Hi there, just a question about flawless pink.
I have a nailbiter coming tomorrow (new client). I normally sculpt these types of nails with pink and white and keep them very short. I have got flawless pink and would like to try this to extend the nail bed. Question is, when you do the white first and pull the flawless pink over, it the smile line ruined. i.e. it will be very cloudy. I have did this on toes before but wondered if it would look ok on the hands.
Just push the opaque powder up as far as the white but not over it. If you have a dip between the 2 fill it in with clear. Don't pull it over the white because you will distort the colour.
Someone mentioned earlier that flawless pink should not be used on it's own. Does this mean it should be mixed with another pink. At the moment I only have perfect pink, intense pink, natural and clear. I have yet to use the natural also, does anyone use this at all?
I would mix your Flawless with Pink or Intense Pink (about 50:50). You will still get coverage but itwill look more natural than Flawless on it's own.....
Sorry for all the questions!