Everything getting me down...


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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2010
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South Wales UK
Sorry to have to share this with you all but I feel I need to before I loose me head. I seem to be struggling with a few different issues which are really getting me down...
I have had two customers come back to me this week with problems. No.1 - overlay on natural nails, have started 'peeling' off within one week and no.2 - full set of extensions, has lost two enhancements within one week also. I have them both coming back to me tomorrow but as I don't have much of an idea why these problems have occurred, Im sure as hell not going to know how to fix them! Some of my clients nails last really well and then others come back to me like this, I just cant understand what I could be doing so wrong as I do the same thing (almost, depending on the nails) for each person?!

Also, my nail art seems to be a great struggle at the mo, primarily creating stripes/flicks. I started off using NSI stripe rites which seems to be working quite effectively. However with 3 weeks they have gone gloopy, almost like porridge and are impossible to use. I read up on here about how others manage to create this sort of effect and then ordered a fine art striping brush from CND and a pot of acrylic paint from a craft shop. Th result - hopeless!

Im so so down with it all at the moment, I wish I had the cash available to start over and train with CND but all my money has been taken up in my course and products. I feel like giving up, but know Im better than that. Does anyone know where I stand with regards to the fee I paid for such bad training. I paid £600 (no kit) for a training course that was accredited by the guild of beauty therapists, making me think that it would be good. Can I get any money back?

So sorry to anyone who this may have annoyed, I realise Im going on

HI Nic

Smile - there are lots of great techs on here that will give you advice even tell you what you think you want to hear - go back to basics

How long ago was your course?

If you feel that you did not recieve adequate training, speak to your course provider and explain your position.

Please dont give up- it takes alot of practice, patience, tears and learning to become a good tech but one day it will click.

I personally am still learning and picking up new tricks and tips that is the beauty of this site.

But if you do need to go back and retrain do your homework on which systems you want to use for now until you are confident, until you earn your pennies and move on to another system.

There are stacks of nail companies around and there are techs from the majority I would imagine on here so do some searching, get some trade books and have a good read.

Good luck - you will be fine you see:)
Firstly Nic:hug::hug: dont let it beat you, how do you know its your fault? because they said? you need to see first to evaluate, look at clients nail plate to see if any trauma ask questions how it happend nails dont just fall off usually they would lift a little around eponychium or sidewalls then get ripped off by clients or nibbled off then be honest with yourself if you believe it was down to yourself ask why, use critical thinking WHY, too thick, too thin, was it your prep, too long for clients needs, wrong type tip used, or did you sculpt on form.

But dont let it beat you its how we learn by encountering problems and resolving, to many techs I listen to blame their clients before themselves, yes 9-10 times but if you really honest sometimes could be you /me iygwim. You will learn to sense these issues with experience and getting to know clients.

Dont stress go back to basics, I would forget nail art etc and concentrate on doing good L&P enhancments before you do other things, one thing at a time. I had loadsa issues in the begining believe me and it really got to me at one point but I lept going and practised and kept going back and was professional remained confident even though was wreck inside, I used this site got lots of info read journals, done 1-1 tuition, and its through that that has got to me to a point where I am happy with my technique (loads more I want to learn and do)

Dont give up, make it a good thing a learning curve, keep your chin up:)
Ok The reason i came on this forum a few days ago was because of the same thing - i only paid over 200 for mine, and felt disappointed! Espescially as i was promised after care (which i am sort of given but just one or 2 sentences in emails). I really nearly gave up after 2 people coming back to me - both extensions with 1 or 2 nails coming off... one of them i have since found out ripped one off when very drunk on her zip and the other when cutting hair (altho she claims she just noticed it on the floor but told my mum she caught it so....). I just cried and cried and told her and my partner that was it - no more! But after a few hrs after my pregnant hormonal outburst, i calmed down and sat to my pc to do some reading and research and came across this site (thank god!) And gradually, i have got some confience back.Now i have realised a cpl things i had 'forgotten', and so went back to my manual and re-read it, several times! I am going to write down a brief to do list for me to glance at during applications for the nx few times... I would say that if u have many happy clients, and it is only 1 or 2 nails then it could well be the client? I wish we could have a secret eye on them ;) I was like you, no confidence in my own work.I would say read ur manuals again and read everything u can re nails, go to youtube watch videos, see whether theres videos using the products u trained in, and click at the top of this page on menu, go to other, then tutorials, and click thru everything - and also articles.... Geeg recommended i did this and i havent stopped looking today! And learnt so so so much. U just need to get ur mojo back and keep practicing :) x
Katie could u advise where to find journals please?
Try subscribing to scratch magazine, get doug schoons book and gigi rouse's nail class, marian newmans they are great. This site will help you loads if you are willing to listen and learn.

Be your own best critique, you are on here so it shows you are willing to learn, thats good:):). Ask questions look on tutorials, there are lots of lovely very talented ladies and some blokes haha on here and they give you lots of free advice just take time to learn and be self critical at all times,,,we all been there (and I still am) it does get easier but only if you work hard. xx
Aww thanks so much to you all for the lovely replies. Feel much better already! I am such a perfectionist and think I am expecting far to much from myself to quickly. I have GiGi's nail class on order and cannot wait to sit down and study it. Think its time I cut myself some slack, gave myself some time to learn and also look into the possibility of retraining as soon as I can afford it. So good to know that Im not the only one that's cried some tears and got so worked up over the whole nail business. I want to be the best that I can be and am just so upset that I entered this business through the wrong door. I want my money back!!! Anyway, thanks again guys. xxxxx:hug:
I have had two customers come back to me this week with problems. No.1 - overlay on natural nails, have started 'peeling' off within one week and no.2 - full set of extensions, has lost two enhancements within one week also. I have them both coming back to me tomorrow but as I don't have much of an idea why these problems have occurred, Im sure as hell not going to know how to fix them! Some of my clients nails last really well and then others come back to me like this, I just cant understand what I could be doing so wrong as I do the same thing (almost, depending on the nails) for each person? Nic

First :hug::hug: sound like you need one or two.

Problems are a part of what we do because the difference in what we do are the clients who wear the products. Katie has given you good advice .. this is where you play detective and start off by asking, "What did you do to them?"
Faced withthis question, most clients 'fess up' and tell you!! :lol: Then you repair and charge for it. Clients need to come back for repairs from time to time .. doesn't mean you caused the damage and need to take responsibility for it ... THEY do. No freebies.

The 'peeling' nail? Same question. "What did you do to it?" Wasn't peeling when she left you was it? Something caused it to peel .. something the client did perhaps? They're not all peeling are they?

Only if the same problem/s is/are persistent and constant on many clients do you need to take a real long close look at what YOU may be doing to cause it. Otherwise it is down to 'client interference' one way or another.

Lastly, thank you for purchasing my book .. but remember .. it's not just a good read lol it is a work book. Sit down with it and practice the techniques until you master them one by one and you will be doing beautiful nails. Then do a CND conversion class and they will be even more beautiful!!! lol
Ninki glad ur feelin a little better :) I want to get Gigis book among others but i am spending a pretty penny today on getting new products to try, and dont think partner will be easily convinced if i say i need to spend more lmao.... i figure i need to start writing my xmas list tho ;) I never know what to get for xmas, so glad ive done my nail training cos i know this yr my list will be endless lol. I am addicted to this site now, been saving all the tutorials and articles i find and hwne my printers up n running I am going to keep a nice large portfolio.... theres a tutorial on prep, pink and whites, even down to holding ur brush correctly. Who wouldl have known there was such an art to it :p
Geeg, thanks so much for your reply, read it this morning just before I had a client in and it totally changed my frame of mind. Why I had convinced myself that it was all my fault i don't know. The girl who has two extensions come away hasnt come back but the 'peeler' came to have hers redone this afternoon. Turns out, they hadn't peeled as such, but the gel had lifted at the free edge and chipped back on the thumb, index & middle finger of both hands. The other four fingers were still perfect. She is a hairdresser and uses these three fingers constantly so I figure this would act as an appropriate explanation?! I am very much looking forward to reading & working through your book with a great deal of interest and time.

Emma thanks to you aswell, great idea about printing off tutorials, Im going to do the same. xxx
I'm so glad my post helped you !! :hug:

People who use the ends of their fingers allot in their work or hobbies or young mums etc ... DO THINGS to their nails ... that's the way it is. Imagine what their natural nails would look like if they weren't enhanced!! They need to take responsibility for the damage they cause or not wear nails if they can't take a little care of them or afford to have repairs done when needed.

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