Anyone Else Quiet?


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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2007
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Hay all,

hows everyone's bookings looking like this next month, im really hoping its going be good to pull me through the new year.
I had a shocking month October little worrying :eek: purse strings made even tighter, i know a new business isn't easy just different when you there to just thinking about it.

Some days I just think what's the point, early days I know, thinking of getting out and talking to people try get some new clients in the door. Also thinking what sorts of things should I offer to get people in after Christmas Jan Feb as this is my first year any ideas grateful.
Lots of people are saying it's quiet at the moment. Use the time to do some networking and promotional work. Have you checked out Lynne Baker's thread about promoting your business? It's got tonnes of ideas about how to drum up more business. Try one or two to see what works, and if you get some success, that's great. If not, try another couple.
I was busy in October, but November has brought nothing but cancellations :rolleyes: I'm hoping things will pick up in December, what with all those christmas parties.
I was busy the first week of November, but last week and this week are shockingly slow. Two ladies for hair today, two ladies for hair and beauty on Friday, two ladies for hair on Saturday and so far that's it! Eep! Scary!

December on the other hand is already booking out - so it's just this week and next week I need to worry about really I suppose. I am getting my marketing plans together, networking etc during the quiet times. So I guess it's not all bad! :)
Now's the time to think about special offers, networking and emailing your clients to let them know what's new and exciting in your salons!
Im really quiet aswell, better this week than last, but Im brand spanking sparkly new so completely to be expected for me - not that I like it!!!!! Tried some of the fabulous ideas on Lynne Bakers thread - Nada :cry: Not deterred though, will try some more :green:

Lets pray we all have a fantastic December to carry us through :lol:
hopefully its the calm before the storm!!!! . This can be a quiet time for salons , before the run up to christmas, people are holding out, minding money for the expense that is xmas. The hairdressers next door to me said they were dead for the last two weeks , so im not too worried yet !!
I've been quieter but not as quiet as I expected to be and this week untill Xmas it is mental, I darent send anymore offers out as I can't fit anyone in, although I do do this pt along side my job so my busy may not be someone else's but I am having to turn down appointments!
I have found that the last two weeks have been so quiet but I have sent out emails reminding client's about christmas and have done some special offers. The fone has been ringing the last few days with no end of booking. I have found that November is often quiet, people are cutting back and you find they miss this appointment ready for Christmas.

Just need to remind client's that your still here sometime's, I do a monthly email with offers and it works really well.

Try not to worry just think in time for Christmas it will be manic.
Ahhh the calm before the storm! Do you find special offers help in your "calm" periods?
I was busy the first week of November, but last week and this week are shockingly slow. Two ladies for hair today, two ladies for hair and beauty on Friday, two ladies for hair on Saturday and so far that's it! Eep! Scary!

December on the other hand is already booking out - so it's just this week and next week I need to worry about really I suppose. I am getting my marketing plans together, networking etc during the quiet times. So I guess it's not all bad! :)

Its always quieter for me this time of year, its not been as bad as previous years though, but this week is dyer! So many cancellations.. Facebook always works well for me, if im having a quiet patch i'll say ive had cancellations and offer a percentage off to fill the spaces. Obv i dont do that all the time!

Next few weeks are looking busy, and December is choccer. Seriously if i wasnt doing Shellac i would be quiet, its all im going to be doing next month!
Ahhh the calm before the storm! Do you find special offers help in your "calm" periods?
not really people are definately hanhing to their money , especially the way our country is at the mo :rolleyes:. Shockin altogether!!! We are awaiting a strict budget to come so people are scared to spend.
very slow at moment

been out leafleting, marketing etc and still nothing

eeekkkkkkkkkkk scary times but i will not give in xx

Sending out SMS marketing and email marketing could help boost numbers for the coming month. Send out a couple of promotions to get clients in for this month as understandably, a good number will be holding back before the party season.

To get new clients, have you considered promotions to your current clients offering deals on "refer a friend and get x% off" or "buy one get one half price"? Getting your clients to refer people is a good start in bringing in new clients.

Best of luck

We are really quiet also and as senior therapist I feel its up to me to get the clients in. I would expect to be really booked up with Minx and Hollywood lashes but its scary how empty the diary is. Guess i'll be hitting the streets again leaflet dropping.:|.
We had our busiest month yet in October, the first two weeks of November were dyer this weeks been busy and we're busy up untill new years, even took some appointments for Jan this week :| So hopefully the appointments will keep rolling in! We have done some leaflet drops and facebook but most of our clients come from word of mouth. We've just sent out our special offers for xmas so clients are loving that x

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