Client switch from gel overlay to Shellac


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Jun 17, 2011
Reaction score
High Wycombe
Hi. I was wondering if you lovely Geeks have any advice for me? I have a prospective client who is really interested in having her nails Shellac'd as opposed to her Gel overlays which shes had for ages. These are done elsewhere.
However, she would like her nails Shellac'd as soon as Ive removed the overlay so I've been trying to do some research on whether this would be best practise. I'm concerned that after years of gel & visiting salons that drill file her nail plate they will be too thin initially. Should I remove them then make a decision on whether I Shellac, Shellac with fibreglass to reinforce, or if they are truely weak refuse treatment (but offer a normal mani) for afew weeks? Obv I don't want to put her off coming to me, but as I dont offer gel at the moment, it's not like I could pop another overlay on if they are too weak. I know Shellac isn't for everyone & if anything I've encouraged her to keep having the gel if that's what works for her but she so keen for me to Shellac her as I do lots of her friends & shes very taken with the product. Cant blame her ;).
Hope this make sense. Many thanks.
Instead of removing the gel why not file it down to a very fine coating and the Shellac over it! Growing it off the nail rather then removing it exposing dammaged nail plate!

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Hi hun,

Amelia has already made a great suggestion.

But what i also thought when reading your post was discuss the treatment with your client before you begin. Explain the capabilities of shellac, what she can expect from shellac, no false expectations (not that im saying youd do this obviously) find out what her expectations of shellac are to determine if shellac is suitable. tell her you need to assess her nails on removal, what you can do for her and if you/she doesnt want to do as suggested above if theres damage you could in effect put her on a course of shellac. What i mean is it may take a few applications of shellac before she gets her healthy nails back and can enjoy the longevity of shellac. Finally document all you have discussed on her consultation card. Obviously if upon assessment you really think her nails arent suitable then tell her.

Lmao sorry not sure if ive even answered your question there but hth some how lol!

Love n hugs x x x
I agree with Amelia. Because your client has worn gels for so long, she is used to the extra strength that the gel has provided, so if you remove the gel and just put Shellac on, she will be bustin all of her nails! I would just file the gel really thin and then put Shellac over that. Just warn her, Shellac is not like hard gel. She will need to be careful for awhile.
Instead of removing the gel why not file it down to a very fine coating and the Shellac over it! Growing it off the nail rather then removing it exposing dammaged nail plate!

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Just what I was going to say! Xx
Ahhh ladies, your ace. Why didn't I think of that. Sometimes you just need a fresh pair of eyes. We've had quite a lengthy discussion about the pros & cons of each & the transition between the 2 systems for her nails which is why at first she decided to stick to her gels but I'm not convinced she really 'needs' gels specicially. I think it's something she's always had because there wasn't any alternative. He lifestyle & hobbies don't lend her towards any overlay so without seeing her nails bare your suggestions are a great place to start. Thank you. X

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