Zone 3


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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
Hi peeps.
Since joining this site ive overcome many problems, Nails falling off, Lifting, Yellowing,Good C curve , Correct prep.............. Even getting better at P/W.
One last thing i just cant seem to crack though... and that is zone 3,
I cant get a neat finish to zone 3 right near the cuticle, its bitty if you know what i mean. Worse on my own nails than my clients, No-ones ever commented but im not happy with my application of it in this area. After about a week im finding little bits missing from this area which you can only see when you look close. When i first started doing nails i wasnt even told to finish before the cuticle and just used to let it run onto them!!! NIGHTMARE!!!
Not sure if im putting it on too thin too thick or what>>!!

And its driving me mad:evil: !!

Plz PLZ any advice would be great!
I havent posted part 3 yet, but here is part 4 to help you. Push Pull is the technique. Read carefully it works.

Product Control!! Part 4 - Zone 3 – Making it disappear

The most common fault of amateurs and students is that they use the brush at the wrong angle when trying to make the product ‘flush’ with the nail, which in turn scoops the product from zone 3 and into zone 2 making zone 2 look bulky and zone 3 too thin. Keep the brush handle only slightly raised, the merest bit higher than it was in zone 2.

The second most common fault is placing the bead into the small gap that is left showing in zone three. This is the wrong placement of the bead and is the principal cause of product touching the skin, which will always cause lifting.

You must have control of the bead at this stage of your work, and placement of the bead is very important. For now you are going to learn how to push and pull the bead in one easy stroke.

Make a small/medium sized bead and place in the centre of the nail and on the edge of the completed zone 2. Gently but firmly press the flat side of the brush onto the bead and push the product up to, but not touching, the centre of the eponychium and in one fluid movement, draw your brush lightly all the way down over the tip. Go back and do the same at each side- pushing the product back firmly and then smoothing forward lightly all the way down and over the tip.

Creating the different pressures is very important. You want the firm pressure so that the product makes good contact with the dry nail surface but then, you want light pressure so that you don’t move or scoop the product into a zone where you do not want it. and over the tip to create an absolutely smooth surface. The smoother the surface, the easier finishing will be.
Thanx geeg xx

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