i have bought a whole miriad of goods from Ebay (but never product i hasten to add)
i have bought nail trainer, tips (to practise nail art and try out polish colours etc)
i have bought bottle holders and dipsosable gloves and aprons etc,
i admit i have even bought one or two polishes but only from people who i have used before and got good stuff from them, and thankfully they were the real deal, (but since joining this site ive not bought anymore polish)
ive had some nail art brushes and acetone/polish remover dispensers etc and some of it has been great value ive even bought stuff for less than £1 inc P&P and its done the job, i bought 48 dual use nail art striper pens and they cost me £11 inc p&p and they are brilliant such a range of colours
BUT i have also had some real crap, the nail art brushes esp hong kong etc are rubbish, they are cheap and there is a reason, the nail tips are so thick, you couldnt use them to dipslay nail art and out of the 4 dispensers i have bought one works ok, one dosent pump and the other 2 squirt everywhere, but they were so cheap, even 1 out of the 4 makes it a saving, but lesson learnt, i now search online nail shops that people have given me the links to, and often find similar prices for things that you know are better quality
just watch what your buying
listen to what everyone is saying , DO NOT buy product
a) its illegal for them to sell it
b) it could be dangerous if you dont know what it is
c) its not fair to everyone else paying the proper prices from the real distrubutor
d) if they dont post it using proper channels , that is also illegal and very dangerous