So gutted


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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2012
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ordered my shellac holiday dua the iced vapour set with my order on tuesday it arrived today and they havent sent my new colours just a pack of three hand lotions ! so upset they are sending replacements out but i have to send lotions back myself which yes they will refund postage when they receive them but im just so upset with them right now i love using shellac and i fully understand that they have been extremely busy lately but they lost my lamp that i sent them to fix last week and now this would have thought the very least they would have offered is a pre paid for envelope to send lotions back in! im not slating the company at all im just so frustrated and upset that just needed to vent :sad:x
S2 should have a free post code they could provide you with most companies that deal with lots of post do, give them a ring and check p.s I totally feel your frustration there's nothing worse than being excited to receive something and then not getting it!! Xx
S2 should have a free post code they could provide you with most companies that deal with lots of post do, give them a ring and check p.s I totally feel your frustration there's nothing worse than being excited to receive something and then not getting it!! Xx

I disagree, they won't have a freepost return address. Why would they?? The kind of companies that have free post address returns are consumer catalogues where you try on clothes and return the ones that don't fit. S2 won't be expecting many/any returns so why would they maintain an expensive thing like that, it would just put the prices up for no good reason.

it's a shame this has happened OP, if you aren't happy with the resolution S2 has proposed though you should phone them up and tell them directly. I feel for them at the moment as they are so busy and are probably shipping hundreds if not thousands of orders and yet if one thing goes wrong people are straight on here posting their complaint publicly. On one hand it is fair enough, but i've only seen a handful of people posting positively about their orders when I'm sure the vast majority of them were on time and correct!
I dont think theres any harm in asking tbh
sorry, yes by all means I think the OP should contact S2 I just meant to say I was disagreeing to your statement that S2 should have a freepost address.
I didn't mean they should have one I should have put they might have one :)

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