Text from client-Shellac repair


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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2012
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so yesterday i did aroudn 14 sets of shellac for an indian wedding, i was only meant to be doing 5 but everyone was like "can i have mine done" which i didnt mind at all, completely knackered myself out and managed to fit everyone in! then this morning i get a text saying one of the ladies nails has completely come off and half of her other nail has come off and she wasnt doing anything manual!

I am really annoyed because I did EXACTLY the same on everyones nails and they are all fine! I don't want it to get like "oh mine has come off can you come and fix mine" as its obviously something she's done. So i text back saying did she have her hands in water or something for a long period of time as that may contribute to the lifting as everyone else's seems to be fine?! and as a goodwill gesture i will do it tonight for free at 7pm! I have a REALLY hectic weekend this weekend and tonight was my only chill-out night, i have to be up at 5.45 tomorrow morning for an event and tonight was going to sit down, do my own nails and tan to showcase them off now I have to nip around there to fix a nail complete inconvenience!
and i know this may just be in the heat of the moment but SERIOUSLY considering giving it up because i cannot stand it when people do not take care of their nails and expect you to nip around every 5 seconds fixing them!
Aw I can understand how you must feel hun

You bust a gut to help them and sounds like you did them proud.

I don't know how long you've been doing nails but dont forget that what's on top is really only as good as what's underneath. You might be doing exactly the same with each nail but if one or two nails are very thin or damaged then that could cause problems with the Shellac.

Or, as you say, it could be because she has picked/used a cleaning product which has eaten away at the seal

I've had situations similar and I always feel exactly like you at first. Then it eats away at me and I end up fixing it, squeezing them in somewhere, because basically I want people to be happy with their nails and to recommend me . . . if you do agree to fix it and you find it's a very thin nail, I'd do a lick of l&p over the nail first or it will probably happen again

But I know where you're coming from about the chill-out night before the early morning.If you really don't want to fix it, don't, she could always pop somewhere else to get it done. Another thing to bear in mind is, do they all live locally and may be repeat clients for you?

hope this helps a bit x
Did you hand each of them an aftercare sheet?
and i know this may just be in the heat of the moment but SERIOUSLY considering giving it up because i cannot stand it when people do not take care of their nails and expect you to nip around every 5 seconds fixing them!

You're right, they cannot expect that in all reality, but it doesn't happen all that often in my experience

All you can do with people is to give after care advice, recommend the use of Solar Oil and warn against what causes harm to Shellac. If their nails are not in great condition or are very thin, then more than likely they will not get the same results out of their Shellac as someone with strong healthy nails. I find clients with good strong nails can go up to 4/5 weeks whilst weaker nails around the 12/14 day mark.

Everyone is different and must be dealt with accordingly, it's so not one size fits all

Although they all think it is :grr:

Don't give up if it's your passion hun x
You're right, they cannot expect that in all reality, but it doesn't happen all that often in my experience

All you can do with people is to give after care advice, recommend the use of Solar Oil and warn against what causes harm to Shellac. If their nails are not in great condition or are very thin, then more than likely they will not get the same results out of their Shellac as someone with strong healthy nails. I find clients with good strong nails can go up to 4/5 weeks whilst weaker nails around the 12/14 day mark.

Everyone is different and must be dealt with accordingly, it's so not one size fits all

Although they all think it is :grr:

Don't give up if it's your passion hun x

Hiya, yeah I gave the ALL an aftercare leaflet, plus a mini solar oil for free PLUS i gave them all a discount i normally charge £20 a set but charged £16 a set as there was a lot of them, there were kids jumping over a couple of them which was really getting on my nerves but what can you say? they were all in the kitchen cooking and washing up so if they had been washing up all morning and their nail absorbed the water, that could cause the lifting! but thats not my fault. also on the shorter nails i said they may not last as long as i can't seal them properly! there were a couple of them who knocked their nails when putting it in the lamp which i had to re-do and i feel i worked way and above what i should have done and to get that text is really disheartening! i think i am just going to get rid of my "pamper party" package and just charge full price for shellac and not take any more days off my full time job to do them, either evening or weekend and only a couple at a time because it killed me. i wouldnt mind doing that every day if it was my full time job but its a hobby i get paid for as i love it!

i am trained in l&p but don't offer it as a service as i cant get to grips with it, so tricky! i just feel like crying...or going on holiday hehe!
i am still so angry, she hasn't got back to me yet and that was an hour and 45 minutes ago, i dont know what to do now!? whether to text her to say is that ok or to just leave it? i am also thinking of NOT giving a free solar oil away, i am just so angry at the moment and all possibilities are going through my head, as there was so many of them and i gave them a discount and a free bottle of solar oil i think why the heck should i bother! they took the last of my stock for solar oil anyway! i need a chill pill haha!
Definately take a chill pill!
It's not healthy for you to be angry and resentful towards your clients.

Not everyone has perfect nails to begin with and some people aren't used to looking after their nails so you need to help educate them and of course they won't change overnight. Then sometimes life just happens and accidents/mistakes happen. Try not to blame the client.

I would look at it in a positive way. You don't say that the client was blaming you at all in their text simply that a nail had come off and could you fix it. They wouldn't have asked you if they didn't think it was good work in the first place. They must like their new nails if they want them repaired.

If you look at it this way maybe you can be a bit more philosophical. Also you now have an opportunity to revisit the client, educate them a little bit more about looking after their enhancements and improving the underlying condition (you could retail them a bigger/spare solar oil). Talk to them about whether they like their new nails and offer them an appointment to reshellac in two weeks time. you could have a new client.

Turn a negative into a positive. HTHs!!
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Don't give up on yourself. Sounds like you are shattered! That's alot of Shellacs to do in one go!
I would text her back and say that 'Please get back to me by * o'clock today if you would like the appointment I offered. If I don't hear from you, you will unfortunately not be seen at this time and will have to make arrangements to see me next week.:)
Firstly I wouldn't have given them a bottle of solar oil and only charged 16.00, I would've recommended they bought the solar oil and explained the importance of it etc and you could've made yourself a healthy profit on your retail. That's your choice though and what's done is done.

Secondly I wouldn't get so worked up. There will be a lot worse situations that arise and it's down to us to put things into perspective. You have offered her a repair and I would now accept she doesn't want it.

Nobody elses nails had a problem so it sounds more than likely that it was down to her not following her aftercare. Her problem not yours now. You've done all you can, forget and start chilling.

Life's too short and she's obviously not that bothered or you would've heard from her by now.

Don't get into this whole texting your clients routine either, why don't you call her if you're still concerned. Texting is so long winded and leaves us in limbo.
I was in the same position on christmas eve. Was a nightmare. I put a big sign up saying "nail fix £ per nail within 7 days" Was amazing how little I do nail fixes now. Maybe gel isn't for her if you did the same for everyone? There was once upon a time I would have given up my weekend but not now. It's up to you but personally I wouldn't do it and defiantly don't give up! It will get better. X
Thanks for your replies. She has text me back now and said she would like the appointment. I am going to learn from this and am no longer going to offer shellac at a reduced rate for large parties as I have basically made very little profit for such hard work! I am also thinking of scrapping the free mini solar oil for first-time clients and maybe say for first timers they can have it for half price. that way i will still be making something from it!

I may just run offers say like a free shape & paint on the feet with any full set of shellac and a maximum of 4 people per party as I have a full time job and I need to draw the line somewhere x
Don't give up on yourself. Sounds like you are shattered! That's alot of Shellacs to do in one go!
I would text her back and say that 'Please get back to me by * o'clock today if you would like the appointment I offered. If I don't hear from you, you will unfortunately not be seen at this time and will have to make arrangements to see me next week.:)

I think this is a very good time, then once the allotted hour is past you can breathe easy lol

I feel really sorry for you as you sound like a lovely kind person who is conscientious and worried about doing a good job. . . doing all those Shellacs would have killed me! How long did those Shellacs actually take you? ?

As Babsann said, worth a rethink on the solar oil thingy; that was a lot to give away - how generous of you! Although it has to be said, Shellac does perform better with the use of it and a lot of people are reluctant to buy it, so at least if you give them one then they will most likely use it and their Shellac will be on its best behavious. I think you were very generous to give a discount as well!

Try to look at the positive side, this is just ONE lady who has a problem. . . that means there are THIRTEEN ladies who don't and who are delighted with their nails!

I spent days wondering about a client who didn't return my text when we were trying to arrange a Shellac repair - turned out she couldn't be bothered and painted that nail with a similar colour polish and just got on with her life - as she said herself when I mentioned it, "Blimey it's only a nail!"
Thanks for your replies. She has text me back now and said she would like the appointment. I am going to learn from this and am no longer going to offer shellac at a reduced rate for large parties as I have basically made very little profit for such hard work! I am also thinking of scrapping the free mini solar oil for first-time clients and maybe say for first timers they can have it for half price. that way i will still be making something from it!

I may just run offers say like a free shape & paint on the feet with any full set of shellac and a maximum of 4 people per party as I have a full time job and I need to draw the line somewhere x

Good idea! x
I think this is a very good time, then once the allotted hour is past you can breathe easy lol

I feel really sorry for you as you sound like a lovely kind person who is conscientious and worried about doing a good job. . . doing all those Shellacs would have killed me! How long did those Shellacs actually take you? ?

As Babsann said, worth a rethink on the solar oil thingy; that was a lot to give away - how generous of you! Although it has to be said, Shellac does perform better with the use of it and a lot of people are reluctant to buy it, so at least if you give them one then they will most likely use it and their Shellac will be on its best behavious. I think you were very generous to give a discount as well!

Try to look at the positive side, this is just ONE lady who has a problem. . . that means there are THIRTEEN ladies who don't and who are delighted with their nails!

I spent days wondering about a client who didn't return my text when we were trying to arrange a Shellac repair - turned out she couldn't be bothered and painted that nail with a similar colour polish and just got on with her life - as she said herself when I mentioned it, "Blimey it's only a nail!"

Aww thank you :) I was there for just over 7.5 hours. I do take pride in my work and am thrilled when it lasts on people. my first ever mobile client lasted 5 weeks and I was worried it didn't last hence why she hadn't contacted me. I just have a feeling that I am going to get a call tomorrow saying someone elses has come off because I don't have any time this weekend whatsoever to fit in any nail repairs as it's my mums birthday weekend we are celebrating! Mine lasts approx 14 days and then starts to look shabby and I haven't got the best nails at all. My nails look a complete mess at the moment as all them shellacs yesterday took their toll. I had gloves on but I think where moisture gets in the gloves it helps to take your shellac off! xx
Aww thank you :) I was there for just over 7.5 hours. I do take pride in my work and am thrilled when it lasts on people. my first ever mobile client lasted 5 weeks and I was worried it didn't last hence why she hadn't contacted me. I just have a feeling that I am going to get a call tomorrow saying someone elses has come off because I don't have any time this weekend whatsoever to fit in any nail repairs as it's my mums birthday weekend we are celebrating! Mine lasts approx 14 days and then starts to look shabby and I haven't got the best nails at all. My nails look a complete mess at the moment as all them shellacs yesterday took their toll. I had gloves on but I think where moisture gets in the gloves it helps to take your shellac off! xx

That was pretty good going, i bet you hardly had time to draw breath!

Same with my Shellac, 14 days ish . . . and the more Shellacs I do, the worse it looks :rolleyes: lol

Enjoy your weekend :hug:
I wouldn't give anything away, discount it or give a free treatment at a party. I'm tight and am working to feed and clothe myself and my kids. Your price is cheap enough compared to the salons. The only thing I would probably do as an incentive next time at a big party like that is give them a £5 off voucher for any treatment over £20 to use next time. That way they will use you again instead of going elsewhere and if they've used your services twice, they're likely to stick with you.
That was pretty good going, i bet you hardly had time to draw breath!

Same with my Shellac, 14 days ish . . . and the more Shellacs I do, the worse it looks :rolleyes: lol

Enjoy your weekend :hug:

Nope, I didn't drink, eat or even go to the toilet the whole time i was there! hahaha! yup same wiht mine!

Thanks for everyone's reply, I am no longer going to give away freebies so thanks Mobile Manicure :) you've made me feel a bit better knowing I'm not the only one. I think I will stick to my loyalty cards, if they have 6 treatments they get £5 off their 7th which isn't too bad I don't think but I wasn't giving them at parties but I think I will do and say they are non-refundable agains spray tanning parties (as I lower my price a little when there's 2 plus of them but dont think I should do that either!) x
freebies dont get you anywhere unless you have costed them into your price and clients think they are getting a freebie!!
freebies dont get you anywhere unless you have costed them into your price and clients think they are getting a freebie!!

Indeed they dont but just went back to do it and they were nice I feel bad now but hey ho life goes on x

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