Hi there I have just recently qualified and am looking for quality but reasonably priced suppliers as I need all the basic equipment before I can even start working from home. Can anybody offer any advise on the best suppliers for me? Thanks xxx
I have just qualified as a nail technician and I need to purchase all the basics to enable me to start working from home. I have looked for suppliers but as I am not very experienced I dont really know the best products and equipment to buy and where to buy it from that is also reasonably priced. I would be very grateful for advise on what are the best products to buy and where to buy them from. Thank you for your help Lucy xxx
Hi, in one of your previous posts you said you were training from home. If you fill in your profile a bit more with your training and who it was with then people can advise you better as systems like CND and EzFlow L&P's need their conversion courses before you can purchase them :hug::hug:
I should have been clearer I meant their professional products like powders, monomers etc rather than polish and mani/pedi products, sorry :o
What brand of product did you train with ?
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