Berins wax, how to use in the pot?


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Lavander Rose

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2007
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Hi everyone

Pardon the heading was,nt to sure how to phrase it :)

At the moment i am using Satin Smooth God wax which i find ok, all i do a the moment it put the container in the heater and leave it there, I find this great incase i need to use a different wax for another client.

what i want to know is, can you do the same with Berins waxes. as I was thinking of changing my waxing products after being at the gmex show/

BUT dont really want to pour the product into the pot, hell of a job cleaning it out thats why I just put the whole thing in easy to take out and if not all used can be put back in,, NO MESS :)

I would appreciate any advice, and hope you can understand this thread

been a long day lol
Hi everyone

Pardon the heading was,nt to sure how to phrase it :)

At the moment i am using Satin Smooth God wax which i find ok, all i do a the moment it put the container in the heater and leave it there, I find this great incase i need to use a different wax for another client.

what i want to know is, can you do the same with Berins waxes. as I was thinking of changing my waxing products after being at the gmex show/

BUT dont really want to pour the product into the pot, hell of a job cleaning it out thats why I just put the whole thing in easy to take out and if not all used can be put back in,, NO MESS :)

I would appreciate any advice, and hope you can understand this thread

been a long day lol

The 450g tin of either the blue or Ease will simply sit inside most heaters pot....which heater and pot sizes do you have???
Hi collin

Thankyou for your speedy reply

at the moment ive only got the Babyliss Satin Smooth single pot, but i am going to get a double waxing pot as i am going to use berins creme wax with plastic spatchular as the wax qween made it look so easy :)
and i am going to use the blue as i was VERY impressed at the show.

i have tried using satin smooth hard wax. OMG what a nightmere i have with it not like it at all lol.

The demo from the wax queen was fab so going to have a go with that one,

the only reason why i use the Babyliss wax pot is because it cheap :)

I only rent at the moment so trying to keep costs down but at the same time i want HAPPY clients they are my first priority.

any tips gladly recieved :)
Hi LR, I am just trialling the Satin Smooth double heater at the moment and it is great for the ease but on the lowest setting possible (1). I have put some jet set beads into the inner wax bucket but even on the lowest setting is is still too hot. Am yet to try Berins Blue can in the heater to see how that pans out as there is a slight gap between the tin and the wall of the heater so it might be ok.

Will let you know next week when other options have been explored.
Hi joe im planning buying the double heater and I also use berins so looking forward to hearing how you get on.did you just put tin of ease in heater or did you pour it in?
I agree with Joe90, the Jet Set gets too hot in the Babyliss double heater, however the Blue is fine. (Different melting points.) So I now have Ease one side and Blue the other side, and Jet Set in another heater.
Hi joe

With my babyliss pot i usually put it on really high first thing for around 5-10 mins then turn it onto No 4 and this is usually ok, i have tried it lower and find the wax thickens up as im using it,, asked at the beauty show and the lady said it would be ok to have it on a slightly higher setting just keep checking temp.

Im looking forward to working with berins when it arrives as it looks very impressive from what I saw at the show, car,nt wait to use the blue hard wax, car,nt work with the satin smooth hard wax clients dont lilke it either.

so ill let you know how i get on lol :)
Thanks for that Zoe, will try the blue in the smaller heater and use my large 1000 hive for the jet set.

Definitely cannot use the Babyliss on any higher setting than one for the ease and it is a DEFINITE NO NO for the jet set, way way way too hot. Setting 4 would probably be far too high for Berins.
Thanks for that Zoe, will try the blue in the smaller heater and use my large 1000 hive for the jet set.

Definitely cannot use the Babyliss on any higher setting than one for the ease and it is a DEFINITE NO NO for the jet set, way way way too hot. Setting 4 would probably be far too high for Berins.

I have always found, the larger the capacity heater, the easier it is to control and regulate the temperature of the wax. So even with the Hive 1000cc, I would aim to keep the pot topped up.

Collin, if you 're listening - we need some empty 800g tins for the Jet Set!

With regard to the Ease, I have been using it on no 2 when the tin is full, then down to no 1 as the tin empties.

If I had a Hive 500cc, I would like to try that with the Blue and the Jet Set. Just to see if the temperature is easier to control than with the Babyliss heater. But I still think the Jet Set needs a container :green:

One last thing Ju, on a busy leg and back waxing day, I have had 2 tins of Ease in the Babyliss double heater, helps with continuity.

Blimey, how many heaters does a girl need!!!???
I bought one of the Berins heaters and I love it really. The larger container holds 4 tins of Ease and if I set it to 40 degrees, then is keeps a perfect even temperature and the Ease is a dream to use. Having such a large pot really helps with a busy day of waxing.... its a perfect size. I use my small 500w hive heater to warm through the tins of Ease then just let them drop into the large pot .... its all very easy.

The second holder is a smaller pot which I have a 500gm tin that I have popped Jetset in but as the tin does not fit the pot properly I get a mixed temperature and performance from the Jetset, sometimes its perfect .. then it may go a little gloopy. So when I get the insert that fits into this side of the heater and the lids to maintain temperture, I think the Jetset will perform much better.

I have a 1000w Hive heater for the Berins Blue which I keep topped up and on a constant No2 heat setting. If it seems to be getting too hot, I remove the lid for a while or top it up again and this lowers the temperature to a lovely workable one. The blue is such a lovely wax to use... :)

I will let you know if the heater pot insert makes a difference to the Jetset performance once it is sent out to me .... fingers crossed it won't be too long now :)
Hey LR :)

I'm eagerly awaiting my delivery of Berins Blue :green: I have a Deo 1000cc heater, which I wouldn'r imagine is any different to the Hive 1000cc. Going to buy a 500cc for this wax though as I believe it has a loe=wer melting point than the Hive creme wax I'm using (usually have between bo. 4 & 5). Will let you know how I get on :green:


ps sorry for anu spelling mistakkes been on a ladies night :green:
Hi there guys

alot of interesting advise going on here given me more of an insight to berins wax.

I really car,nt afford to go out and get another pot as ive just bought a new babyliss pot at the show as my other one was getting old and tacky.

I am a stickler for things lookiing new and clean lol

so if i use berins with the babyliss what setting would you all advise, if im right No 4 would be to high??

if anyone could let me know which would be the best setting id appreciate it.

And also I wont be wanting to pour it right into the pot i was hoping just to put the tin in the pot as its quicker when changing waxes for different clients. all very complicated lol

Thanks guys so far

keep the advise coming though :)
Hi there guys

alot of interesting advise going on here given me more of an insight to berins wax.

I really car,nt afford to go out and get another pot as ive just bought a new babyliss pot at the show as my other one was getting old and tacky.

I am a stickler for things lookiing new and clean lol

so if i use berins with the babyliss what setting would you all advise, if im right No 4 would be to high??

if anyone could let me know which would be the best setting id appreciate it.

And also I wont be wanting to pour it right into the pot i was hoping just to put the tin in the pot as its quicker when changing waxes for different clients. all very complicated lol

Thanks guys so far

keep the advise coming though :)


Sorry if I have missed it in the thread but which Berins wax are you getting?

Also, your old heater, do you still have it and which type is it?
There are some very interesting points raised on this thread.

Zoe...we do now have larger 800g empty pots available.

From an engineering perspective it is far easier to obtain a consistent temperature with anything if the volume of the item is greater....I.E. a 1Ltr pot temperature is easier to maintain at a given temperature than a 500g one.

With this product (from what I have learnt this week :hug:) on the hard wax you do not want the wax to be over heated and liquified...its actually better if there is a lump in the pot which is not fully melted.

This way you can really get the right consistency of wax on your spatula when dipping.

On the point of the tins having a gap around the inner container...a good trick to assist in stabilising the chosen operating temperature is to pop the tin into the pot and put a small amount of water in the gap (about one and a half inches.....just enough so that the tin remains in contact with the base of the inner pot and water doesnt slop over the edge when dipping..

Whilst the initial warming of the wax may take slightly longer because it has to also heat the water the operating temperature of the wax within the pot once heated should be more consistent.

Someone like Lori who has been using this product for ages makes it look so will not be as quick until you have gained experience through usage so don't expect to be able to handle the wax like an expert strait really does take practise.

Once you have mastered the techniques associated to the wax you will be surprised at how speed of application and removal of hair increases as does economy of use as well as client comfort and satisfaction.

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Hi Zo ZO

AT the moment i am using babyliss satin smooth premiur gold wax with the single babyliss pot.

I was at the gmex show were Lori ( Wax Queen ) was demorstrating her waxing teqnuiqes.

I was VERY impressed with the ease wax and the blue wax and that is what i am going to try and work with next,

I dont think id be able to work with the jet set as i have major problems with satin smooth hard wax just car,nt get the damn teqnique right and that is purley down to bad training or lack of it at college.

the blue wax seems alot easier but like with anything new I know it will take practice, But the blue just looks easier to work with.
Hi Zo ZO

AT the moment i am using babyliss satin smooth premiur gold wax with the single babyliss pot.

I was at the gmex show were Lori ( Wax Queen ) was demorstrating her waxing teqnuiqes.

I was VERY impressed with the ease wax and the blue wax and that is what i am going to try and work with next,

I dont think id be able to work with the jet set as i have major problems with satin smooth hard wax just car,nt get the damn teqnique right and that is purley down to bad training or lack of it at college.

the blue wax seems alot easier but like with anything new I know it will take practice, But the blue just looks easier to work with.

Cool... both the Ease and the Blue tins will fit in the Babyliss heater :hug:
Well, good luck with everything, please feel free to pm me if you need tech support! I loved that big warmer, it was actually the first time I worked with it, we don't have those in the states. Really good heating element! I didn't like working with a deep basin of soft wax however, for me it was too easy to get all over my spatula, but I think you in the UK are used to that size. So my preference for soft wax is the 450 or 400 gram tin. I work until it is half empty, take it out and put in a new one. When that is half empty I pour it into the one on the side. So my wax is always full to half full.

I also always had my warmers plugged into an appliance timer and would have the wax turned on and off for me the days I work. This allowed me to have an early morning appointment and never worry about the wax.

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