Interesting to see the comments about prosecutions. Don't Ellisons & Beauty Express sell whitening systems? The BE website has the TeethWhite system on there.
Edit to add, this isn't something I'd want to be offering and would only go to a Dentist as a client if I wanted it. Maybe those who feel there is a market for this should try talking to some dental practices about cross-promotional offers etc.
MMA is banned and it is difficult to control it would seem - you can ban something but there will always be people who use it regardless. Like Pirate DVD's, Cocaine.. there is always that percentage.
Haven't introduced anything of the sort in my salon.
Having read numerous articles in both trade and national press, the sh*t is possibly going to hit the fan on this one regarding unqualified people carrying out what is essentially dental work. It is (as far as I understand) illegal for anyone not registered with the BDA (British Dental Association) to carry out ANY form of procedure within the oral area (although not quite sure how this related to the old tooth fairies!?). In Aesthetic Medicine journal they quoted that one salon has actually been prosecuted and more will definitely follow.
I could be way off mark here, but I personally do not think that therapists should be carrying out this type of treatment, but maybe that comes from my background years ago of working in a dental hospital!
Ring your dentist and explain what's happened, I'm sure they'll do their best to fit you in, even if it's an emergency appointment, it'll be worth it to get yourself sorted out and be pain free :hug:I hate tooth ache i guess i should make an appointment with my dentist but there is a long wait for an appointment.
Any suggestions anyone?
This is the the first time i have used this site i would like to talk to Brenn about the smilespa product, it is a very popular product, my mum n i have both had our teeth done and the results were fantastic, no one has sued a smile spa operative, you buy a treatment gel pack from the supplier and it includes liability insurance. It is not teeth whitening it is stain removal, so you are not doing and dental procedure, mearly deep cleaning, its a bit like being a carpet cleaner!!! every one wants whiter teeth and because the product does not contain bleach it does not damage the teeth or hurt the gums, it is safe enough to have it done once a year to remove new stains. I can organise you a free demonstration at your sallon if you would like,Has anyone introduced the Smilespa teeth whitening system. If so I would love to hear your comments about the system & whether it's been a success.
I am pro teeth whitening is salons and anything else that can make us a few ££££!
The General Dental Council (GDC) say it is their 'policy' that only dentists carry out teeth whitening. Of course they will say that as they want to keep the lucritive business to themselves! The General Medical Council (GMC) have INFACT ruled that teeth whitening is a COSMETIC NOT DENTAL proceedure and therefore CAN be carried out by trained operatives who are NOT dentists. If you visit your 'dentist' you are likely to pay twice as much for the treatment only for it to be carried out by the hygienist!
I have researched the systems, have extensive training and completed a course with exam on competency and dental anatomy. I offer teeth whitening in local clinics as my machine is mobile and get very good results from very happy clients. I charge £249 per 1 hour treatment which is HALF that charged by local dentist for a home use tray system. I am honest with clients and tell them this is a lightening and brightening process and will not give Hollywood white - you can only bring enamel up to its natural white colour and not beyond that.
As usual the trouble is there are a few bad clinics out there, doing crap treatments with little training and not getting very good results BUT dont tar us all with the same brush. You can all have your own opinion but please do not go repeating negative comments based on what you read in the newspapers - we are all out there trying to make an honest living!