My confidence has taken a bashing of late due to a very soor client who complained the nails fell of after a few days, I took too long to do them, they were not like her previous tech etc etc. So after politly explaining to the customer I would rather take my time and they be of good quality than rush and her be unsatisfied, if they were a problem I was happy to see them and sort out any issues. The client came with a full set applied and when I asked her she said that mine were not as thick as before so she went back to her old to sort mine out!!! Thanked me for the service and left.
Then a colleague at work nagged me to do hers for christmas and as I didnt want to disapoint her I agreed and was shocked to see that it takes me nearly 2 hrs, and I have been sat waiting for the phone to ring all evening, and hoping they are still alright next week. Am now wondering why I agreed as i still have to work with her until have built up client base a bit more
Arghhhh - sorry its a bit long had to share it. Thanks
Then a colleague at work nagged me to do hers for christmas and as I didnt want to disapoint her I agreed and was shocked to see that it takes me nearly 2 hrs, and I have been sat waiting for the phone to ring all evening, and hoping they are still alright next week. Am now wondering why I agreed as i still have to work with her until have built up client base a bit more
Arghhhh - sorry its a bit long had to share it. Thanks