hey guys
i read about this girl, who transfers all kinds of designs (e.g. dollar bills, photo's of her kids etc....) onto her nails.she even explains on her website how she does it but i am obviously too duuuuuuhhh to understand it
.... does anyone do the same and is able to explain to me, how to do it, what to use etc?????
the website i am talking about is : www.nailedtotheweb.com (nails by Holly)
thank s
i read about this girl, who transfers all kinds of designs (e.g. dollar bills, photo's of her kids etc....) onto her nails.she even explains on her website how she does it but i am obviously too duuuuuuhhh to understand it
the website i am talking about is : www.nailedtotheweb.com (nails by Holly)
thank s