Maybe I should've continued reading this thread before I replyed, but I just couldn't. To me, this is a website in order to learn. It's another tool in order to better our craft. Just like all of the other tools we have out there. (Shows, classes, etc.)
I left a message board not too long ago because there were people who thought they needed no more training and they would bash on others instead of just helping them with their own advice. Or if they disagreed with someone else, they would put them down and basically argue with them like this person did on this thread.
I'm not going to name names because I'm not involved in this conversation, I just wanted to let everyone know that this type of behavior runs off newer nail techs who really need this type of outlet.
So please everyone be mindful about what they say and how they say it. It's ok to be proud of your knowledge, but when you come off harshly, it pushes those who need it away. And if someone voices that they feel attacked, it's just more grown up to just apologize and move on to the next thread.
And that's my two cents.