Will the Nsi 36watt lamp cure Shellac?


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Active Member
Sep 14, 2009
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I know there have been a million questions about this sort of thing and i know you should really use the correct lamp for the job however i don't really want to buy another lamp when i am only going to use it for shellac. So just wondered if anybody has use the nsi lamp successfully.

x x
It may make it go hard but you would have no idea if it was fully cured so in a word no.Unfortunately (or not!!! cant wait to get mine!!!) you do have to get the CND lamp HTH hun x
I dont actually understand why you have asked this question. You have said that there have already been a million questions about this and you know that you should use the correct lamp for the job so surely the answer to your question is No.

Sorry if you think I sound rude but it just beggars belief the number of threads we have had asking the same question and getting the same answer, but still they come.

You need to follow the manufacturers recommendations - what if you get over exposure because you have used the wrong equipment and the client sues you - insurance - what insurance?
Another thing we must have said a gazillion times :D is that WATTAGE does not cure anything .... UV output from the bulbs is what cures product so why do peeps always start with "I have a *** watt lamp will this cure xyz?"
My 36 watt bio sculpture lamp cures the shellac just fine
Doug Schoon - Technical articles and information for nail professionals - www.DougSchoon.com

MAYBE a read of this will finally convince thoes who just dont get it that it is best to buy the lamp for the system you are using. No one can tell withtheir eyes if something is cured but even if it was, it is the responsible thing to point out to people that for your system to work best and perform the way the manufacturer promises, you should use the compatible UV Lamp recommended by the manufacturer.
My 36 watt bio sculpture lamp cures the shellac just fine
You mean it looks like it cures it just fine. Have ou looked at it under a microscope to know for sure?

Sorry, that sounds really cheeky, but I'm not an expert in this area so I'm trusting the actual experts.
If the nails are lasting as well then I don't see what the problem is. Surely if they weren't curing properly there would be problems with them.
Sorry, you won't get me with the sales pitch.
Sorry, you won't get me with the sales pitch.

If you read the article you would know it is not a sales pitch in fact it would have been much easier for everyone all around if CND had not had to produce a UV Lamp and could say ... hey yea Shellac will work with any lamp .. but sadly this is not how it is. If it .is working for you then wonderful wonderful ... but if you have service breakdown don't go blaming Shellac ... you'll have to look at the part of the system you are not using. Have a great day
Thats if we can ever get hold of the lamps :grr:
Sorry, you won't get me with the sales pitch.
... or science.

If I knew of a lamp that would cure it - you bet we would be shouting about it thanks to the lamp shortage. Lamps are not a money spinner, they are a success guarantor
I think correct me if i am wrong that a 36 watt uv lamp will cure most brands of gel. But then Shellac is a totally new technology therefore i although do not want to buy another lamp will opt to stick with that technology (if i opt to get Shellac, which is looking rather tasty at the moment lol )...

I mean you would have to buy the Minx lamp as well if you do minx wouldnt you ??? correct me if i am wrong..

Sarah :O)
i don't really want to buy another lamp when i am only going to use it for shellac.
x x
Honey , only shellac? Your underestimating it greatly!
Shellac could almost take over from enhancements as a most popular salon treatment,

The light WILL pay for its self in just a few treatments , and the light dose not only do shellac! It dose brisa gel to and there is hints that the other timing settings on it will be used with a new system that they are working on!

The NSI light may seem like it is ok , but what if your clients build up a reaction to the un cured product ? That reaction would maybe take months to show and when it did you would loose a client for sure ....and give shellac and maybe your self a bad name..

The other thing to rember with the light is that ok you see blue so you think well its the same as the other light right? WRONG the UVA light that cures your product is invisible to your eyes, so you cant judge it by what you see!
Like you cant look out of the window and know how much sun cream you need that day.
AND it doesn't matter what wattage the light Is or the sun lol ......its the OUTPUT .
I think correct me if i am wrong that a 36 watt uv lamp will cure most brands of gel. But then Shellac is a totally new technology therefore i although do not want to buy another lamp will opt to stick with that technology (if i opt to get Shellac, which is looking rather tasty at the moment lol )...

I mean you would have to buy the Minx lamp as well if you do minx wouldnt you ??? correct me if i am wrong..

Sarah :O)

You don't HAVE to buy the Minx lamp .. you may already have an infra red lamp which has nothing to do with UV at all. Minx is warmed up not cured and there are several different ways of doing it, but it is specific with UV cured products. The money that technicians are making with both of these systems is worth the investment, trust me. :)
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Geeg, your link above didnt go directly to the relevant article, hopefully this will.

Its definitely worth the read as it clearly explains what wattage is so you will know that it is completely irrelevant to a product curing, also what happens when a product cures and does or doesn't cure correctly. I've just learnt some new info reading it.
I need to get my science books out again lol..
I thought that there was no such thing as a stupid question and that we are all here to help out and answer questions that nail techs may have. Some of us are new to nails and may not be as good or as comfortable with our systems we chose or just need a little help. BUT lately I find some of you techs on here really rude. Just answer the question or don't. Simple as that!!!! As a new nail tech, I have tons of questions I want answered but I am thinking twice about posting my question on here and maybe just using good ole google.
I thought that there was no such thing as a stupid question and that we are all here to help out and answer questions that nail techs may have. Some of us are new to nails and may not be as good or as comfortable with our systems we chose or just need a little help. BUT lately I find some of you techs on here really rude. Just answer the question or don't. Simple as that!!!! As a new nail tech, I have tons of questions I want answered but I am thinking twice about posting my question on here and maybe just using good ole google.

You are correct, there are no stupid questions. There are no comments in here which are rude, maybe some have been posted through frustration.

The original poster states that she has read numerous threads saying that it shouldnt be done and there have been links from industry experts (Doug Schoon) to say why it shouldnt be done, but still the poster asked the same question.

Why reply was why ask if the answer has been given several times - it will not change just because someone wants it to.

You raise a very valid point,

I am thinking twice about posting my question on here and maybe just using good ole google

We have a very powerful search engine on here but people seem reluctant to use it, but will gladly use Google which probably nine times out of ten will link to a post on here.

We welcome new members with open arms, however there seems to be an underlying current from some who think that they want to do something a certain way and if they are criticised for it then, we are being rude.

People will learn better from honest constructive criticism rather than fluffiness and being told everything they are doing is great.

Personally I am actually fed up of apologising to people who think I am being rude - I am not and have never in my life knowingly been rude to someone - oh well maybe there was that one driver who pulled out in front of me - but I digress!

Please to all new members, never be afraid to post a question, maybe search first, but always be open to not necessarily getting the answer you want or expect. Most people on here will answer you in a way which will help you in your business and not in a way to upset you!

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