any other business and you are setting up a nail bar.
Are you going to work in it yourself or just want to set it up for rental.
sometimes trying to learn too much at once isnt a good idea, as you can't concentrate on perfecting one as you are trying to do it all at once, personaly I am an L&P girl, I do both but actually find acrylic easier than gel, so it's maybe just a personal thing as to what you may find easier, it is a good idea to learn bith though, as some clients prefer one and others prefer theother, once you have got a good grip on the L7p and gel, you will find learning the other things easier, it would also be a good thing to be able to offer mancures and pedicures, pedicures are really popular in the lead up to and during summer as feet are on show, you will love learning you L&P with cnd, although i didnt train with them, I hear nothing but great things said about them, and they can take you right through all the training that you want to do, maybe talk to your educator when you start about what the best route to take would be, and what kind of timescale is best, they make it look super easy, but it's really not and it takes a lot of practice before you feel confident to offer it as a service you feel happy to charge for, but at the same time your friends and family are happy bunnies because they get to be practice models and get nails done for them he he.

It's really exiting eh!! am sure you will do great!! look forwards to seeing pics and hearing how you are doing xx
No experience whatsoever !! am not setting up on my own renting a chair in my hairdressers ! have been a self employed fitness instructor for 20 years , but have decided time for a change !
You sound like the nicest person in the world !! hehe xxx thankyou for your advice xx!!:lol:
I really really hope you don't take this the wrong way but I think if you have no experience as of yet perhaps it would be a good idea to hang fire.

I can say myself that I almost did this and i ended up doing further training and went mobile although i was qualified still offering as a trainee.

Maybe set yourself a target so many sets of nails before you start charging then advertise as a newly qualified tech.

Gel is supposedly(sure i've spelt it wrong but spell check won't work :S )
easier to train in but L&P is very very popular if you master l&p it will probably a lot easier to train in the other nail systems.

Good luck with your training, You certainly won't regret joining up to this site, I've gotten so much help from it that hasn't been covered in training etc it's unreal!
I absolutely will not take it the wrong way !!! I really appreciate your advice ! I could hear people screaming "what !! she has no experience and shes wanting to do what ??"... but I have thought long and hard about this and I will do exactly as you advise !!
You have to set your goals high !!!!..... thanks again .
What is your advice re offering shallac ? Do you think that is achievable by xmas ??
I absolutely will not take it the wrong way !!! I really appreciate your advice ! I could hear people screaming "what !! she has no experience and shes wanting to do what ??"... but I have thought long and hard about this and I will do exactly as you advise !!
You have to set your goals high !!!!..... thanks again .
What is your advice re offering Shellac ? Do you think that is achievable by xmas ??

Exactly what I did think!! :hug::lol: But feint heart never won 'owt as they say ... I like those who believe they CAN and just go for it ... my kind of people.

If you hold a certificate for manicure and know how to perform a really professional polish job then Shellac is doable by Christmas but you'd better get a move on!! :hug: You won't be able to buy Shellac or anything else from CND unless you have that certificate!!
It can be done, its not easy but you can succeed. I started as a novice beauty and nail tech opened my salon after 3 months experience, (19 months ago) and am opening my second and a training academy..............

and yes am bonkers, but successful.

it can be done so good luck my love! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
No experience whatsoever !! am not setting up on my own renting a chair in my hairdressers ! have been a self employed fitness instructor for 20 years , but have decided time for a change !

I think this will definately help you! People who excercise take good care of themselves, and you have experience being self employed.
Thankyou gys so much !!!!:hug:was beginning to seriously doubt myself there !!!
It really means a lot to hear your comments x thankyou for taking the time to respond x

It can be done, its not easy but you can succeed. I started as a novice beauty and nail tech opened my salon after 3 months experience, (19 months ago) and am opening my second and a training academy..............

and yes am bonkers, but successful.

it can be done so good luck my love!

yes !! you have to look at your cup half full !! hehe XX may be in touch for some other advice xx!! love the name of your salon by the way !! dont know what to call mine ! any ideas ??xxxx
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you can get in touch anytime you need me hon! just pm me and ill do my best to assist. thank you i love it too.

well, start with something close to your heart. you have jazzie as your name here.... jazzie nails
pinkies i quite like for you for some idea why!

dont u think jazzie nails sounds a bit tacky !!!??? i teach jazzercise hence jazzie !!! well done u for your business achievement ! on your way to your first million !! bring it on !!!ps where do you buy salon items eg towels uniforms etc ?? xxx
hey !! actually quite like tigis nails?? what do ya think !! hehe x
oh i would be rather honoured and a bit gobsmacked!!! ha ha. i like jazzie nails, nails that are all jazzed up strikes a great chord and a positive message, which is what you send to clients.


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