What mistakes do you make?


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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2012
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Had a client last for a full spray tan, stupid me forgot to spray the insides of her legs :( As soon as i pulled off her drive i knew what i'd done!! I text her today to ask how it is after the shower, she said its lovely apart from inside of her legs are lighter so shes scrubbed them to blend them in :cringe: Im so annoyed at myself!!

Only thing i can blame it on is she insisted we use her bathroom, so both of use plus tent & equipment, we were absolutely battered into such a small space...i had a proper sweat on and felt so flustered!! :cry:

Does anyone else make stupid mistakes like this?? Xx
haha yep! even when my mum spray tans me - she is not trained and i tell her where to tan, and i forgot the insides of my legs once :-/ woopsie! i wouldnt worry, not a HUGE mistake and hopefully she will come back and be even more pleased with the next result as the tan inside her legs will be brown :)
I wrote a post about this the other day - sometimes I come away and think ****!! Did I do hands/inside of arms/wherever and have a freak out!!! She sounded understanding though. Maybe admit mistake and do it half price the next time?
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Hi hun , ive never done that but i always have the fear, and sometimes my routine is so automatic i rack my brain thinking did i spray inside her legs or did i defiantly spray her face.

I have had one night mare where it was a last minute job and it was for two girls about 5 mins away from me and i got there and i forgot the tub to put my tan in as i used to carry it round in little bottles, THEN when i got there id forgot my inner tube for my gun was soo embarrassing twice at the same house so i had to leave again.
I had just started out but very unprofessional just the same :o

I have also been crammed in to a bathroom with all my equipment, its not great when theres not enough space and its like a sweat box x
Glad im not alone!! I told her that next time im happy to only charge £10, although it was for a wedding so shes not a regular tanner anyways. But she was very grateful for that and went on to say she loved the colour/scent etc... Hey-ho!! Xx
It took me ages to coax my mum into having a spray tan and when I eventually persuaded her I forgot to spray the inside of one of her legs- typical lol!
Once years ago I went to someone's house to do a facial, put on a setting mask then realised I had no sponges or flannels to take it off and only had a couple of cotton pads, I had to use tissue to try to shift it and it was awful! Learned my lesson anyway!
Don't worry, we all make mistakes but as long as you learn from them it's not so bad xx
This is so good to hear. I'm always nervous, especially after doing a new client for the first time, as to how it's turned out. A few weeks back one girl said that she had a light patch on her wrist. I offered to go back and spray it but she was going out - hence the spray tan. She was fine about it but I was kicking myself for missing it.

I find arms the hardest to spray, there's so many different positions to put them in!

I forgot to get my client to lift her fairly large boobs! Oops lol least they were hidden x
Don't know of this Counts but I forgot to turn extractor fan on and it was misty as hell.
I don't know how people do it without a fan to get rid of the mist x x
I forgot to get my client to lift her fairly large boobs! Oops lol least they were hidden x

I was trained not to ask a client to lift her boobs up as the tan shouldnt grab there! But its always so tempting to adk lol! Xx
^ Really?! Oh God, I'd hate if I didn't get tanned under my boobs.
Don't know of this Counts but I forgot to turn extractor fan on and it was misty as hell.
I don't know how people do it without a fan to get rid of the mist x x

I don't get any mist what so ever? Xx

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