Can I ask for feedback for my web site?


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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2007
Reaction score
Really nice and I like the name. I haven't read it through but I noticed a typo/spelling mistake straight away. An easy way to check it to copy and paste each page into Word and spellcheck.

Just one thing.........I really don't like those site counters as they look very amateurish. Just my opinion. Great job though. xxx
Thanks, I have my web designer re-checking for me, as I noticed a few.

I wanted the counter for my own use, to see if the site would work on a year trial with it.
i like the website you a warm feeling when you enter in xx
i really like it.
i like it

very informative

well done
hi hun i think it looks lovely i am currently re-designing mine and updating its great fun :green:
Well done looking good just a few more pics I'd say and your away :) Great start.
Well your site does indeed look very nice, so well done on that front. However, there's always a follow on, huh? Always someone trying to spoil the fun. :) Seriously I'm not trying to be negative here, just some constructive
criticism that may help you or indeed some other Geeks that may be thinking of building a new site.

Your site is using a 'Framed' setup and its probably one of the most unfriendly ways of influencing the search engines. If you run any of your pages through a simulator, you'll soon notice that none (not even one single word) on your site is being picked up by any search engine, so your site is not going to appear in any search results. This is not a big problem if you're going to be telling all your clients where to find your website, ie, the actual address. However, if you eventually want your site working for you, ie, attracting new clients in via the web, well this site wont do that for you.

To anyone else who's thinking of getting a new website, steer clear of Frames, they are bad news! You can read a little more about Frames and why you shouldnt use them here
Your site is using a 'Framed' setup and its probably one of the most unfriendly ways of influencing the search engines. If you run any of your pages through a simulator, you'll soon notice that none (not even one single word) on your site is being picked up by any search engine, so your site is not going to appear in any search results. This is not a big problem if you're going to be telling all your clients where to find your website, ie, the actual address. However, if you eventually want your site working for you, ie, attracting new clients in via the web, well this site wont do that for you.

Wow, that is excellent information - I would never have known that.

I like your site MobileHarmony - I like the colour choices and information.
A very nice looking site. Seanny's right about using frames though, so I'd get that changed if you can! I did notice a few spelling mistakes, and the only prices I can find are on the Special Offers page.
On the Beauty Treatments page, I'd like the treatments in each category to be listed with their prices. Otherwise people will have to phone you to find out what you do, and believe me, they probably won't bother. What exactly do you class as manual treatments? A prospective client probably won't know so you need to clarify that.
It would also be helpful if you stated the general area that you cover.

It's very easy to use, though, lovely colour scheme, and I really like the little flower logo. :green:
Hi, I like the site - nice soothing colours and lots of info. It's very easy to navigate too. I also like the way you have lots of photos - you know what they say- "A picture says a thousand words".

I noticed a spelling mistake too, and I didn't like the way the pointer changed to that line thingy (can't remenber what it's called) when you go over the navigation buttons on the left hand side. I'd also like to see an idea of prices if I was looking at the site as a client.

marion x
Well done looking good just a few more pics I'd say and your away :) Great start.

What sort of pictures, would you use??:) Thanks for the kind words.
I have put the constructive comments onto my web designer, so we can have a more fuller and productive site.

What is Frames? I am wanting to be found not lost in the dark, deepened forest of web sites.

The main idea of the site was to attract more clients as I dont have many.

Business gateway was supposed to help, needless to say they didnt, hence why I am asking fellow members for advice good or bad.

Its hard work designing and putting in the information to make a site, so I am greatful for both comments, esp, when I am a novice when it comes to web designing. :hug:thanks very much.:hug:
Hi mobileharmonyxx!

Nice website.... love the pink colour!

I agree with ditching the frames unfortunately. See how you have the Menu at the side which stays the same (static) & then the right side of the website changes? That menu is in a frame.

The frame & the right side are 2 different pages - search engines would treat it as different pages & in most cases won't list your website on search engines properly as they list seperate pages. If someone finds a page using a search engin, they may get a page on the right which has info about your services BUT won't have the menu so the page will be useless to them.

I would:

> put the menu & info into ONE page in a table with 2 columns of the same pink, and perhaps a white background - simple & elegant.
> existing logo & name at the top of that page.

Hope this makes sense! :)
I really like it . Its very warm and welcoming.
I meant to say in my original post that the Frames thing is quite commonly used when transferring a new domain name ( over to a freely hosted site such as Freewebs, Bravenet, etc etc. It can be tricky trying to undo this at a later date, ie, get rid of the frames. Much better to do it properly from the start.

If anyone is thinking of getting a new site built in the near future, make sure that your webmaster knows that you DO NOT want Frames on your site under any circumstances. If you are doing the site yourself in one of the website builders, find out before you start how they go about transferring domain names. If using a domain name with your new site means that it has to be framed, you'd be better off using the long filename, ie, or, at least that way, your site will be spidered by the search engines which has to be the bottom line for all websites.
I agree Seanny..... although removing frames is not that tricky for a standard site - although a website which has years of info would take a long time!

I find it insulting when a "Website Designer" uses standard templates in a program such as Frontpage where all they do is copy & paste a few things. Click here, click there, & then charges a couple of hundred dollars for it! It's like passing off L&P as Gel!

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