Polite message to clients about payment


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Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Slough, Berkshire
Hi ladies

I don't have a problem with any of my other clients about payments except one.

She has also become a friend and that's where I feel the problem is.

When she started getting her nails done, she would say I'll drop off money and she would within a few days. Then it got to paying for her last appointment when she came in for her new appointment.
That's 2 weeks later I got payment from her.

This last time it's been 4-5 weeks.
When she had her 2nd appointment she said I'll pay you by the end of the week for both appointments. I text her asking when she's going to do bank transfer, then she goes please can I wait another week!
Waited another week and I had to text her again to ask when she's paying. She said sorry for inconvenience this time it's because she's changed her job and she only gets paid on the 24th dec.
She then got her hubby to drop £25 off to me and she said she'll sort out the rest by the end of the week.
And she's got another appointment booked in next week.

I want to word a text message as if it's going out in a bulk message.
Something on the lines of
"In the New Year I will only be taking Cash or bank transfer payments on the day of the appointment. As I am a small business I cannot afford to give credit."

Does this sound harsh?
I would try along the lines of "hello ladies (and gents if you have male clients), just a friendly reminder that all services must be paid for in full at the end of your treatment. Hope you all have a merry christmas & hope to see you all in the new year!"

I don't think you need to justify yourself that you are a small business and can't afford to give credit. Stick to a friendly text and it may give her the nudge she needs. Failing that I would tell her you simply can't book her in for any more treatments until all outstanding payments are settled. I hate people who take advantage, you wouldn't go into Tesco load your trolley up and tell them you'll pay next week lol xx
I recently had the same problem and sent out an email to all my clients so no one could say I was singling them out.
I've now started taking card payments so there's no excuse not to pay on the day.
I'd say that if they're doing a bank transfer it must be done before their appointment or whilst they are with you for the appointment, otherwise people say; "ahh ill transfer the money later today for you", then it ends up taking days,weeks, months with you wasting your time to chase people.
I think what you have put is fine, straight to the point, gets the message across.
Maybe if she's a friend you need to speak to her directly though, if you send a message that looks like a bulk message she may not think it applies to her or that you'll let her off, so it may be worth saying to her directly that she must pay for her appointment at the time as you have bills to pay yourself so need the money then. Xxxx
No, it sounds perfectly reasonable.
This is your livelihood not your hobby. You do need to be firm with your clients or they will take liberties.
I would speak to her and say that as much as you value her custom you're unable to accept her next booking until she has settled her account. Tell her there are other clients on your cancellation list...

She is no friend to you if she can't see that you're as entitled to your pay on time as she is with hers. The date she gets paid is immaterial. She should have the money with her when she arrives for her appointment.
Time to get strong, take a deep breath and be firm.
Even a message directly just to her would be acceptable. Some people think you can just do their nails for fun to fill up your day and it doesn't matter when they pay! I have a girl txt me all the time asking to do her nails on that particular day after repeatedly telling her what days and times I work and how much notice to give me for an appt as I can't just magic them up out of nowhere. Then when she books in she'll say 'I don't have the money today but get paid in 2 weeks' so I just txt back last time 'if you don't have the money to pay for them on the day then you can't book in' - She soon got the idea! Simple!
Would they walk into Topshop, take a coat to the till and say 'I want this but can pay you in a couple weeks is that ok?' Don't think so.
It's infuriating and so rude!
Personally, I don't like the generic group email approach to tackle one difficult client.

You risk alienating the rest of your clients who pay for their treatments without a second thought. In fact, I'd be rather irritated if I received something like this as I know I always pay bills promptly.

Just be completely honest and upfront and tell her that whilst you appreciate her custom, until her account is settled you are unable to provide any more appointments and in future, you expect her to pay in full like all your other clients.

As an aside, I do sometimes wonder why so many Geeks find it difficult to set boundaries with their clients? Is it a British reserve /cultural thing? My experience is that the majority of people appreciate a straightforward approach in business matters.
I too don't feel a generic text message is appropriate in this case.
A generic facebook status would be much more acceptable, but if that text came through to me I'd be irritated & feel you obviously just whack in a message & send to everyone with no thought, knowing I pay promptly.
With facebook though you can't be sure who it will reach but at least it's out there.
Personally she needs dealing with head on & you need to simply be straight with her.
She's taking advantage, nails are a luxury not a necessity & she needs to realise your working, you've used your time & materials.
These situations with friends can be incredibly awkward & I feel for you, but just a gentle conversation where nothing can be mistaken or misread like in texts. Explain next year you'd really appreciate it if she could be square & pay for treatments at the time of her appointments, so you can keep your stock & book balances correct.
Good luck.
What I meant to say was don't send the message to all your clients of course not! Just make it sound like it's a group message and only send it to her. Should of been clearer xx
Thank you ladies for all your input.
Yes that's what I was thinking of doing pretend it's a group message but I'll only send it to her.
It's a really tricky situation, especially as she is a friend but just try & be firm but fair with her.
You are a business woman at the end of the day & if she was to go to another salon to have her nails done she wouldn't be able to get away with not paying there & then so why should she with you?

Good luck! :)
I don't like pretense in dealing with clients. It always seems to come back and bite you. The other problem is that your "friend" is likely to see your pretend group message but think that it doesn't apply to her since she's your friend. She already acts as if your rules don't apply to her; this will be no different. I say just pull her aside or send her a message that explains that you can't continue to carry her like this and that she has to pay for her services when they're done.
Message her saying:
I want your outstanding balance settled in full within the next 7 days and all future appointments are to be paid at the time of service. Regards XYZ

This message explains clearly that you want what's owed to you asap & that all future services are to be paid in full at the time of her service. Your not being rude or unfriendly, your dealing with business the way that it has to be dealt with.

IF she asks why you need the money or why all future services are to be paid in full at the time then your reply could be: My accountant has told me that my books are a mess and this is how I have to do things from now on OR you could be honest and say 'because I said so' which would be my answer lol. The above IF is underlined & in bold because you shouldn't justify yourself to her if she doesn't ask, only if she does ask (& even then you don't have to justify your decisions, like I said because I said so & I'm the boss).

It's hard when it's your own business to make a stand sometimes, it's always easier if you imagine you have a boss and they would be on your case if you didn't make that stand, having that imaginary boss being on your case will help you to act like your just doing your job and that payment must be taken or the boss will play hell. :Love:
I have sent a message out to friends before, went something like this...

'Hey, I know I've seemed to be happy with the paying situation up until now but it's actually getting out of hand and I need to nip it in the bud so I'm not waiting money after each appointment. Could you please pay your balance before the next appointment then we can get back on track for future dates'.

It's being straight forward, taking blame for it yourself, (which it is your fault for allowing in the past - easily done :) ) no lies and should hopefully put the point across without being rude to her...

Good luck whatever you do.. x
I've sent her the message lets hope she notices it!
I agree with NancySyd, she obviously doesn't think the rules apply to her, as she treats you that way already.

I would explain to her that you will have no option but to cancel her next appointment due to the fact she is behind in paying you and is getting further behind.
Explain that you need the money and therefore will give preference to paying clients.
Also tell her that any further appointments will have to be paid for on the day.

If she gets annoyed, who cares, what kind of a friend is she! Who needs friends like that.

Sometimes friends and family can be the worst for this type of behaviour. But they can only do it if you allow it to happen.

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