Rank your website well - Group Participation


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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2012
Reaction score
Hi Guys

I see lots of you post questions regarding how to rank your websites better on Google and need advice on what the best methods are.

As an SEO "Expert" myself, i've attended many courses and researched the methods the professionals use to get better rankings and want to share these with you.

One of the key factors for your website to rank well, is citations and reviews from other websites.

What I would like to propose is a daily method for everyone who wants to take part, to be able to use these methods for us all to review and boost each others websites in order for us ALL to gain better rankings.

Whats in it for me?? Nothing, my website is already ranked (mostly) position #1 for the search term "Hair Salon Southport" but the more reviews and backlinks we get, the better our websites will stay on first page.

The process I am looking at is gaining "Google +1's", Yelp reviews, Directory listings and lots of other aspects which help your ranking.

Each day, (well a few times a week so long as I'm not busy with my full time work - which is SEO & Webdesign) ill instruct you to not only add your website to a directory/business listing, but also we should all review and comment on our fellow salon geeks businesses.

For example, search for "Beauty salon manchester" in the google places listing, mostly all of the listings have 2, 4, 6 or more "Google reviews", how many google reviews has your business got? have you even got a Google business listing?

So, this is my proposal, some of you may not be bothered, some of you may want to do this, but we need at least (as a bare minimum) 10 people taking part in order for this to work, 20 people would be great!

Remember, this doesnt cost anyone ANYTHING! its FREE, its just your time and effort.

I'll await your responses, and then if we go ahead we can start next week.


iSalon UK
I'm in and thanks
This help is greatly appreciated. I'm definitely in.

Gem x
My website is due an overhaul and I'd love to know what I can do to improve things, thanks
Count me in please :)
Absolutely yes please count me in!!!xx
I'm up for that. Count me in
Great idea! Count me in! :)
I'm in! Thank you!
I'd be interested, thanks
I'd be happy to join in too :)
Count me in, I'm in Ireland though, not sure if you only want UK salons
Can I clarify, as may be being a bit ditzy. When you review a place does it not advise that it must be genuine? I also think some reviewing sites insist that your not related or giving false reviews etc.

Or am I getting confused!
I got the same impression. I'm not into anything less than genuine reviews.
Count me in, I'm in Ireland though, not sure if you only want UK salons

It doesnt really matter too much, the purpose is that your website will be listed on the internet from other large websites, so the more the merrier.
Can I clarify, as may be being a bit ditzy. When you review a place does it not advise that it must be genuine? I also think some reviewing sites insist that your not related or giving false reviews etc.

Or am I getting confused!

Taggyboy, its not just about the reviews, its about the whole presence of your website on the internet, the more "citations" you have, the more credit google gives your site as its being "mentioned" on other sites.

Doing reviews is only a part of it, ill also go through adding to directories, multiple search engines, google +, google circles, google places etc, so if you're not happy about the reviews, leave that part out.

and besides, the websites we'll add reviews too, cannot penalise anyone as they have no authority to do so, and everyones IP and location will be different so theyve got no reason to be suspicious.

anyhoo, i did say some geeks will want to join in and some wont. its your choice!
Very interesting! Mee too please.
I think this is a terrible idea. I would much rather satisfied customers leave me an honest review. Do you not have any conscience? Leaving brilliant reviews for people you have never met and enticing the unsuspecting public to use them? For all you know the people you are leaving reviews for may not have any qualifications or experience.
I for one will not be using this 'service'

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