Shellac questions


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Jun 29, 2010
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I have been using the CND Shellac for a month now and really like it. I have 28 years experience doing natural nails only and esthetics.

I have found that now matter how hard I try I can't shellac a client in the 30 mins like the company says it takes. I have found 45 mins on nails with good cuticles and 1 hour or more on clients with rough cuticles. Even with a good cuticle remover without being able to soak the nails or toes before hand I can't clean up the cuticle as well as I'd like and get the last bits off the nails where it adheres sometimes. Which might affect the smoothness of the polish application. And I am known for how well I clean up bad cuticles. I send them home with solar oil but some still have problems or don't use it enough.

Also since the product is a bit thicker and I want to do a good job it takes a while to paint it on as I do not want to miss any part of the nail and have it wipe off after the final cure with the shellac lamp.

So while I love the product and will keep using it I find I could probably make more money for my time doing regular manicures or other esthetic services. So I am just pretending to myself that I am making more money with it so I can justify how much I am spending on stocking up on it. I figure as time goes by I will have all this sorted out so I will make as much money for my time with it as my other esthetic services I offer do.

So to make a long story short what do others do with cuticles and nails from hell clients when you can't soak them first? Some of these are my good friends so I want to keep them happy. Also how look does it take others to do clients in these situations?

I know what you mean it has been taking me 1 hour for a Shellac, you could also add an extra 10 minutes for the bad cuticle clients. I also take longer painting it on than a normal polish because im trying to keep the coat THIN! Then there is the annoyance of having to keep draining your brush from product, then you over drain and have to dip for more aggghh! :irked: lol
It also takes me an hour and if it's a french then a little longer still. Saying that, i'm nothing to go on - it takes me 90 mins to do minx!! Although clients do value their time if they are relaxed, enjoying your company and getting a good result then I'm sure they won't mind an extra half hour or so (she said, waiting for the shouts by other geeks!!).
The learning curve on this product is more than what the company says. I feel like a newbie when applying it somedays. Something the client does not need to see so I pretend all is well when I am sweating :) S.
I have been using the CND Shellac for a month now and really like it. I have 28 years experience doing natural nails only and esthetics.

I have found that now matter how hard I try I can't shellac a client in the 30 mins like the company says it takes. I have found 45 mins on nails with good cuticles and 1 hour or more on clients with rough cuticles. Even with a good cuticle remover without being able to soak the nails or toes before hand I can't clean up the cuticle as well as I'd like and get the last bits off the nails where it adheres sometimes. Which might affect the smoothness of the polish application. And I am known for how well I clean up bad cuticles. I send them home with solar oil but some still have problems or don't use it enough.

Also since the product is a bit thicker and I want to do a good job it takes a while to paint it on as I do not want to miss any part of the nail and have it wipe off after the final cure with the shellac lamp.

So while I love the product and will keep using it I find I could probably make more money for my time doing regular manicures or other esthetic services. So I am just pretending to myself that I am making more money with it so I can justify how much I am spending on stocking up on it. I figure as time goes by I will have all this sorted out so I will make as much money for my time with it as my other esthetic services I offer do.

So to make a long story short what do others do with cuticles and nails from hell clients when you can't soak them first? Some of these are my good friends so I want to keep them happy. Also how look does it take others to do clients in these situations?

Hello, Just reading your thread.I do believe you can soak fingers and toes beore you Shellac. I was told you can perform a mani before or after. Might help you out with tricky cuticles.
Sorry if I'm wrong eeek
BTW I take an hour to do Shellac but like to keep it neat neat neat and thin thin thin
I will have to read up on the regular manicure part reguarding soaking. This would help me a lot with certain clients.

One the one hour time note it looks like I am normal in taking time and being a perfectionist. Darn it! Why can't it be fast like a regular manicure?

If you can make more money just doing normal mani's than you can with shellac then your not charging enought for the shellac service!

As for the timing I find that the more I did the quicker I got do you have the new shellac light? The 5 finger cure saves time .

As for treatment time well that all goes by you some techs are faster than others , :)

could your cuitical tool need replacing?
Do you use cnd cuticle away? Makes the job easyer ,
To me though the fact that once it Is done there's no dry time the client could Put gloves on , get keys out , run hands throught hair what ever to me that is what makes it soooooooo much quicker than normal polish ,
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Do you use cnd cuticle away? Makes the job easyer

Haven't got my lamp yet so can't start but do you find Cuticle Away is sufficient for the pre Shellac cuticle work? Also have read previously that it is also good before Minx?
Hi again
I thinkcticle away is amazing before Shellac but I never use it with Minx just because if you don't get every last bit off the minx don't always adhere perfectly.
I dry prep or soak feet first no oil and a goos scrub fresh:Grope:
Sure do , cuticle away and a good tool is fab P.E.P for shellac , after you use it don't for get to de-activate it with some water , dry then scrubfresh and your good to go :)
Happppy shellac-ing !
Mizzy, I do have the correct lamp as well as use cuticle away. I have two clients who I can't get their cuticles soft enough with it for proper clean up. I have a new cuticle tool as well. One of the better ones. I charge $35 for Shellac and $22 for a manicure.

Mizzy, I do have the correct lamp as well as use cuticle away. I have two clients who I can't get their cuticles soft enough with it for proper clean up. I have a new cuticle tool as well. One of the better ones. I charge $35 for Shellac and $22 for a manicure.


Relax , I wasn't thinking that you had the wrong lamp just alot of techs are using the older cnd light ( the silver brisa lamp that only dose 4 fingers then the thumbs so takes a little longer) as the new light (White one) is sooo in demand and there's stock probs I just wondered what one you wear using that's all They are both fine with shellac but one will be quicker, :)

as for the stubon cuticles I think it's strange that cuticle away isn't doing it , that stuff can remove callouse skin off feet so there cuticale must be bad !

Do they use solar oil? If so the next thing you can give / sell them for home care is cnd cuticle eraser it's got A.H.A 's & " micro exfoliate's "

Another thing you will find though is if they keep to it and get there re-shellacs every 2weeks there cuticles will be dramaticly better in just a few weeks :)
Thanks guys. I can't wait.

Almost thought about getting the old lamp when they still had it in stock but thought better of it as I'm slow enough with painting already and as you say the newer one is going to speed the whole process up when you can cure all at once.
I have been giving solar oil away to the shellac clients to use at home. Some must just have resistant cuticles. My one friend can have hers done and a week later look like she has never had them done in her life and she used lotion all the time and gloves.
just a mention about the thickness and coats....2 THIN layers....remember thin thin thin...thick layers with Shellac just don't work...if the first coat looks a little patchy, fine...the second will correct it.
Mizzy, I do have the correct lamp as well as use cuticle away. I have two clients who I can't get their cuticles soft enough with it for proper clean up.
Retail them Cuticle Eraser and Solar Oil for home use, they act as a shampoo and conditioner (for want of a better phrase) for the nails and will soon have their stubborn cuticle and eponychium under control, providing they use it as recommended :green:
That is a good idea about them using the cuticle erase at home as well as the solar oil.

I should also put stickers on each bottle that say "thin, thin, thin" as a reminder :) as the polish is thicker and can easily go on thicker if I forget and paint it on like regular polish.

Do they use solar oil? If so the next thing you can give / sell them for home care is cnd cuticle eraser it's got A.H.A 's & " micro exfoliate's "


I agree ....... :irked:
im finding it hard to paint on thin as well as sometimes it goes patchy, and sometimes I think I need to put on 3 coats which is using more product and taking too much time. I have used the tutti frutti, red baroness and tropix but it definately looked like we needed another coat after the 2nd. They were over l & p and gel though so do you think that this makes a difference.

I also take at least an hour but I am very thorough with the cuticle work and have had some with lots of hard cuticle too. Im doing shellac fingers and toes tomorrow night so I will time myself and see how long I take. I use the dashing divas with the french so this takes me alot longer. I do prefer to do the colour and dread it when someone wants french as im not very good at painting the white so I use dashing divas but then take alot longer. Im sure that with more practice I will get there.

Does anyone know when the lamps are due in and when they are bringingt out more colours.
If i'm sure the 30 min timing Gide would be aimed at problem free , avrage lenth , nails ,
if you think of it like a bit of string how long is it?

most have an avrage time for Enhancements but sometimes come across nails that need more work and take longer ,

shellac timing would be 12 /16 (3 coats) min and 20 seconds

So even with 3 color coats that leaves 14 mins for PEP or if you book for 45 mins then 24 mins to do your pep it's lots of time even for stubbon stuck on cuticale ,

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