Do you believe in destiny/fate?


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Elaine Armani

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2013
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Sorry for my completely off topic thread!

I just got into a debate with my brother, he believes that EVERYTHING in life is destined to happen, now I disagree with that, I believe their are things in life I.e illnesses, accidents and etc that are uncontrollable but ultimately, to me, in my point of view, we CHOOSE who to marry, what career path to take, whether to have children or not, in other words, we control of lives, we're the ones responsible for our happiness because we're the ones that can make it happen.
Like I've mentioned above there are things in life that are completely uncontrollable but in another sense we pretty much do and should take control of our lives.
For an example, if someone is born into an unfortunate family and may struggle with money, can they use the excuse for the rest of their life and say that they're destined to live like that? That they cannot make a change? I disagree, I think that everyone can completely make a change and your choices and decisions will eventually shape you into the person you are! Not destiny!
Let me know what your thoughts are, and by the way it would be awesome if we don't bring religion into this, i would just like to hear the way you would imagine it is or your point of view as I know there are a lot of different religious views on this but we should leave it out of it x
I think we make our own destiny. My hubby and I always refer to the movie "Sliding Doors" and ask each other where we would be now if we'd chosen a different path at a certain point in our lives.

Such as, where would we each be now if he hadn't accepted a job offer to work in Hong Kong? He's English and I'm Australian and we were both there for completely different reasons. If he hadn't have gone, we would never have met and 4 people's lives would be completely different, his, mine and our two daughters (who wouldn't even exist!)
I think we make our own destiny. My hubby and I always refer to the movie "Sliding Doors" and ask each other where we would be now if we'd chosen a different path at a certain point in our lives.

Such as, where would we each be now if he hadn't accepted a job offer to work in Hong Kong? He's English and I'm Australian and we were both there for completely different reasons. If he hadn't have gone, we would never have met and 4 people's lives would be completely different, his, mine and our two daughters (who wouldn't even exist!)

I completely agree!
Yay i'm Australian too :green:;)
I can't make sense of anything in my life if fate isn't playing a strong part, I believe we have a destiny but I dont believe getting there is mapped out, I think we chose the paths to take us there. For example my friend at school tried to set me up with her cousin and I had none if it, then we were at parties together but he had a girlfriend so I never paid him any attention, so 5 years later we are both at a 30th he had split with his gf and we have been together 6 years now, I think life was trying to throw us together but didn't happen until we were ready. Also with my illness, I always seem to get ill at a crossroads and change directions. To me it feels like fate is trying to get me into the right place.

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I believe it's both. Like the nature/nurture debate. Why can't it be a combination of both of these things. I sometimes think that when things are going good you feel really in control and happy but when life throws crap at you you realise that sometimes you have no control at all! I also think you think you know yourself then you react completely differently to a random situation that you haven't experienced before. It's so complex i really don't think it's one or the other xxxx
I think we make our own destiny. My hubby and I always refer to the movie "Sliding Doors" and ask each other where we would be now if we'd chosen a different path at a certain point in our lives.

Such as, where would we each be now if he hadn't accepted a job offer to work in Hong Kong? He's English and I'm Australian and we were both there for completely different reasons. If he hadn't have gone, we would never have met and 4 people's lives would be completely different, his, mine and our two daughters (who wouldn't even exist!)

I LOVE Sliding Doors! I agree and think it's up to us. I met my partner when I was 16 and he was in the year above me at school . (high school sweethearts lol) and we must have walked past each other a billion times but we first spoke to each other on bonfire night when we went to a display in my village. So really if he hadn't have gone to the bonfire that night, our paths would only have crossed when walking past each other in the school corridor. x
I'd love to believe in fate, but I've never experienced anything that I've felt was "meant to be" - or if I have, it's turned out to be the complete opposite in the end! :rolleyes:
I think what's meant to be will be. But you are the only one who can change your life.
I think what's meant to be will be. But you are the only one who can change your life.

This sounds a little contradictory maybe? I do like to think that what's meant to be will be, but then at the same time it's a bit frightening to think we may not have as much control over our lives as we'd like.

For example, my Dad passed away nearly 2 years ago from a medical condition that went unnoticed by several doctors. It's something of a comfort to think that it was just his time, and it was meant to be. On the other hand, if another member of my family was ill, I'd want to be able to prevent it happening again, not leave it to fate to decide.

I hope that makes sense, it's just my opinion :hug:
I believe in fate/destiny, but also that our choices make our destiny.
Me and my husband actually met twice before getting together without realising both through the same friends, but the night that we got talking it was at a leaving party and I only ended up there as I missed the last bus home (lived in the middle of nowhere) so ended up going to my friends who was going to the leaving party.
Now the only reason I was friends with the girl who took me there was because I went to college with her but I only ended up on that course because my controlling ex made me but if it wasn't for that I wouldn't of made friends with her or of been introduced to my husband.
I believe it was destiny for us to be together but our choices that got us there.
I have quite recently started to believe in fate, but I think your character is factored in.
You cannot just sit back and accept things if that is not in your nature. To do so would be fighting fate, in a roundabout way.
I am a believer of DESTINY because to me, Fate implies that there is some being who has preordained my life's path. Since I do not believe in such a thing, I choose Destiny.

I'd like to believe that good or bad, my choices shape me and therefore, my future. Everything I've done in the past, again good or bad, was a learning/life experience that molded me into who I am and is now assisting me in making the choices I'm now making in life. And those choices will subsequently impact my future. I am impacting my own Destiny.

I am the master of my future. I am the master of my Destiny.

Besides, I'm too much of a control freak to believe in Fate.
Me & my partner have been together for 12 years this year, we have 2 kids & a lovely home!!
My partner & I went to school together, went out together at around age 11, then we went to separate grammar schools & never seen each other for about 3-4 years & one night I was In a pub watching my friends band playing & realised that the drummer was Mike, we spoke briefly that night & the following day he'd asked my friend for my number & it all started from there!! Fate/Destiny?
When our son was 15months old he contracted Meningicoccol septicemia & was very very VERY close to dying but he survived, he fought through everything & survived, lost some nails on his toes but all ok!!
Then my daughter was 4wks old & contracted Broncillitus (sorry can't spell), stopped breathing turned blue & spent a week in hospital trying to keep her airways open!!
Can someone explain all that to me? Fate/Destiny or a Guardian Angel as I do believe that something or someone is looking after us :) xxx 🙏
I'm starting to think about this now, and I've come to the conclusion that fate tried to keep me and my husband apart by placing us 200 miles away from each other. We had to go messing with fate didn't we? Now look :mad:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I believe I was DESTINED to be a young mum....the night I lost my virginity (at 17), I fell pregnant, while on the pill! I proceeded to haemorrhage on 5 seperate occasions each time the doctor believed I had miscarried, yet each time I was scanned he was still there. At 26 weeks my waters broke and through an emergency c section my 2lb 3oz baby was born with a 30% chance if survival. The day after he was born we were summoned to his bedside at 5am as they were preparing for him to go. He's now a strapping 12 year old who you would never know had been through all that, if that's not meant to be I don't know what is!
Fate? Destiny?
I believe things happen for a reason . I don't worry or stress about the words of Max Ehrmann...

Max Ehrmann


Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, Copyright 1952.

Basically Chill out and go with the flow
Ok this is going to sound strange but what about people who live in a poverty stricken country or a war zone. I wonder how in control of their lives they feel. We feel in control because we live (I take it from the replys so far) in a liberal society but I feel like our views on fate and destiny actually refer more to where/what you were born into rather than actual control. Just a thaught I had randomly xxxxx
I believe in fate! I believe my life is planned out and I always learn from good or bad.
I do find it hard to understand why awful things happen in life, cancer, murder ect!
I guess I believe these people go to a better place!
Wow I'm sounding deep!
Just what I myself, believes :) x
Yes I believe. I believe that I was led by someone/something to the life and partner I have now, because otherwise, we would never have met. So many things happened when we "met" that you couldn't just make up. It was seriously spooky!

I have been in so many situations that have taught me invaluable lessons.

I have also saved at least 4 peoples lives.
I believe I was DESTINED to be a young mum....the night I lost my virginity (at 17), I fell pregnant, while on the pill! I proceeded to haemorrhage on 5 seperate occasions each time the doctor believed I had miscarried, yet each time I was scanned he was still there. At 26 weeks my waters broke and through an emergency c section my 2lb 3oz baby was born with a 30% chance if survival. The day after he was born we were summoned to his bedside at 5am as they were preparing for him to go. He's now a strapping 12 year old who you would never know had been through all that, if that's not meant to be I don't know what is!

What a fighter! I'm glad he pulled through :hug:

I fell pregnant on the pill too, my sister did twice and my mum did. Me and my mum both fell pregnant with the coil too. Fate trying to push more babies on us... Or just useless contraception?! :lol:

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