1 & 1 website?


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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2008
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Does anyone use 1&1? I am currently with vistaprint but thinking of changing because whenever i update and add new pics i preview and all looks fine but when i save then go onto the website its out of line eg text is not alongside the correct pic but higher up its driving me mad grr
i am not keen on vistaprint i do not like there marketing..I think if you want anything unqiue for your business you have to pay for it in huge amounts vista is only going to get me through for a little while for my business cards but my leaflet and loyalty card i do myself on publisher
I use 1&1 for my hosting, but I haven't used their template sites, my website has been designed for me.
I've been happy. I find them cheap & reliable.
I am having my website 'made' for me by Carl at vervedesigns.co.uk. I am had my logo from him & he is quick, cheap (compared to other companies!!) and lovely with it too! I would thoroughly recommend him. ;)

I did it all myself and considering I am not a 'techie' I think I have done ok.

Very easy to use and whenever I update, it is instant and correct xx
I use 1and1, have done for almost a year now with no complaints. A lot of my new clients find me by my website and all say it looks very professional and gives a great first impression.

I find it easy to use, takes a while to get everything the way you want to begin with but now I can just edit bits as I go.
i use 1and1 and use their template website. i did it myself. i had a few queries where i needed to ask stupid questions and have found their customer support second to none. thumbs up
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Just be warned if you try and find out about cancelling with 1and1, or taking your domain to use with another provider, they will make it as difficult as possible for you to find out how to do either! Have been impressed with them up until now, but funny how they are becoming difficult at the hint I may cancel with them. You think they would do the opposite as all this is doing is making me want to change provider!
Iv not checked but there used to be a site called freewebs, so something like www.freewebs.com/salonname or you could pay a token amount to have www.salonname.com
Google them to see if they are still about.
I made a website all about Cinderella years back, put music on each page, had about 7 sections etc.... Xoxo

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