Should we charge extra for layering?


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Apr 26, 2012
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Been wondering if because when layering, we use an extra coat and cure for longer, should we be charging a small amount extra?? Also for clients with flaky nails, been reading that a double topcoat can help. Would you also charge more for that? Thanks x:biggrin:
What do YOU feel confortable doing? Personally, I don't charge extra but that's me.
Same as me, i don@t charge but i know people who do so just wanted to ask the question :biggrin: thanks
I don't charge extra, but was also wondering this the other day :)

It will be interesting to see if anyone does.

We dont charge for layering either.
Part of the service to me.
Kind of like charging clients if they want conditioner after their shampoo (we automatically condition lol!)
I think setting our prices as we do already accommodates for if there's any layering done and I don't think charging extra would be the thing to do but that is JMO. Yes, charge extra for Nail art on top of that should you offer that service but otherwise I think our Shellac price is already accounting for layering or extra topcoats :hug:
No, I think if you start adding extra little bits on for this and that, clients get the wrong impression that you are just out to make as much money as possible rather than offer a good service and a happy client.

Do you charge more for a spray tan just becuause the person is a bit larger?? I hope the answer's no.
I know a salon near me charges extra for French, for layering, for rock stars. Personally I don't but I think I have set my prices accordingly because the other salon charges less than me in the first place x
I know a salon near me charges extra for French, for layering, for rock stars. Personally I don't but I think I have set my prices accordingly because the other salon charges less than me in the first place x

I charge differently for french,colour and rockstar.

French takes longer to do with is more on my time and rockstar is applying glitter + 2 topcoats so I charge £3 extra for that as it's still my products being used.

I wouldn't charge for layering though,that comes as a normal colour service, your not doing anything different apart from it's 2 colours rather than 2 colour coats x x
I charge extra for my french but not layering but am going to start doing rockstar so i will charge more for that. Thanks for the advice guys :biggrin:
I charge the same for French or colour. For rockstar or nail art or anything else I charge more :)

I don't charge any extra for layering at all. I would think that was quite stingy.
No, I think if you start adding extra little bits on for this and that, clients get the wrong impression that you are just out to make as much money as possible rather than offer a good service and a happy client.

Do you charge more for a spray tan just becuause the person is a bit larger?? I hope the answer's no.

Gosh so do I! I need go lose a lot of weight before go for a spray tan, they'll charge me triple! LOL. :lol:
I do charge a couple of ££ more for French or Rockstar but never crossed my mind to charge for layering and wouldn't.
Vicki xx
I charge extra for layering as it's an extra coat....more time and more product - I don't see how charging for using more product and time is stingy??

Normal colour I do 2 coats but layering is 3.

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Personally I charge for extra layers (example: two coats top coat or 3 coats color) mainly because Shellac is the most expensive of the UV products and I really don't charge what I should for the basic shellac service.

I don't believe it's the same as charging extra for a larger person being spray tanned. That's discriminatory and completely not the same. Hair stylists charge extra for coloring more/longer hair or extra colors Bc it takes more product. So I don't c y nail stylists should not charge for extra product as well.

That being said, when I return from maternity leave, I will be raising my basic shellac price the $2 I charge for extra coats in order to stabilize my pricing and still cover the extra cost. But if someone wants to charge extra, I say do it.
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I find some of the colours actually need 3 coats to get a full coverage. That's not the clients fault. I can't charge extra cos I put an extra coat on to make the nails look as they should.
Just wondering why you are all using 3 colour coat when layering?

On my Shellac course in January I was taught to use one colour with a different colour over, that's what I do all the time and its fine, no problems. (The only exception being a French where I do 2 thin coats of white not 1).

My colour wheels offer well over 80 shades from around 20 bottles of colour and the layered ones are all just one coat of colour, with one over the top.

Were some people trained to use 2 base coats of colour or something or ?

In which case what's the benefit cos atm I can't see one. It just uses more product?

This isn't meant to come across at all aggressively, I just wondered why I'm doing it one way and you guys are doing it different! lol

i think you get a better ,deeper look if you use 2 of the base colours under the layering coat. that's just me though.
i did 2 sets of blackpool yesterday and i put a layer of iced coral on the ring finger . i didn't charge extra for that but if the client had wanted the iced coral over all the nails i would have.
time is money and it is a business.
It takes a little longer, it uses a little more product (assuming your using 3 colour coat layers) AND you are providing a custom service- you are custom making the colour for a client.
Why should you not charge more for that if its costing you more and giving the client something a little more individual then a standard colour?
Just wondering why you are all using 3 colour coat when layering?

On my Shellac course in January I was taught to use one colour with a different colour over, that's what I do all the time and its fine, no problems. (The only exception being a French where I do 2 thin coats of white not 1).

My colour wheels offer well over 80 shades from around 20 bottles of colour and the layered ones are all just one coat of colour, with one over the top.

Were some people trained to use 2 base coats of colour or something or ?

In which case what's the benefit cos atm I can't see one. It just uses more product?

This isn't meant to come across at all aggressively, I just wondered why I'm doing it one way and you guys are doing it different! lol


Sometimes clients want more of one color than the other. Sometimes I use three separate colors to create a new one. I'll double up on the top coat if they tend to have peeling nails. Sometimes I mix a touch of glitter to make a glitter coat (not as intense as rock star) to go over the top of their color. There are many reasons for three coats. :)

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