Hi all 1st off let me say how this site has helped me so much i am pretty new to this and love this proffesion with a passion.I just got my cetificate on april 1st.I have been doing a lot of practice with freinds and family.I use the AKZENZ and the LCN products.About 3 weeks ago i started breaking out in rashes on my hands and face the dr told me i was allergic to something I was using.I have tried to narrow it down and it seems like its the dust even the gel cleaner and the cuticle oil.So i stopped for a couple weeks and started using gloves and have a good vent.I did my daughters nails and a freind of hers yesterday and wore glove and be darned if i didnt wake up this morning with sore itchy hands blistering under the skin.I dont want to give up this perfession i enjoy it so much does any one have any suggestion as to wha i can use for the rash or even what line i can switch to I hate to cause i have spent a small fortune on my gels would love some advice ty you all:cry: