Extraordinary Breast feeding!


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Here's my two penn'orth, The eight year old.... well I'm sorry but that was just plain creepy, what a weird family!!:eek: :eek:
As for breastfeeding in general... I had a traumatic birth when my daughter arrived, and lost a lot of blood, but because I had written a 'birth plan' and was a first time mother not knowing better, I had written that I wanted to breastfeed.
The midwives pushed and prodded me and keira seemed to be permanently attached for the first 5 days, by day 6 i was for walking out and leaving her there, I had had no sleep at all and was a complete wreck!!
The staff made me feel SOOO inadequate for resorting to bottlefeeding and I believe that this contributed to my postnatal depression.
So when the 'breast is best' force are out, please remember that all births are not the same and much as I would have liked to do it, physically, I just couldnt.
My kids are both fine and happy ,healthy kids, bottlefeeding seems to have done them no harm at all.
Like I said, this is just my opinion
wobbly said:
Here's my two penn'orth, The eight year old.... well I'm sorry but that was just plain creepy, what a weird family!!:eek: :eek:
As for breastfeeding in general... I had a traumatic birth when my daughter arrived, and lost a lot of blood, but because I had written a 'birth plan' and was a first time mother not knowing better, I had written that I wanted to breastfeed.
The midwives pushed and prodded me and keira seemed to be permanently attached for the first 5 days, by day 6 i was for walking out and leaving her there, I had had no sleep at all and was a complete wreck!!
The staff made me feel SOOO inadequate for resorting to bottlefeeding and I believe that this contributed to my postnatal depression.
So when the 'breast is best' force are out, please remember that all births are not the same and much as I would have liked to do it, physically, I just couldnt.
My kids are both fine and happy ,healthy kids, bottlefeeding seems to have done them no harm at all.
Like I said, this is just my opinion

I DO feel for mum's that have been in your position... it isn't easy (especially with the first one because you just don't know how to do it right:o )... I am glad I had the opportunity but again, had I been in your situation I am sure my reactions may have been different also. ;)
I saw this programme too. Not sure why I watched it but found the different views very interesting. I breast fed all 3 of my children. The first for 4 months, second for 5 months and the third for 6 months. I think that is a fairly natural time to feed till and that was the time that was right for me to stop. With regards to freedom, there is no rule that says you can't feed a child breast milk AND formula. With my last child I only fed her myself the night time feed in the last month, during the day she had formula plus she was on solids aswell.
I thought the mums feeding the 4 year old and the other feeding the 8 year old were doing it for all the wrong reasons.The 4 year old was still fed purely because the mum wanted to feed the adopted child. If the adoption process had been quicker I am sure the boy would not still have been breast fed at this age. :eek: I understood the woman's reasons behind feeding the adopted child but at this age she was a toddler and had not been breast fed so should have been adapted to accordingly.They were obviously still bonding without it.
The mum feeding the twins seemed fairly normal and wasn't strange at all. The young mum helping the new mothers and battling for being allowed to breast feed in public deserved a pat on the back for her services to educate new mothers. When educated, people are then allowed to make up their own minds. For some it is completely natural, others have no intention of doing it. Fair enough, but as long as mums are discreet then I don't see the problem with feeding your hungry child in public.What the women should have been fighting for was the right to have the choice, it isn't about whether breast or bottle are best.
However, feeding your child at 8 years old is taking the point a bit too far... far too many teeth at that stage!!!:lol:

Sorry if I just repeated what everyone else said...:o

Tori xxx

All my 5 boys were big babies - the smallest was 7 pound 10 and the largest 9 pound 10 - the midwives said even though breast was best I would need to top the boys up with a bottle as it was more filling - I did and it seemed to help. What I find really creepy is the Little Britain with the BITTY sketch -:eek:
I wish that I could have only breast fed but it just wouldn't have been enough - by the time I weaned them, it was the only time I got more than 2 hours sleep:sad:
i never watched the programme, but i don't think there's anything wrong in breastfeeding BABIES in public. its a natural thing to do.

HOWEVER my mate still breastfeeds her son at 4 yrs!!!!! not only do i find this horrible to watch, i think it creates a dependency between her and her son, and he has a tantrum until she gives in (she's one of those people who gives in to her kids and they rule her life!) and i don't think this is right.

Reminds me of the scene off Little Britain when the David Walliams character wants his mom's t!tty. I think there should be a cut off point by about 2!
I fed both my children myself, although i found it hard work especially with my first as you don't really know that much anyway i found it very fullfilling. Especially when they would go to get weighed and they'd gained weight. It made me feel proud of myself. The only reasons i stopped was due to MILK TEETH...:eek: I fed in public, and as you become more confident with breastfeeding you learnt to be more discreet,althoug i wouldn't feed in the middle of an isle in a supermarket for gods sake....lol, to me that was just making a statement.

As for the programme, I thought it was a well known fact that everyone (not just in Cumbria) prayed to the sun...lol :) didn't i tell ya'll that the weather has been a bit funny up here lately!!..:o
I watched the program and thought it was fascinating.

I think it's up to the individaul to breastfeed, but personally I just didn't want to do it and although some might think it being selfish all I wanted to do when I was pregnant was get my normal body back and get back to normal I was just so uncomfortable.

I don't regret not breastfeeding and My son is certainly none the worst for it, so I am glad I didn't.

I really admire women who breastfeed successfully - mainly because I failed! My son was 8lb 7oz at birth and was a hungry baby - had I known then what I know now I would have topped him up with a bottle, but at the time that was tantamount to poisoning him (in my screwed up, guilty mind!). So fed him for 9 weeks before I went a bit mental!!

My daughter (6lb 13oz) didn't want it!! I had plenty of milk but she screamed and arched away whenever I tried to latch her on, so only fed her for 6 days - but not for want of trying.....

I, like most others, think there is a natural point where it is good to stop (between 12 and 24 months seems good), and feeding in public is perfectly natural and should not be frowned upon. Women who don't breastfeed should not be condemned out of hand - there are many reasons it doesn't work.

Interesting programme and interesting discussion on this thread!

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