Your opinions on wigs please!


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Just to let you all know I have made my birthday night out wig themed! I won't feel so conscious now ha ha!
Well, if you had posted that photo and said you had just had your hair done and what does everyone think, then none of us would have guessed it were a wig - I certainly wouldnt have.
I love it.
I cant have my hair completely red as im quite fair skinned, but to be able to pop on a wig as and when it suits you why not. Also, you dont have to spend ages styling your hair before going out as already stated.
Dont be nervous or feel self-conscious at all, you look gorgeous and can definitely carry it off.
Have a great time on your night out-I bet you'll get some offers too ;-)


hope it's showing! I've just got myself an iPhone and I'm slowly working my way around it!

Where did u get this from it's gorgeous xxx
I bought the platinum blonde version because my hair is basically the same colour but unfortunately it's too "wiggy" on me.

My kids were, for once, totally stunned and silent... Then my youngest just kept repeatedly saying "oh my god mum" "oh my god" "oh my god no mum"... hahaha

I think this was more a combination of the fact that they've NEVER seen me with hair any longer than short bob length so it was VERY different and also because there's quite a lot of hair and I have a bit of a peanut head (small) and it takes over. I think if I got some of the bulk taken off and shortened a little it would look good!

Just need to pluck up the courage to actually wear it! :lol:
I bought the platinum blonde version because my hair is basically the same colour but unfortunately it's too "wiggy" on me.

My kids were, for once, totally stunned and silent... Then my youngest just kept repeatedly saying "oh my god mum" "oh my god" "oh my god no mum"... hahaha

I think this was more a combination of the fact that they've NEVER seen me with hair any longer than short bob length so it was VERY different and also because there's quite a lot of hair and I have a bit of a peanut head (small) and it takes over. I think if I got some of the bulk taken off and shortened a little it would look good!

Just need to pluck up the courage to actually wear it! :lol:

You could wet it and razor cut it but you have to let it dry itself and I don't know if it sits the same style? When I put mine on me and my friend both thought it odd and looked like a wig, as did her mum and sister. But they KNOW it's a wig and not my hair as will your family with yours. I've been wearing it around the house, clipped bits up here and there to get used to it and I'm getting more comfortable with it, perhaps you could try the same so both you and your family will get used to it. I'm sure it looks fantastic on you and it's just getting it sitting right for you to get comfortable with it, have a play about with it. Think of all the celebrities that wear wigs, because a lot of them do, and they look so natural and their friends/ family know it is a wig but it's having that "yeah I'm wearing a wig, so what" attitude I guess lol my friends know I'm odd as it is so will probably expect it from me! Strangers won't say anything as they may not know, plus they don't know why you are wearing a wig! X

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