Advice needed my baby may be induced 5 or 6 weeks early


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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2005
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East Yorkshire
Sorry this isnt nail related but need bit of advice and theres plenty of people here to hopefully help! Well ive been having high blood pressure on and off and some traces of protein so ive been at hospital or midwife at my house 3/4 days a week! Anyway she came round on sunday to do checks again and said that there was more protein but my blood pressure was okay. She then felt baby and said "hes not huge"! well whats that supposed to mean?! Then said i should slow down a bit etc and then dropped the bombshell, "hope youre prepared because this baby will probably make an appearance in the next 3 or 4 weeks the way things are going"!!! Im only 31 weeks today so the baby would be like 34 or 35 weeks!! Im quite worried now, my boyf keeps saying not to worry but i dont think she would say it knowing it would worry me without meaning it would she?! I was induced two weeks early last time with my little one cos of same problems, but not this early!
Would the baby be perfectly okay to be delivered this early? Would he have to stay in hospital until proper dates?
Im really worried, i also have my Creative Spa Maaster Manicure in 4 weeks, and my Brisa Course same week and the week later i have my brisa rebalancing and Tips and troubleshooting!! What am i going to do!!!??
Sorry to cram up space not talking about nails!! xx
your in the best possible hands! they will only do whats best for the you and the baby, so try not to worry and relax! my son was born at 35 weeks, naturally and weighed 7lb 6oz (they told me he would be small) but thank god he came early could of been 10lb+ if hed gone to term!
Hi There ,

Very easy to say don't worry BUT my daughter came naturally and she was born at 33 weeks . She weighed 4.5 pounds but was fine . She had to stay in the special care baby unit untill her weight got to 5 lbs( this at the time was the norm) but if you could see her now :eek: 25years old tomorrow and about 6" taller than me . My son also came early at 36 weeks and he weighed just under 6lbs.

Try not to fret too much I am sure it will all work out just fine

Karen xx
Thanks ladies thats really good to know! Youve really helped me! xx
Hi, I know you will anyway, but really try not to worry! My last 2 babies were born by c section at 36 weeks, and although they both had a short stay in SCBU, they are both fine now! The midwifes & Drs etc know what theyre doing, and they will only induce you if your health or the babies is at risk, in which case he/she is better off out than in!

My sister in law had twins at 32 weeks, and they came home after 4 days! Also, after 34 weeks they are classed as pre term , not premature, so they have excellent chances. The main problems early babies have is with their lungs, as they havnt fully matured at this stage, but if the hosp know you are going to be induced early they can give you an injection a few days prior to help mature babies lungs.

So, try and take it easy, and enjoy the last few weeks!:):hug:
Hi, My first son was 4 weeks early and my second son was 5/6 weeks early and although they were both small, youngest was sooo tiny (2lb 10oz) they were both perfectly fine. They were both small as they didn't grow properly through out the entire pregnancy so wasn't a surprise really. But my point is that if you haven't had problems with the size of your baby in scans etc and they don't seem undulely worried about the size (I was scanned every week and had tons of treatment with my youngest) I would suggest that at 4/5 weeks early your baby will be totally fine if it's been growing steadily throughout the rest of your pregnancy. Believe me the WORST thing you can do is worry!!! I am a bit of a stresser and it made things far worse! My two, although very small were absolutely fine, I'm sure your baby will be too, best of luck, and relax as much as you can!:hug:
My twins were born at 35 weeks, my 9 yr old at 34+ and my youngest at just under 34 weeks. They were all sent home with me within a week as they were close to the 5 pounds mark and they were all just fine. Its easy to say dont worry but I'm sure everything will be fine. My youngest was the only one to be in the scbu unit and although it might sound odd, it was a wonderful experience. He was my tiniest at 4 and a half pounds and because he was tired he had a little feeding tube for the first 3 days, he was never in an incubator though and we could hold him when we wanted to. Its amazing how quickly they improve at that age, on day three he was struggling to take in 18 mls of milk and I was so disheartened as I wanted that tube out and of course every day he was supposed to take a little more. I also knew I could take him home once he could manage to feed properly. I went to the unit on the morning of day 4 and lo and behold he took the whole amount! I bought him home on the morning of day 6. My 11 yrd old was born at 37 weeks and was just over 6 pounds, the only difference in the care was once I got home the midwife came in every day for longer with the other four to keep an eye on their weights and so on.

I'm sure your baby will be fine, lots of hugs to you, try not to worry :hug: :hug:
you have received good advice on the thread already,

so I just wanted to wish you and the baby all the very best, and please do try not to stress, and to relax. I know that is hard to do, but stress can make them come earlier too...

Lots of babies are born early, and in hospitals and now with such good technology, you will both receive the best care possible...

take it easy..
I was induced for BOTH of my girls at 35-36 weeks due to high bp and other problems.
Dont worry! Your doc will do an ultrasound and make sure all is well developed before induction.

One thing to keep in mind: whatever your 'due date' is, may not be your actual due date. Your ob can be off by as much as 3wks.. think about that.
They are 'assuming' that you conceived on a particular day when they ask for you LMP and guess your due date.
They are assuming that your body is like a well run computer that only does things on specific days. What if you ovulated early? Ovulated late? And then keep in mind, sperm can last a couple of days too (at least, the female sperm can lol) What if you concieved at the beginning of the month? At the end? They can NOT be 100% sure.
We are not machines.. our bodies run on their own schedules and never EXACTLY the same way or at the same time..

AND I also have a theory of my own: if we all grow at different rates on the outside of the womb, would that not apply to the inside as well?

Worst case scenario: they pump in some steroids to ready the baby's lungs. Most babies will lead normal healthy lives with no adverse effects from this. Peronally, I have yet to hear of otherwise.

Hang in there luv. Pregnancy and childbirth are scarey things. BUT trust your docs to do the right thing for both of you.
Your baby will be healthy and you'll both go home happy.:green:

Evie was born 5 weeks early...guess she didn't want to hang around in my tummy any longer! She was 5lb 5ozs and absolutely fine, they kept us in for 2 days just to be on the safe side but it turned out there was nothing to worry about!

You will be in the safest hands and they will take good care of you xx
cutiecuticles said:
Sorry this isnt nail related but need bit of advice and theres plenty of people here to hopefully help! Well ive been having high blood pressure on and off and some traces of protein so ive been at hospital or midwife at my house 3/4 days a week! Anyway she came round on sunday to do checks again and said that there was more protein but my blood pressure was okay. She then felt baby and said "hes not huge"! well whats that supposed to mean?! Then said i should slow down a bit etc and then dropped the bombshell, "hope youre prepared because this baby will probably make an appearance in the next 3 or 4 weeks the way things are going"!!! Im only 31 weeks today so the baby would be like 34 or 35 weeks!! Im quite worried now, my boyf keeps saying not to worry but i dont think she would say it knowing it would worry me without meaning it would she?! I was induced two weeks early last time with my little one cos of same problems, but not this early!
Would the baby be perfectly okay to be delivered this early? Would he have to stay in hospital until proper dates?
Im really worried, i also have my Creative Spa Maaster Manicure in 4 weeks, and my Brisa Course same week and the week later i have my brisa rebalancing and Tips and troubleshooting!! What am i going to do!!!??
Sorry to cram up space not talking about nails!! xx

You must rest and relax, I know its easier said than done. My friend went into labour at 35 weeks and has a perfectly healthy baby boy who is now a year old and is crawling like a steam train :green:
If baby is small then they could keep him/her in for a bit just till they gain some weight but medical intervension now is amazing, babies born at 28 weeks do really well and go on to live healthy lives.
You baby at this stage is fully formed and able to survive with some help, speak to your midwife again for reassurance if you are worried.
Take care and try and rest some, you must be knackered!

I havnt read any other replies so i hope this isnt too much of a repeat. It sounds like they have concerns you could develope pre-eclampsia which can be quite dangerous for you and your baby.

I am due on june 18th, my doctor insisted i finish work recently as he was worried i would go into labour too early otherwise. However i wouldnt let it worry you too much, just get organised bag packed etc!! :hug:

As for your courses i would cancel them for now! You really need to listen to your midwife and put your feet up whenever you can. Take this opportunity and really look after yourself! Go for a facial or nice pedicure and relax. You soon wont have time. :lol:

I do so hope everything goes ok for you, they can worry you sometimes the midwifes/doctors!! I mean mine said he thought i wouldn't go past 36 weeks but here i am still hanging in there!!

Take care xx

cutiecuticles said:
Sorry this isnt nail related but need bit of advice and theres plenty of people here to hopefully help! Well ive been having high blood pressure on and off and some traces of protein so ive been at hospital or midwife at my house 3/4 days a week! Anyway she came round on sunday to do checks again and said that there was more protein but my blood pressure was okay. She then felt baby and said "hes not huge"! well whats that supposed to mean?! Then said i should slow down a bit etc and then dropped the bombshell, "hope youre prepared because this baby will probably make an appearance in the next 3 or 4 weeks the way things are going"!!! Im only 31 weeks today so the baby would be like 34 or 35 weeks!! Im quite worried now, my boyf keeps saying not to worry but i dont think she would say it knowing it would worry me without meaning it would she?! I was induced two weeks early last time with my little one cos of same problems, but not this early!
Would the baby be perfectly okay to be delivered this early? Would he have to stay in hospital until proper dates?
Im really worried, i also have my Creative Spa Maaster Manicure in 4 weeks, and my Brisa Course same week and the week later i have my brisa rebalancing and Tips and troubleshooting!! What am i going to do!!!??
Sorry to cram up space not talking about nails!! xx
not being funny but my midwife told me my baby wasnt huge and he came out 8lb 9 ! 36 hours later you, will be fine and so will baby if they are meant to come early nothing you can do will stop it, dont stress xx
I was going to say the same thing as Littlemissy. I really don't think they'd take the baby early if they didn't think things were going ok or if they weren't going to be alright. I know it's hard not to worry but remember that worrying isn't going to be good either. Keep your chin up and start getting some rest. Get the last minute things done that you still need to do and get ready to meet your baby!
Thanks everyone, youve really helped calm me down a bit!! Ive arranged for my friend therapsit to come do my feet perm french before hosp, eyelashes done, etc and a hair appt! So that should relax me a bit!Thanks again! xx
You know that my step daughters baby was born 14 weeks early and she is doing great. I know it can be daunting but the nurses on the special care baby units are fantastic. They know what they are doing. If it is the right thing to do for the baby just go with it you will be fine. Good luck you will both be great.xxxx
Wow 14 wks, think i underestimate how much of little fighters they are!! Big hugs to baby! xx
i was born 9 weeks early. im sure you will be fine, try not to worry and you will be ok! xx
Thanks hun! xx:hug:
I know it's easier said than done, but try not to worry like everyone else has said your in the best possible hands.

My daughter was 6 weeks early - i finished work on the Friday and she was born on the Monday - so much for nesting and getting fatter. It was a bit of a shock i can tell you - she weighed 5lb 6oz so a pretty good weight.

When i was born many moons ago (ok 33yrs to be exact), i was 12 weeks early - apparently i weighed less than a bag of sugar, looked like a baby monkey, fit in the plam of my Dad's hand and had to be wrapped in tin foil - glam eh!!!

Technology has improved no end in 30 odd yrs, i'm sure you have nothing to worry about - so what if your baby is a bit on the small side. The midwife told me when Beck was born,that that way they stay little babies longer - she was right.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

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