Embarrassing moments


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A client was teling me the other day how she was glad she fitted in getting her eyebrow wax as her mum was visiting and is very image conscious with extensions, nails, going to the gym etc, and i stupidly said, 'oh shes a milf'.the client just said 'um I wouldn't like to call her that myself. do not know what possessed me to say it. Awkward!

Lmao some1 told my mum she was a milf the other weekend when we were all out, me and some of her friends burst out laughing ad my mum bless her looked at him silly and said "what's a milf?" she really had no idea, the lad went bright red and near enough ran away.
Ten again it's more of a compliment to me as I done her hair and makeup xoxo
Was in work recently talking about roast dinners with a very senior manager I'd never met before (who was standing in for regular manager). I was thinking about cooking a roast that evening as I hadn't done one for a while, and announced:

"I think I may just go home tonight and knock one out!"

OMG I haven't blushed for MANY years! Luckily the guy just laughed, and said "and I've only just met you"!

I have to share this as I was mortified. I was doing a lady's luxury pedicure. She didn't want any magazines or drinks or to chat, just staring at her feet while I was doing it. I tried the usual easy jokes but there was no chat to get out of her so I kinnda gave up.
I have hay fever and my nose was a bit runny but nothing major, I thought I was in control. As i was doing her foot and leg massage under her careful eye -my nose dripped on her foot.....For 2 long minutes I didn't take my eyes off her feet, hoping and praying she didn't see it and I've continued with my massage. Then I gracefully turned, picked up a tissue off the trolley and gave it a wipe, poked at her with a smile, she looked blanked at me -I can't tell if she's seen it or not. And I continued...

I was so embarrassed and so felt so down afterwards...
This thread quite honestly makes my day everytime I read it! :)
I had a new client in a few months ago, she was telling me about how she works as a model and how much fun it is even though she's older. I blurted out "that's fun, do you have a real job?" I could have died!! I spent the next 5min trying to make it sound better but it didn't work. Luckily she didn't take offense
Super busy Saturday...
I could have sworn that I had my thinning shears in my hand as I took a long piece from the side of a geometric bob and prepared to remove weight...
They were NOT my thinning shears...
Nuff said:(
Super busy Saturday...
I could have sworn that I had my thinning shears in my hand as I took a long piece from the side of a geometric bob and prepared to remove weight...
They were NOT my thinning shears...
Nuff said:(

Oh my:eek:
I have to share this as I was mortified. I was doing a lady's luxury pedicure. She didn't want any magazines or drinks or to chat, just staring at her feet while I was doing it. I tried the usual easy jokes but there was no chat to get out of her so I kinnda gave up.
I have hay fever and my nose was a bit runny but nothing major, I thought I was in control. As i was doing her foot and leg massage under her careful eye -my nose dripped on her foot.....For 2 long minutes I didn't take my eyes off her feet, hoping and praying she didn't see it and I've continued with my massage. Then I gracefully turned, picked up a tissue off the trolley and gave it a wipe, poked at her with a smile, she looked blanked at me -I can't tell if she's seen it or not. And I continued...

I was so embarrassed and so felt so down afterwards...

Hahaha it's mortifying when you have a runny nose and can do nothing about it. This made me giggle!!

Love this thread!!
We had a client who popped a complimentary sweet in her mouth, from the bowl on the reception desk.
Unfortunately it was a mini-soap sample.
The thing that made made me lose control was the way the poor lady tried to pretend it hadn't happened, while foaming at the mouth :eek:

Soo funny!!!!
The worst that's happened to me is trying to suppress a fart (you know the kinda ones you know are going to be so loud!) whilst doing a clients hair....well, was doing so well until I dropped my comb and bent over to pick it up......

Done the usual, whacking them round the head with the various tools and implements I'm using.
I was doing a spray tan and asked the lady to move her hand to the side and she didn't so I went to grab her hand and pop in to the side... In the process I brushed past her nipple !!!! I was mortified I said "oooops sorry, you can have that for free, I won't charge you extra! Don't be telling all your friends about the extras though, they'll all be wanting freebies haha" I don't know what possessed me to say it! It was embarrassing enough that I'd done it let alone started talking about it as an "extra" haha! Luckily she was an old friend (who I hadn't seen for years !!!) and we both found it hilarious!!! Haha x
While doing a full head foils and the back ones are ready I've recently found myself saying

"go to the backwash and have your underneath rinsed"

I do not know why on earth I say it and every time I do I go red and start mumbling. Just slips out sometimes
Super busy Saturday...
I could have sworn that I had my thinning shears in my hand as I took a long piece from the side of a geometric bob and prepared to remove weight...
They were NOT my thinning shears...
Nuff said:(

Oh this is my worst nightmare!
I was told a story years ago about someone who did this and now i always Double check my thinners just in case..... I bet you do too!

I asked a client to lift her tits up during a tan :eek: I know like the back of my hand Im suposed to say boobs & honest i usually do! so god only knows why I said tits!!

& the most unprofessional therapist award goes too........ LOL
& the most unprofessional therapist award goes too........ LOL

Hmmm an almost do one better than that...was doing a Brazilian straight after my lunch I had a bit of chewing gum in what I'd forgotten about and as I was applying wax to the 'area' I opened my mouth to talk and the chewing gum fell right out onto my clients 'lady bits' total cringe fest!!

Plus side...don't think she noticed!!! X x x
Hmmm an almost do one better than that...was doing a Brazilian straight after my lunch I had a bit of chewing gum in what I'd forgotten about and as I was applying wax to the 'area' I opened my mouth to talk and the chewing gum fell right out onto my clients 'lady bits' total cringe fest!!

Plus side...don't think she noticed!!! X x x

Oh this is just my favourite hahaha xxx
Hmmm an almost do one better than that...was doing a Brazilian straight after my lunch I had a bit of chewing gum in what I'd forgotten about and as I was applying wax to the 'area' I opened my mouth to talk and the chewing gum fell right out onto my clients 'lady bits' total cringe fest!!

Plus side...don't think she noticed!!! X x x


Was feeling mega down about my hubby getting sent aboard the day after tomorrow for two months but this has just made me lol and I feel so much better now! I needed a good laugh!

Imagine it fell inside and got lost? (Too far? Lol.)
I had a new client the other day who had spent an hour telling me about her curtain making.

There was an awkward silence whilst removing her shellac and I said "so what do you do for a living?" "I just told you... I make curtains." "Oh, sorry! So that's your real job?"

She looked at me absolutely mortified, I felt really guilty! I honestly thought it was her hobby :/

Hmmm an almost do one better than that...was doing a Brazilian straight after my lunch I had a bit of chewing gum in what I'd forgotten about and as I was applying wax to the 'area' I opened my mouth to talk and the chewing gum fell right out onto my clients 'lady bits' total cringe fest!!

Plus side...don't think she noticed!!! X x x

Omg! That's hilarious! Glad I don't do lady bits! Xoxo

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