just be very carefull when messing about with electrics around where you are spraying..especially in confined spaces :hug:
As a trained and qualified electrical and electronics engineer, with a husband who is a health and safety expert, I'm well on top of this!
My leads are permanently attached to the inside of the tent, coming out at a suitable saftey point and merely 'curl' away with the tent. The lamps that susequently clip discreetly in after erection of the tent, are plastic safety lamps that give off no heat.
Outside the tent I have both a unit that comprises both a circuit tester and breaker....you'd be amazed how many poeples house have dodgy electrics (and I'm not risking the 'health' of either the lamps or my compressor!). Both my lights and compressors plug into the tester/breaker, and that connects to a single power source.
I had 2 or 3 tan technicians used to come mobile to me, before I started doing tanning, and was constantly amazed at them asking for extension leads and whether I could move table lamps around to improve their lighting. I take no chances and ensure I am perfectly equipped. IMO its best to be so to ensure a professional service.
However Collin is completely right...it does pose risks, so if you aren't 100% sure on your H&S of using any electrical equipment....best not to do so!