Hi I have been practicing my 3d work, these are a bit busy but I got carried away seeing what I could do on myself instead of tips.
I wouldn't usually wear them like this, but I am pretty pleased with how I am getting on. Your opinions would be great good, bad or indifferent.
I don't expect to wow your socks off yet, but one day!!! :lol: :hug:
I have had a lot of helpful tips from a certain geek, she is a complete star. xxxxx
I wouldn't usually wear them like this, but I am pretty pleased with how I am getting on. Your opinions would be great good, bad or indifferent.
I don't expect to wow your socks off yet, but one day!!! :lol: :hug:
I have had a lot of helpful tips from a certain geek, she is a complete star. xxxxx
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