Hi Everyone,
I have patches of PSORIASIS on my elbows and lower legs which is improving every week, with the summer fast approaching I would love to be able to wear shorts, skirts etc I was wondering if having a spray tan might cover my psoriasis up somewhat or would it make it worse? Im so fedup having to live in jeans and combats through the summer.
Angie xx
Hi Angie,
you are not alone with this problem and I certainly feel for you and those that suffer.
In generall terms there is no reason why you should not use a spraytan but just be a little carefull.
Some pointers for you.
Make sure you select the right liquid aplication...do some skin patch tests to areas where there are no Psoriasis patches to ensure you won't have a reaction.
Never spray over areas of infection where the skin surface is broken (either through cracking or scratching)
Never spray if the effected areas are inflamed or excessivley active
Choose a liquid that is natural and has minimal initial colour guide/dye as this has a tendncy to be absorbed by dry dead skin and will accentuate dark patches and will be diffcult to wash out.
Lightly apply moisturiser to any excessive dead skin patchy areas before being sprayed.
Always explain your skin problem to the person doing your spraytan..if they have been properly trained they should know only to well how to deal with you properly.
After the spraytan try not to scratch any effected areas as this could agrovate your condition.
The dead skin areas may require ongoing and additional moisturiser.
Take your time and reserch as much as you can..is the liquid compatible...are you confident the spraytan operator has sprayed someone with your condition before..maybe even ask the salon you are going to if they would give you a partial tan to areas that are clear..this will build up your confidence..
If you do all these things slowly and carefully there realy is no reason why you shouldnt enjoy healthy looking tan and get those shorts out for the summer.
Hoping this helps:hug: