Client with problems no matter what I try


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Jan 11, 2003
Reaction score
Daventry, Northants (UK)
I have one client who has come to me for a long time. She started with manicures but was never happy with her natural nails as they always looked grubby at the free edge - they weren't! - they just looked greyish.

She then went on to enhancements and because of her job - she is a sales rep - she cannot come fortnightly but can come every 3 weeks ish.

No matter what I try, I cannot get her nails to stay on past the 2 weeks - she says she gets lifting and then eventually one by one they come off - I have checked her nails and they dont seem to leave any trauma marks apart from a bit of tearing at the free edge but the nail plate is relatively smooth.

I have tried Nail Fresh power prep and even that doesnt seem to make any difference.

Is it possible that some clients are just not suited to particular products. I do not want to change products as I dont have any major problems with anyone else.

Is it possible that another brand may suit her better - I would be prepared to have something different for her but stick with my usual brand for everyone else.

What is a girl to do - my poor client, bless her, she is now looking for a hand transplant LOL.
From a client point of view... a while back now lol... I'd had fibreglass, gel and L&P enhancements (got to try 'em all)... I was fine with every application EXCEPT gel, no matter what my nail tech did they just wouldn't adhere properly. I would get peeling of the gel and lifting etc after just one day !!!
Friends of mine had the same product on their nails and didn't get any problems like that at all. IBD was introduced to the market, my nail tech went on the course in Bristol, she tried it on my nails but the same thing happened. We didn't get to the bottom of the problem/reason as I went back to having a different system.
Just a thought as i had a similar thing with a client. No matter what i did to her nails they always lifted really badly to the point of just coming off, leaving no stress marks what so ever. It almost looked like no prep had been done but she said she had trouble with all enhancements. We found out she had very oily nail plates. I even tried just prepping one nail at a time but still no change. L&P didn't work or Fibreglass. She even said that Gel was worse so didn't even go there.

I personally think some people are just not meant to have enhancements at all. If you were prepared to have another product in your kit then perhaps you should get a try me kit so you aren't getting a complete new system which works out expensive, try it, then if it doesn't work you haven't lost alot.

Just my opinion.
Hi Fiona
You will probably want to smack me for this obvious answer but..... it sounds like she has to get to you every two weeks if she wants to keep her enhancements. You said she only has problems in the third week.

I have a number of customers who easily go three weeks (and one who goes four weeks) with no problems. But, the vast majority would lose some after two weeks if they were not maintained.

You seem to have gone to an awful lot of trouble to keep this valued client, but she needs to be willing to help you too and make the effort to get to you more often. Do you think there is any way she could be encouraged to cut down the time between appointments?
Awww, you poor girl!
Why can't she come in more often? It seems to me that she is just missing some much needed maintenance. Also, she may just be a little too rough with them, and maybe breaking them that way. Also, some clients would never admit it, but if they get lifting, they will CERTAINLY pick at the enhancement, and make it worse or even pick it off. Even though you said there were no signs of damage. Just adding my thoughts on it. Let us know how you come along with the situation.
I think you client needs two weekly maintenence and how do you really know that she is looking after them?
Once she leaves you she could be doing anything perhaps you should go over her aftercare she may need reminding.

I agree, this a 2 week client.

Do her nails grow very quickly? If so, then she could possibly extend the two weeks if she takes some of the length off every week or after 2 weeks.

She must be putting allot of pressure on those nails to make them lift so badly after 2 weeks. Is she regularly using solarOil too or just saying she is using it??
Thank you for all of your replies - I do agree that she would have far less problems if she came every 2 weeks but she prefers to come at 6pm rather than 8pm and due to her job she cannot commit to a regular slot say 6pm on every 2nd Tuesday. This unfortunately means that she has to take the slots I have available but from a cost point of view and eating into her social life LOL she wont come any more regularly. In the long run she pays more LOL.

I don't think she uses her Solaroil often enough and I have explained this to her but she has so much paperwork that the doesn't like the oil stains LOL.

She came on Saturday and I gave it a really good go with the Scrubfresh, Nail fresh, Scrubfresh, and Primer and I will see how she goes this time.

I will keep you all posted on this one. Thanks.

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